Thriller (new sound added) Coincendence

dragonflyliliesdragonflylilies Posts: 608
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I was listening to "Blood on the Dance Floor" cd this weekend and I noticed something that I had not noticed before.
In the movie, when they are rehearsing Thriller and MJ is being raised on the stage dancing. There is a really cool beat to it. At first I thought it was just something new that he has added. But, after listening to "Morphine", it is the same beat, Thriller is just a bit more jazzed up in the movie.
I know we discussed the 33 clues thing before and maybe this is one of the. Thriller and Morphine being mixed together. He might have done this on purpose to see if anyone would link it together.
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I think this is embedded and I have no idea how to put the video on here for you all to just click on it. If it doesnt work. I typed in Michael Jackson Morphine and then Michael Jackson this is it Thriller. The one for Thriller is cut version- threatened.


  • Yes, the sound that you hear at the end of thriller in TII is Threatened from the Invincible album.
  • Yes, the sound that you hear at the end of thriller in TII is Threatened from the Invincible album.

    Yep that is exactly right!
    I LOVE that part of TII
    Man does Michael know how to move and groove
    That part of the movie is one of the best truly
  • So is Threatened and Morphine one of the same on BOTDF cd? On the CD cover it just lists Morphine and it has that beat on it. I am kinda confused now <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Anywho, I had heard Morphine a long time ago. Now, I absolutely love it!!! My family cringe every time they get into my car because that song is blarring when I start the car.
  • So is Threatened and Morphine one of the same on BOTDF cd? On the CD cover it just lists Morphine and it has that beat on it. I am kinda confused now <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Anywho, I had heard Morphine a long time ago. Now, I absolutely love it!!! My family cringe every time they get into my car because that song is blarring when I start the car.

    Actually dragonflylillies, Threatened and Morphine are two different songs. Threatened is the last track on the Invincible album (which in my opinion is probably the best album he ever produced). Morphine, as you say, is off the BOTDF album. The music in the two songs are a little similar, but it's definitely Threatened that's been integrated into the end of Thriller in TII. Hope this helps.

    It's all for L.O.V.E.
  • Mhm, when I watched TII with my friends the first few times they did not know "Threatened" because I guess it's one of his less popular songs and they thought it was just a Thriller remix. But I said no it's a song off his Invincible album! I knew it the first second I heard it and I played the song for them and they all loved the beat <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I agree I definitely love that part of the movie, it's a great beat and makes me wanna dance!!
  • Thank you.
    Do any of you think it is a coincendence that those two songs are morphed together? Threatened and Thriller. I love how he put those two songs together, but maybe it is a clue or something for his fans to pick up on.
  • Steph22Steph22 Posts: 150
    Sorry guys, I'm a little late in this thread. I just got around reading so much of this forum and now I ended up here. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I hope nobody minds that I bring this up again.

    When I first watched the TII DVD I LOOOOOVED the last part of Thriller where this new sound was added. I really like Mike's dancing in that part. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I didn't know back then what it was. It was later when I figured out it's the sound of "Threatened". What I find very interesting of the song "Threatened" is the last spoken part. Now of course it's not in the movie but I thought I bring it up anyways.

    "What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare.
    It isn’t. It’s the beginning."

    This line makes me think that the sound from "Threatened" is put into the movie on purpose. After all, it was the beginning of a terrifying nightmare with Mike "dying" and everything. It's like the second part of Thriller. Now, it says it is only the beginning. So there has to be an end to this nightmare. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • happythoughtshappythoughts Posts: 334
    If you listen to Threatened, near the end he says "I'm not dead yet". It's not in the official lyrics but it's fairly easy to hear if you're really listening.
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