Will against new Jackson album

edited January 1970 in News
(UKPA) – 35 minutes ago

Will.i.am thinks a new Michael Jackson album featuring unreleased material from the late King of Pop is a bad idea, and that Jacko himself would have been against it.
The Black Eyed Peas frontman, who worked with Jackson in the past, is vehemently opposed to the album, which is expected by the end of the year, and will be culled from unreleased material in the Thriller star's vaults.
"I don't think that should ever come out. That's bad," Will said. "He was a perfectionist and he wouldn't have wanted it that way. How you gonna release Michael Jackson when Michael Jackson ain't here to bless it?"
Will.i.am collaborated with Jackson on the re-release of Thriller in 2008, with remixed versions of some of the album's classic songs. He said Jackson was very particular about all aspects of his musical productions, from his vocals to arrangements to instrumentation.
"Now that he is not part of the process, what are they doing? Why would you put a record out like that? Because he was a friend of mine, I just think that's disrespectful," he said. "What's wrong with what he already contributed to the world?"
The Jackson estate did not respond to a request for comment.
When asked about the high demand for any new Jackson music, Will replied: "So what? You don't disrespect someone when they're gone ... How much can you suck from his energy? ... Freaking parasites!"
Not much is known about what will be on the album, but Michael's brother Jackie has said he and brother Marlon are working on the record with John McClain, Jackson's former manager and executor of his estate.

Copyright © 2010 The Press Association. All rights reserved.


  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Will.i.am doesn't support new Michael Jackson album, says 'parasites' are behind it
    Published: Tuesday, August 03, 2010, 10:07 AM Updated: Tuesday, August 03, 2010, 10:10 AM

    NEW YORK (AP) — A new Michael Jackson album is expected by the end of the year, culled from unreleased material in his vaults. But Jackson collaborator and Black Eyed Peas frontman will.i.am is vehemently opposed to the idea.

    “I don’t think that should ever come out. That’s bad,” he said. “He was a perfectionist and he wouldn’t have wanted it that way. How you gonna release Michael Jackson when Michael Jackson ain’t here to bless it?”
    Will.i.am collaborated with Jackson on the rerelease of “Thriller” in 2008 with remixed versions of some of the album’s classic songs. He said Jackson was very particular about all aspects of his musical productions, from his vocals to arrangements to instrumentation.
    “Now that he is not part of the process, what are they doing? Why would you put a record out like that? Because he was a friend of mine, I just think that’s disrespectful,” he said. “What’s wrong with what he already contributed to the world?”

    The Jackson estate did not respond to a request for comment.
    When asked about the high demand for any new Jackson music, will.i.am replied: “So what? You don’t disrespect someone when they’re gone. ... How much can you suck from his energy? ... Freaking parasites!”
    Not much is known about what will be on the album, but Michael’s brother Jackie has said he and brother Marlon were working on the record with John McClain, Jackson’s former manager and executor of his estate.
    <!-- m -->http://www.silive.com/entertainment/mus ... w_mic.html<!-- m -->
  • Double post: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=25&t=12974<!-- l -->
  • Hazzley, I merged the topics to avoid a double thread...So now we have 2 different articles on Will I am, ok? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Hazzley, I merged the topics to avoid a double thread...So now we have 2 different articles on Will I am, ok? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Oh ok
    That's fine with me =)
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    "He was a perfectionist and he wouldn't have wanted it that way. How you gonna release Michael Jackson when Michael Jackson ain't here to bless it?"

    LOL, yes how do you do that? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • mjjglorymjjglory Posts: 58
    Well, maybe it's not good of me but I 'm eager to get this new album. I want to listen to new Michael's music. I know Michael is a perfectionist and that's why I don't think the estate will choose the unfinished stuff for the new album.

    Maybe Will. I. Am simply knows Michael's new music is perfect and will have a great success and he simply envies Michael. Just a thought.
  • hopehope Posts: 543
    I agree with him 100%. I said those almost exact words to a friend a couple of days ago...freaky. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • Interesting. Looks like some people will buy this new album, with "previously unreleased" material. I will not. There is many "previously unreleased MJ material" on the web, and most of it is not by Michael <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> .

    Insiders also said that most of Michael's own "unreleased" material is from the late 90s.
    There's far too many doubles, impersonators, look-alikes, dance-alikes (and some real good ones!), sing-alikes (e.g. Malachi). And, I don't trust SONY <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: -->
  • (UKPA) – 35 minutes ago

    Will.i.am thinks a new Michael Jackson album featuring unreleased material from the late King of Pop is a bad idea, and that Jacko himself would have been against it.
    The Black Eyed Peas frontman, who worked with Jackson in the past, is vehemently opposed to the album, which is expected by the end of the year, and will be culled from unreleased material in the Thriller star's vaults.
    "I don't think that should ever come out. That's bad," Will said. "He was a perfectionist and he wouldn't have wanted it that way. How you gonna release Michael Jackson when Michael Jackson ain't here to bless it?"
    Will.i.am collaborated with Jackson on the re-release of Thriller in 2008, with remixed versions of some of the album's classic songs. He said Jackson was very particular about all aspects of his musical productions, from his vocals to arrangements to instrumentation.
    "Now that he is not part of the process, what are they doing? Why would you put a record out like that? Because he was a friend of mine, I just think that's disrespectful," he said. "What's wrong with what he already contributed to the world?"
    The Jackson estate did not respond to a request for comment.
    When asked about the high demand for any new Jackson music, Will replied: "So what? You don't disrespect someone when they're gone ... How much can you suck from his energy? ... Freaking parasites!"
    Not much is known about what will be on the album, but Michael's brother Jackie has said he and brother Marlon are working on the record with John McClain, Jackson's former manager and executor of his estate.

    Copyright © 2010 The Press Association. All rights reserved.

    So, if I read this right, Will I. Am must also believe that the release of TII was a bad idea. I'm not sure what to think - he does make some good points. I don't want to be considered a parasite... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Jodi Gomes on Facebook :

    Jodi Gomes : " What are your thoughts on this as an MJ Fan? Knowing what I know, MJ
    wouldn't release the material because his love of the craft and EXCEEDING his fans expectations was key to his soul. HE was his music and nobody else can achieve that. But the demand for
    his new music is beyond anybody's understanding and if it benefits his children, I'm for it. If it doesn't.."
  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    I have been thinking about this for a while and I have come to the conclusion that I don't really want to hear new "old music". What was cut from the past albums, Michael wanted cut for a reason so I want to respect those wishes. The last thing I want for mj is for him to be judged yet again and give critics a change to say negative things. I do want to help his kids though but maybe there is already enough money flying around that they should be fine right. So no I agree with Will.i.am. And I hope he meant sony was the parasite not the fans. The fans aren't parasites just desperate to hear his voice sing again. I would love to hear the music he collaborated on lately though. Hopefully he left instructions that it was ok to release the recent albums with the collaborations with Will.i.am and Akon and whoever else.
  • hopehope Posts: 543
    Michael was/is a perfectionist and perfected his music and albums himself before releasing them. To have someone, other than Michael himself, release any of his music without he himself okaying it, does not sit well with me. I would always wonder if he is ok with me listening to it. I feel that way everytime I hear TII. As anxious as I am to hear any new MJ music, I DO NOT feel comfortable with sony, McClane, Jackie and Marlon putting it out there. If Michael cannot release his own music, then nobody should. I would feel better waiting a few years and letting his children release it.
  • Looks like Will I Am isn't in the loop. Unless theres a hidden messages to this that will be more obvious as time goes on.
  • He makes some good points....Of course the fans want it, they want anything with MJ's name on it and the "parasites" are more than happy to provide it <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
    But didn't LaToya take some songs from his house the day after he died? Did she do it so she could release them now? I sure hope this is a hoax and it's all in Mj's plan ..otherwise...it's just all too sick. I feel sorry for those kids, if he's really gone.
    I'm still optimistic though...maybe Will I am will end up supporting it, which would mean another "point" for the hoax <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> We'll see.
  • I don't support Sony so I know I won't be getting it.
  • ScreamScream Posts: 203
    It's only going to be mostly full of material that we've all all heard before because it's been leaked on the internet, so I'm not going to be wasting money on it when I can easily download the couple of tracks on the album that I don't have for free.
  • http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21/20100803/ten-will-against-new-jackson-album-5f8abb3.html

    Will.i.am thinks a new Michael Jackson album featuring unreleased material from the late King of Pop is a bad idea, and that Jacko himself would have been against it.

    The Black Eyed Peas frontman, who worked with Jackson in the past, is vehemently opposed to the album, which is expected by the end of the year, and will be culled from unreleased material in the Thriller star's vaults.

    "I don't think that should ever come out. That's bad," Will said. "He was a perfectionist and he wouldn't have wanted it that way. How you gonna release Michael Jackson when Michael Jackson ain't here to bless it?"

    Will.i.am collaborated with Jackson on the re-release of Thriller in 2008, with remixed versions of some of the album's classic songs. He said Jackson was very particular about all aspects of his musical productions, from his vocals to arrangements to instrumentation.

    "Now that he is not part of the process, what are they doing? Why would you put a record out like that? Because he was a friend of mine, I just think that's disrespectful," he said. "What's wrong with what he already contributed to the world?"

    The Jackson estate did not respond to a request for comment.

    When asked about the high demand for any new Jackson music, Will replied: "So what? You don't disrespect someone when they're gone ... How much can you suck from his energy? ... Freaking parasites!"

    Not much is known about what will be on the album, but Michael's brother Jackie has said he and brother Marlon are working on the record with John McClain, Jackson's former manager and executor of his estate.
  • I don't support Sony so I know I won't be getting it.
    good for you! We need more people like that!....I bought my son an MP3 player for his birthday, the sony one was a little cheaper but I DIDN'T buy it just for MJ...
  • I fully support the new music coming out. I can't remember where I read it, but didn't MJ say he had music saved up for his kids? He wanted them to have it so they could release it when he died. I don't know if that was the exact wording, but I can say that John McClain knows MJ better than almost anyone in the studio so I fully trust him to do well by MJ as far as the music.
    Also most of the money is going to go to the children, so I'm all for that.

    I understand Will I Am, but I trust that MJ made sure his music was in good hands, hence the reason why he named John McClain as a trustee.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    And I want to hear the lyrics of these new songs.
    Who says that Michael is not behind all these arrangements?
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    Will.i.am knows the industry. We all know what happened when Michael was in cahoots with SONY.
    You can make a great statement if all MJ-fans support Will.i.am. and boycott the new album.
    I 'm not gonna buy it.
    And don't worry about Michael's kids, They wont be hungry.
    So... i still say *&^% SONY.
  • Will.i.am knows the industry. We all know what happened when Michael was in cahoots with SONY.
    You can make a great statement if all MJ-fans support Will.i.am. and boycott the new album.
    I 'm not gonna buy it.
    And don't worry about Michael's kids, They wont be hungry.
    So... i still say *&^% SONY.
    It has nothing to do with the kids being hungry. If you believe MJ hoaxed his death, do you think he was stupid enough to not make sure his songs and his legacy were well taken care of? If you think the Sony deal is bad then you have to believe MJ is not in control and I think differently. He has the biggest record deal ever and he gets to do it without the pressure of touring or having those record execs down his back. He's in control and he knows what he's doing when he went into business with Sony
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    Will.i.am knows the industry. We all know what happened when Michael was in cahoots with SONY.
    You can make a great statement if all MJ-fans support Will.i.am. and boycott the new album.
    I 'm not gonna buy it.
    And don't worry about Michael's kids, They wont be hungry.
    So... i still say *&^% SONY.
    It has nothing to do with the kids being hungry. If you believe MJ hoaxed his death, do you think he was stupid enough to not make sure his songs and his legacy were well taken care of? If you think the Sony deal is bad then you have to believe MJ is not in control and I think differently. He has the biggest record deal ever and he gets to do it without the pressure of touring or having those record execs down his back. He's in control and he knows what he's doing when he went into business with Sony

    What if Michael wants to expose SONY?
    Ever thought of that possibility?
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    I fully support the new music coming out. I can't remember where I read it, but didn't MJ say he had music saved up for his kids? He wanted them to have it so they could release it when he died. I don't know if that was the exact wording, but I can say that John McClain knows MJ better than almost anyone in the studio so I fully trust him to do well by MJ as far as the music.
    Also most of the money is going to go to the children, so I'm all for that.

    I understand Will I Am, but I trust that MJ made sure his music was in good hands, hence the reason why he named John McClain as a trustee.

    Halperin predicted the death of MJ and said that MJ had 200 songs saved up for his kids.
    Halperin is a tabloidjournalist who claimed that he met "insiders" from MJ's camp. Posing as a gay-hairdresser> I wonder if Karen Faye have seen him <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> ( poor Karen..)
    I have mixed feelings about that guy. I dont know, he told a lot of shit. But its very typicall that he said those things.

    I support Will.I.am. He knows who the parasites are. And i trust Will.I.Am more than tabloidjournalists like Halperin where i have mixed feelings about.
    Its Will's time now.

  • And I want to hear the lyrics of these new songs.
    Who says that Michael is not behind all these arrangements?

    Bingo <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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