Revisiting "Following the Money Trail"

lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
edited January 1970 in News
So yesterday I was in the shower (I get a lot of inspiration in the shower LOL) and I was hit with “follow the money trail”. Now I couldn’t remember who spoke about this before but I was impressed that this is what we should do.

Then I remembered this being discussed a long time ago on MJHDI

So I did a search and wanted to bring up some things

February 9, 2010:

While I don’t agree in believing MJ is dead, I do believe we need to follow the money to find the truth.

June 25, 2010:

This was posted on TMZ on the anniversary of MJ’s death! You think it might be important? Big and bold – Follow the Michael Jackson Money Trail

Well today is the anniversary of Marilyn Monroe’s death. Someone either on Twitter or MJHDI said I wonder what tomorrow will bring seeing it is the anniversary of her death.

Then this morning I check on and the first headline I saw was “Oksana Grigorieva -- Follow the Money”

Again… a death anniversary and a plead to follow the money.

I know RitaHayworth summed it up beautifully:

So some of you have been looking into this already. I admittedly have not as I’ve been clue and message focussed.

So I’m going to be shifting a bit to see where the money comes from, where it’s going, who it’s benefitting, etc. I’m asking those of you who have already looked into this to share with me on this thread what you have found.

Thanks in advance for your help!

PS August is a busy month for questionable deaths
August 5th - Marilyn Monroe
August 16th - Elvis Presley
August 31st - Princess Diana


  • Good luck! I think you are right on. In my mind, the whole Sony debacle and the child molestation trial has to be linked to money. Money does make the world go round; I'd like to believe it's love and maybe in the end, Michael can prove that it's love. But I think the only way he can be totally restored (none of this makes sense if he isn't) is to uncover the reasons for the literally dismantling of his career and his finances and ultimately his life. The money will lead us to that. I have a hard time with the "TS" thing because I can't tie any of the comments to the money motive. I think it's led us down some trails that don't compute. But that's just my jaded opinion. I do believe that TMZ has been giving us clues and the casino ploy is another's all about the money and the will is an integral part of it. I think Katherine is the quarterback on the field and Michael is in the booth with headphones...literally.
  • wow this is interesting i will be watching this thread.
    makes me think of that movie --- where the football player keeps saying SHOW ME THE MONEY.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Well this is indeed interesting. I have seen it as well, and it puzzles me. Besides the leeches that are making money over his 'dead' body like Schaffel and Rowe, Schmuley and all those, it's hard to see who pays and who gains, mostly because we just don't know which stories are true and which aren't.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    lilwendy, if we are going to work, here in the forum are the summary of all the news from TMZ, we should look there. If money is to blame for many evils in this world.
  • This is what I could find on this subject that struck me as important.


    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=24&t=11181<!-- l -->


    Julien Auction proceeds and MusiCares/J Branca connection
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=25&t=9166<!-- l -->

    Ratner / Malnik / Motolla
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=25&t=4236<!-- l -->

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    I also think that Scientology has alot to do with the downfall or the beg. of MJ’s downfall and set up.

    Do a Scientology search results

    I can’t help but to keep thinking about all the similarities between Elvis and MJ.
    So I search Linda’s website for relevant info and these always stand out to me.

    I read them and just insert Michael’s name where Jesse/Elvis name is and it fits to find clues.

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    I do want to emphasize very strongly the importance of the mentions of numerology in Jesse's introduction to his book. Jesse wanted the readers to see that he was handing them the information and the tool which they would need to decipher that date 8-16-1977 and recognize that only Elvis himself would have understood and known the many, many significant numbers derived from that "Perfect Date". This was his way of proving to each reader that he really is Elvis. The numbers don't lie.

    You will see as you read on that 8-16-1977 was indeed "THE PERFECT DAY". Elvis said many times that he could feel God directing his life...and so he knew that this date was given to him by God as a sign.

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    Elvis/Jesse has suggested that we watch all of his movies with the idea in mind to look for significant numbers within the movies...such as the gravestone in "Loving You". I have found the numbers which he referred to in Jail House Rock. As you can see, the numbers behind and to the left of him 1313 again add up to the "8".

    I spoke with Elvis/Jesse this week and we discussed something which he had brought up in our last prior conversation. It is involving Numerology which is a topic to which he wants his fans to pay attention. I promise that anyone, who takes the time to look back over the dates and name numbers in Elvis' life, will readily recognize why he trusts in and uses Numerology in his life still to this day. It is very fascinating once one looks into it. Also, I feel that most people will be like me... begin seeing that numbers have had a very strong influence in their own life... even when they were totally unaware of it.

    He told me in our prior conversation that the gravestone in the movie "Loving You" even correlated with the August 16, 1977 date. I recalled that somewhere, in his book, he had mentioned that we all should look at the numbers in all of his movies. Since I have been primarily using my copy of the rough draft for references in doing this web site, it wasn't until yesterday that I remembered that there are several letters from Jesse in the published book which do not exist in my rough draft. I received my copy of the rough draft on September 20, 2000. The letters which I did not look at for a very long time were written by Jesse to Dr. Hinton after the rough draft was sent to me, and so there were more pages added to the book after I received my rough draft copy. I recalled that somewhere in the book, Jesse made the comments about checking out the numbers in his movies. But, I had totally forgotten that he specifically mentioned the gravestone in "Loving You". So, when I did not find the comment about the movies in my copy of the draft, I went looking in the published book and found that it was in one of the letters which Jesse wrote to Dr. Hinton in October, 2000.

    I will place below the copies of several more letters from Jesse. In these letters, you will see that he greatly stresses the importance of Numerology.
    *I do have the handwritten copy of one of the typed letters below and I will insert it at the very end of this article.

    He has asked me to be his spokesperson and his "voice". So, I always want to make sure that I am putting the emphasis on the points which he wants to get across. The two most important thoughts which he definitely wants the fans to know are:

    (1) The very significant part which Numerology has played in all of his life... even before he knew anything about Numerology i.e. the numerical translation of his name, the date of his birth, the number of times that the number 18 occurred in his life such as his year of birth 1+9+3+5 = 18, and the month and day of his birth 1-8...on and on.

    (2) His "dying" was not done as a hoax,..he had to do so in order to even continue to physically survive. His life was in such a state of misery and he knew the only way to save his life was to "die". So he "died" in order that he might truly Jesse.

    If everyone will just stop and digest this gift which Elvis has just given us, surely the bickering can stop and everyone can just be so happy for him...and happy for each other, we who love him so much.
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    I have attempted to convince people that there are so many, many reasons why I KNOW that Jesse is Elvis. Much of what he shared with me was over the phone, so I cannot prove that. There are his letters to me, but again, I will not place any of his private letters on my web site with out his explicit permission. That would be a betrayal of his trust.

    But, in thinking back, I have been able to locate an example of the fact that he knew things and told us things which were going to be taking place LONG before the events were public knowledge in any way.

    I have located one of his letters to Dr. Hinton in which he stated a fact that I can document showing that he is aware of private information prior to anyone knowing about it.

    I will insert below full copies of two pages of a letter which Jesse wrote on May 13, 1999. In this letter, he states that there is going to be something in the news about Graceland and there is nothing he can do about it. In October, 1999 (five months after Jesse told us this), the huge auction of very private memorabilia took place. I will insert several Internet articles which document the dates of the auction.

    Obviously this was not something of which Elvis/Jesse approved. It never made sense for them to sell such a huge lot of his personal possessions. <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->

    It was after this that Elvis/Jesse made the trip to Memphis and to Graceland to retrieve the pair of cuff links which he later sent to Dr. Hinton for Christmas in that same year...1999. Farther below you will see excerpts from the Christmas note which he sent to Dr. Hinton accompanying the cuff links in which he references not wanting them "to be sold in any auction". <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->

    <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
    I only copied some things from her website. If you click the links and go to those pages and read everything there it will make alot of sense on how useful it will be to us to find clues from MJ.

    I hope this helps. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • This info might be helpful:

    <!-- m -->http://michaeljacksonnotdead.wordpress. ... ficulties/<!-- m -->
  • and, what about this: <!-- m --> ... -pans.html<!-- m -->

    What exactly happened to Kingdom Entertainment more than what has been said, which is very little. Why did such an important friendship fizzle --- or did it?
  • Scientology connections.
    <!-- m --> ... 0516.shtml<!-- m -->

    By Entertainment News Staff, -
    29th of March 2006, 11:09 GMT

    Michael Jackson's Home to Become A Retreat for Scientologists

    The Church of Scientology found Neverland and is interested in buying it.
    Rarely there has been a religious movement that attracted the attention of tabloids as much as the Church of Scientology. And Tom Cruise isn't the only one to take the blame for that. Lately other famous scientologists went in to the spotlight as Isaac Hayes, South Park's well-known voice of Chef, has left the animated series crew after the release of an episode depicting in an acid manner the church's beliefs.

    Another story related to the subject came to the public's attention recently.

    The National Enquirer reported that the Church of Scientology is interested in buying the Neverland Ranch, Michael Jackson's retreat from the world.
    That would be quite a turn of events and it would certainly bring at least a smile on many people's faces. You have to admit you'll rarely find a more amusing situation than to see former playground and possibly the world's greatest museum of oddities becoming Tom Cruise's leisure spot.

    Another humorous fact is that there are some connections between The Church of Scientology and Michael Jackson. Mike Luckman, director of the New York Center for Extraterrestrial Research and author of Alien Rock: The Rock 'n' Roll Extraterrestrial Connection, recently told Daily News' Lloyd Grove about an interesting conversation with Jackson that took place during a visit to the famed magic store Abracadabra.

    "Michael indicated to me that he is open to making contact with otherworldly beings," Luckman said.

    One of the beliefs of the Church of Scientology is that the beginning of life on Earth is strongly connected with the existence of some mysterious extraterrestrial beings.

    <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
    <!-- m --> ... h-looters/<!-- m -->
    Neverland Ranch Looted: Michael Jackson Hires Neverland Ranch Looters
    March 7th, 2008 by Castina

    Michael Jackson hired looters to “clean out” his abandoned Neverland Ranch in an effort to prevent many prized personal belongings from ending up on the auction block when the property falls to foreclosure later this month. The auction of the 2,800-acre Santa Maria County, California ranch would include all personal property, including furniture, rides and games.

    “Michael was livid. He had been doing everything he could to pay off the taxes and loans to keep the property,” an insider told The National Enquirer.

    “He instructed some close associates to remove some belongings at the estate so they wouldn’t face the auction block. The associates apparently got a little carried away – they ended up pillaging the place.”

    “Some rooms are empty. But the rusting Ferris wheel is still out there. It’s going to take a crane to remove it.”

    <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
    Michael Jackson: Joe Jackson turns to Presleys for Neverland transformation
    <!-- m --> ... 9072063674<!-- m -->

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    I personally don't like to dig into the financial aspect of Michael's affairs but, since I did a little digging around it seems that Michael didn't want to Auction his Neverland belongings nor sell his Neverland property even though he didn't want to live there anymore.

    I am playing catch up on this stuff due to the fact that I was not interested in knowing this dirt on Michael while it was happening but, now this is a different reason for me to be nosey. Helping to correct injustices done to him.

    He was set up, and forced to sell his stuff, IMO.

    I realize the information is from questionable sources but, take from it the important info and forget where it comes from.

  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    Andrea started this thread: and I posted the following response

    There are some very interesting youtube clips on there that appear to tie in a lot of the things that we've been noticing.
  • wow this is interesting i will be watching this thread.
    makes me think of that movie --- where the football player keeps saying SHOW ME THE MONEY.
    Hello this Line: "SHOW ME THE MONEY" it is from JERRY MAGUIRE movie,with Tom Cruise.
    In this movie is also a line that I like very much: "HELP ME TO HELP YOU".
    Talking about MONEY,this reminded me about somethig I saw on internet,last year.On CNN site it was a video about Mj "death".I dont remember exactly who were the persons ,but it was someone from Mj "circle".They said that Mj was not a "saint",he had his fails just like everyone of us and was this kind of person: LOVE ME TO, PAY YOU!!!!!!!!!!
    Can you imagine that???? He paid people to love him?????
    I dont believe that,but this reminded me about Gotham Chopra ,who told that Mj always had bags with money:

    "After we were done with those sessions - they'd usually go until about 2 AM or so - Michael would wander into the bathroom and come out with a sack he'd pulled out from under the toilet. In it, he kept several thousands of dollars. He'd ask me how much I wanted. I just sort of shrugged and he'd hand me a couple of thousand dollars. Soon, I'd be packing my dictionaries and thesauri and rhyming books in my backpack, calling my friends and telling them to meet me downtown. Within an hour, we'd be at Flashdancers "making it rain."

    I hope this story its a part of the Hoax!!!! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Love you all,my friends!!!!

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    Travolta, Cruise and other celebrities con fans and media
    FACTNet alert October 15, 1998

    A director of FACTNet recently spent 20 hours interviewing former high-level Scientologist Jesse Prince . Jesse was second in command of all Scientology's operations worldwide. In these conversations, Jesse disclosed information never previously revealed on Scientology's celebrities.

    The following synopsis on Scientology's celebrities is a condensation of information from Jesse Prince and other Scientology defectors.

    Celebrities' Endorsements of Scientology a Scam
    Scientology's celebrities are running a global scam on their fans and on the media. Stars like John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Chick Corea, Kirstie Alley, Nicole Kidman, Kelly Preston, Priscilla Presley, Lisa Presley, and others are secretly being given lucrative compensation for endorsing Scientology. In the recent film The Truman Show, Truman's wife incessantly pitched ads for household items, while her unaware husband was convinced she was simply stating her sincere fondness for the goods. In the same way, star Scientologists have betrayed their fans and hoodwinked interviewers by acting as though glowing endorsements of Scientology are strictly from the heart, of their own accord, and certainly not paid Scientology advertisements.

    In reality, Scientology's celebrities are compensated richly for endorsements with:

    Free Scientology services costing up to $1,000 dollars per hour. John Travolta alone has had in excess of $100,000 of free services in compensation.

    Commissions of up to 10% for bringing people into Scientology (who subsequently pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for Scientology's services).

    One or more Scientology staff being sent to travel full time with celebrities as "support," at Scientology's expense.

    Free luxury accommodations and carte blanc use of the finest Scientology facilities and properties. Scientology's current leader David Miscavige learned that after Tom Cruise divorced Mimi Rogers, he was persuing Nicole Kidman. Miscavige also learns that Cruise has a fantasy of running through a field of tall wheat grass with Kidman. So, Miscavige orders a section of Scientology's desert compound in Giman Hot Springs to be plowed under and planted with wheat. At a cost of tens of thousands of dollars, and through the slave labor of cult members who work all day and all night for weeks, a field of tall wheat grass is grown in the desert so that Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman may run though it. During their visit, Cruise and Kidman are provided the additional luxuries of a specially prepared suite, maids, and two four-star chefs, all at scientology's expense as a quid pro quo exchange for Cruise's endorsements of Scientology.

    Marriages and Divorces Arranged
    Scientology actively helps arrange celebrities' divorces and marriages when Scientology deems them beneficial to Scientology.

    Scientology arranged Tom Cruise's entire divorce from Mimi Rogers for no charge. The cult knows Cruise is dyslectic and has difficulty reading and so "convinced" him to let them handle his bookkeeping and the divorce from Mimi Rogers. Orchestrating this divorce was important to Scientology because Rogers was disaffected from Scientology; thus it was in Scientology's interest to distance Cruise from her. In managing the divorce for Cruise, Scientology still had enough influence over Mimi Rogers to convince her to accept a relatively paltry $10 million for the settlement.

    <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: --> Scientology also helped Lisa Marie Presley arrange her marriage to Michael Jackson. The idea was to make Jackson a Scientologist so he would become a recruiter and bring large numbers of youth into Scientology. While she was working on Michael Jackson, Presley inconveniently was already married, and to a Scientologist staff member. Scientology quickly ordered a divorce, so the Michael Jackson recruiting plan could go forward. <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->

    DIRTY DEVILS. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    My other post which references Jesse Prince Affidavit; this quote is from this thread:
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=18&t=13134<!-- l -->
    I wonder, why does Priscilla and Lisa Marie still go to SC ?
    This is till scary to me.

    Ok so I did some digging on this subject because I have felt in my gut for along time that Scientology is DIRTY and a EVIL/CULT. I also feel that they are a MIND CONTROL type of CHURCH/CULT.

    When Tom kept referring to KSW, I was curious as to what he was meaning so I did a search and found the following info:

    Affidavit of Jesse Prince (20 August 1999)
    <!-- m --> ... 20.html#38<!-- m -->

    7. Some of my specific duties as Deputy Inspector General, External, included supervising all litigation by or against any Scientology organization, intelligence and covert operations brought against perceived or imagined "enemies", trademark registrations, and the licensing of trademarks to other Scientology corporations to create the false impression of "corporate integrity". I was also in charge of the "Celeb Project," which ran all auditing of Scientology celebrities, such as John Travolta, Priscilla Presley, Kirstie Alley, Anne Archer, and Chick Corea to name a few. I was also the auditor for David Miscavige and his wife, Shelly. I was the course instructor for all of the auditing courses for Alain Kartuzinski and his Cramming Officer for Class 10, 11, and 12, 12 being the highest level an auditor can reach.

    11. By Scientology standards, I was a very highly trained auditor and case supervisor. An auditor in Scientology is a trained practitioner of the pseudo scientific methodology of psychological counseling commonly referred to as "The Tech," as dictated and written by Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard. A case supervisor is also a trained auditor who reads the "auditing" records of every counseling session performed by an auditor to ensure "The Tech" was applied exactly. In Scientology there are 12 levels of auditor and case supervisor classification, each level being "higher" than the next. In this system, I was certified as a Class 9 Auditor and a certified Class 9 Case Supervisor.

    18. A "Pre-Clear" file is one of the several files kept on members. The Pre-Clear file is the file that includes all written records of all "confessionals" done by the member. This means that it includes not only the most self-damaging material, but it also reflects every problem the person might have had with the organization, including complaints. This Pre-Clear file grows with the person's tenure in Scientology.

    23. Members of Scientology are induced to confess to acts that, if not outright criminal, are embarrassing or possibly destructive to the person's job, marriage or profession. For example, shoplifting, adultery, masturbation, homosexuality, drug abuse, or any other potentially embarrassing or illegal matters are recorded. Members are urged to write down these compromising facts in their own handwriting, under the guise that it is a "religious confessional" for the member's good. The truth is that these "confessions" are kept to blackmail and extort members should they dare to speak out against Scientology. Members are also coerced to sign documents that are self-damaging in order to protect Scientology in case they dare to leave its control and speak the damaging truth. I know all this to be true, because I watched this done to others; I did it to others; and it was done to me.

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    This is a book called A Piece of Big Blue Sky
    Scientology, Dianetics, & L. Ron Hubbard Exposed.
    <!-- m --> ... index.html<!-- m -->

    So there is plenty of reasons WHY many celebs and especially Priscilla and Lisa Marie wouldn't be so quick to leave the Church.
    They are being black mailed and:

    Why are they dead, Scientology?
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  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Im_convincedmjalive, this matter of Scientology is very interesting, thanks for posting <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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