Has this article been debunked - if true it is interesting



  • I think the intervention story some family members have been feeding the media is BS. I do not believe it. And I think the Oprah interview was held in 1992 and his drug dependecy issues started in 1993

    feb. 10th 1993 i just went and checked.. as for the intervention stories think maybe they could have been about then and they are allowing people to presume that they are about now. or he may have had some other problem that they are illuding to.or they want to give the media enough rope to hang themselves.hehe for all anyone knows they may have just all felt that he was being overwhelmed with being a single parent.

    it is interesting that someone brought up the possiblity that because the drugs were not of the illegal kind that michael might have considered them not to be a problem. this is from what i understand the same thing that was suggested about elvis.
    In the first segment yes u might be right. But Michael thinking Propofol being an legal drug which somehow took away it's danger is not something I believe in either. I think he very well was aware of the effect and downside. Remember that unlike Demerol, Propofol is not a controlled substance which makes it easier to conduct a hoax.

    i assumed they meant pain meds. the propfol is a horse of a different color.(sorry but the wizard of oz is my favorite movie of all time . keep it in the closet <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> )anyway about the propofol i guess you have missed it but there is no way in you know where i can believe this man was being put to sleep like this . i still say if it is true then he's been dead for a long time or he really no longer has a voice.
  • Long time as hours before the offical death annoucement or dead as in years? No longer has a voice? As in he is alive but is unable to preform? Or no longer in control? Lol just want to makes things clear <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • i think in order for him not to die at some point from doing this he would have to be intubated. if he was intubated often i think there would most likely be vocal chord damage. jmo
  • i think in order for him not to die at some point from doing this he would have to be intubated. if he was intubated often i think there would most likely be vocal chord damage. jmo
    oh..yeah that might be the case now. From doing what?
  • i think in order for him not to die at some point from doing this he would have to be intubated. if he was intubated often i think there would most likely be vocal chord damage. jmo
    oh..yeah that might be the case now. From doing what?

    being put to sleep over and over . as like the one reporter was asking that doctor that he was rumored to take him down and bring him back up. there is vid here somewhere.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Ugh, what a disgusting piece of shameful "work" from the author- one thing that's certain is that he loved spreading those exaggerated and insulting details about his "appearance" on thick, didn't he..?

    And I am so tired of all the "evil America" drama that foreign fans are always spreading around about him, there was butchery by the medias, magazines, web sites, everywhere, not just here, for gosh's sake, and every country he went to, those giant elephant herds of shrieking, pulling, pushing fans followed him everywhere and made such hassles for him- those mobs are no joke..! America is not the only country that mistreated him..

    Oh, and what in the Lord's name is this "Jesus Christmas" buisness?
  • MJ is a very intelligent person. He read lot and lots of books, I am so positive that he read about propofol and its side effects. I am sure he knew that by using propofol his whole body would be asleep, and numb. I got operated long time ago, and believe me when you wake up you are all groggy, you feel nautious, and you want to sleep some more. So if he took propofol, every night to rest, how did he function the next day? I don't know because you can't. I do not know if any one of you got operated, and know what I am talking about. He never took propofol this was all part of his hoax.

    By the way, he stated in one of his interview about the U.S.A. not being on his side, but other countries he was number 1 in sales. Just to let you know..
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    all4loveandbelieve i absolutely agree with u,i was operated once, though i was just a little kid, i remember very clearly how dizzy and turned off i was for several days, i was not my usual tense, if he was using propofol every day in the incredible amounts as we have been told, he would be absolutely out of mind, look tired, exhausted(as was described in the article above) but instead we see MJ in TII where he was as alert as he has never been, one who is on drugs is not as concious as he was, does not look as healthy and great as he was(not considering the fact how thin he was), does not perform, esp. sing with his full voice as awesome as MJ was singing.
    And i agree with u-not sure about the media but Michael has himself stated that his albums were number ones(during and after the trial) in Europe and everywhere but USA.keep the faith
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