TMZ's Developing Stories

AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
edited January 1970 in News
Hey guys! So I hope you will understand what I'm about to say here because I'm not too sure if I understand it yet myself! I was thinking about lilwendy's Follow the Money Trail thread and it got me thinking about some of the recent TMZ stories that might be holding clues - about MJ, TS, and perhaps even warnings about what's to come. I noticed the "Oksana follow the money" article at the bottom of TMZ's home page under developing stories so I clicked on that link:

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First article (as of right now anyways)

Oksana Grigorieva -- Follow the Money
8/5/2010 9:10 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
TMZ has learned yesterday's five-hour deposition of Oksana Grigorieva focused on money -- specifically where it's coming from.

Sources tell us the entire deposition revolved around Oksana's finances and her income sources. We're told a good chunk of the depo honed in on the Mel Gibson tapes and whether Oksana sold them directly or indirectly.

According to our sources there was no smoking gun.

We're told Oksana was also grilled about what she's been spending money on -- and how she's getting the money to pay for it.

OK, so notice the first letters in the first two paragraphs - TS. The article is about where the money is coming from - something we've asked about Dr. Conrady Murray..although I think we all know where he's getting his money from! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

The next article under developing stories:

Dr. Conrad Murray -- Much Ado About Nothing
8/5/2010 6:10 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
Dr. Conrad Murray's summer of fun continues -- last night he took in some theater in Houston ... a Billy Shakespeare classic called, "Much Ado About Nothing."

" . . . happy are they that hear their detractions, and can put them to mending."

See also
• MJ Death Mansion for Sale -- Fans Already Calling
• Conrad Murray -- Just What the Doctor Ordered
• Dr. Conrad Murray -- Son On a Beach

The previous article was asking where the money is coming from then we see Doc Murray carefree summer continuing. He sure has been spending money willy-nilly for someone whose had trouble paying child support! Add in the "Billy" Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing and the quote - I won't get into this as I know it's been discussed elsewhere in this forum.

Next article - notice the T S in the article's title - Tyson Sued

Tyson Sued for $115 Million -- Alleged 'Iron' Theft
8/5/2010 12:07 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
A 49-year-old retired boxer is trying to pick a $115 million fight with Mike Tyson -- claiming "The Hangover" star hijacked his "Iron Mike" nickname 25 years ago.

The other "Iron" man is Mike Landrum -- a former professional fighter who claims he coined the nickname "Iron Mike" before he turned pro in 1983. Tyson started fighting professionally in 1985.

Landrum has filed a lawsuit in federal court in Los Angeles, claiming he owns the trademark to the nickname "Iron Mike" -- and therefore, Tyson infringed on his rights by using the nickname throughout his boxing career.

Landrum -- who's representing himself in the case -- tells us he was "hindered from getting any major title fights or sponsorships because of the name confusion."

For the record -- Landrum's record was 6-4 as a pro.

TMZ spoke with Tyson's rep Tammy Brook who tells us, "Mike's legal team hasn't seen the paperwork yet, but they are confident the case holds no merit."

This article is about a nickname, maybe the nickname TS?

I'll put in one more article from TMZ's developing stories (these are in the order they appear).

Jillian Michaels Sued -- 'Potentially Lethal' Diet Product
8/4/2010 2:30 PM PDT by TMZ Staff
"Biggest Loser" star Jillian Michaels was just slapped with another multi-million dollar lawsuit over her weight loss products -- and this time, it's about a detox supplement that allegedly "might kill you."

The class action lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, was filed today in L.A. County Superior Court by a woman who only wants to be known by her initials -- R.D. -- due to her "very real fear of retaliation OR harassment by Defendants."

In the lawsuit, R.D. claims Jillian's "Triple Process Total Body Detox & Cleanse" diet supplement contains a "potentially lethal combination of toxic ingredients" ... and it "might kill you."

In the suit, R.D. lays out what she considers to be the risks associated with various ingredients in Jillian's product, including:

-- Irish Moss Powder ... "causes gastrointestinal ulcers" and is "so toxic that it is the gel commonly applied to aircraft wings to dissolve ice"
-- Bearberry ... "known to cause nausea and vomiting"
-- Yarrow ... "a toxic lawn weed that causes dermatitis"
-- Chinese Rhubarb ... "a harsh laxative and dangerous diuretic that can cause sever dehydration and may cause irreversible liver damage"
-- Fenugreek Seed ... "interferes with digestion and causes both diarrhea and gas"

R.D. is suing Jillian and Thin Care International for more than $10 million for "actively and fraudulently" conspiring to hide the alleged dangers of their product.

If this story sounds familiar, it's not the first ... second ... or even the third time Jillian has been sued by people who claim her diet products are potentially toxic.

No comment from Jillian Michaels' camp.

More Jillian Michaels
• Jillian Michaels Sued by Another Big, Big Fan
• Another Overweight Woman Sues Jillian Michaels
• 'Biggest Loser' Star - Big Fat Liar ... Allegedly

This last article I'm going to comment on seems it could be a warning to everyone (and it's not about diet pills). Look at the beginning of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th paragraph - TII ! This Is It? Within those three paragraphs, this is what stands out to me: "very real fear of retaliation"..."potentially lethal combination of toxic ingredients" ... and it "might kill you." The articles states the person behind the lawsuit is only going by the initials R.D. I wiki'd that and nothing really stood out to me. But I also thought - Remote Detonation...? Like a biochemical attack on the people if we don't fall in line with whatever is being planned for the Earth's enslavement? Maybe I just haven't had enough sleep and am getting too paranoid but I think it's important that we continue reading more into TMZ articles and not just the MJ stories. MJ, TMZ and TS all seem to roll together. Remember TS's various conspiracy redirects and MJ's messages when browsing TMZ. They may not word their articles eloquently but there could be a good reason for that!


  • i definitely think you're on to something <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> we should start paying attention to other tmz articles, but how do we know which ones? surely there cant be a clue in every single article <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> can there?
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    Hey guys! So I hope you will understand what I'm about to say here because I'm not too sure if I understand it yet myself! I was thinking about lilwendy's Follow the Money Trail thread and it got me thinking about some of the recent TMZ stories that might be holding clues - about MJ, TS, and perhaps even warnings about what's to come. I noticed the "Oksana follow the money" article at the bottom of TMZ's home page under developing stories so I clicked on that link:

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    First article (as of right now anyways)

    Oksana Grigorieva -- Follow the Money
    8/5/2010 9:10 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
    TMZ has learned yesterday's five-hour deposition of Oksana Grigorieva focused on money -- specifically where it's coming from.

    Sources tell us the entire deposition revolved around Oksana's finances and her income sources. We're told a good chunk of the depo honed in on the Mel Gibson tapes and whether Oksana sold them directly or indirectly.

    According to our sources there was no smoking gun.

    We're told Oksana was also grilled about what she's been spending money on -- and how she's getting the money to pay for it.

    OK, so notice the first letters in the first two paragraphs - TS. The article is about where the money is coming from - something we've asked about Dr. Conrady Murray..although I think we all know where he's getting his money from! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    The next article under developing stories:

    Dr. Conrad Murray -- Much Ado About Nothing
    8/5/2010 6:10 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
    Dr. Conrad Murray's summer of fun continues -- last night he took in some theater in Houston ... a Billy Shakespeare classic called, "Much Ado About Nothing."

    " . . . happy are they that hear their detractions, and can put them to mending."

    See also
    • MJ Death Mansion for Sale -- Fans Already Calling
    • Conrad Murray -- Just What the Doctor Ordered
    • Dr. Conrad Murray -- Son On a Beach

    The previous article was asking where the money is coming from then we see Doc Murray carefree summer continuing. He sure has been spending money willy-nilly for someone whose had trouble paying child support! Add in the "Billy" Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing and the quote - I won't get into this as I know it's been discussed elsewhere in this forum.

    Next article - notice the T S in the article's title - Tyson Sued

    Tyson Sued for $115 Million -- Alleged 'Iron' Theft
    8/5/2010 12:07 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
    A 49-year-old retired boxer is trying to pick a $115 million fight with Mike Tyson -- claiming "The Hangover" star hijacked his "Iron Mike" nickname 25 years ago.

    The other "Iron" man is Mike Landrum -- a former professional fighter who claims he coined the nickname "Iron Mike" before he turned pro in 1983. Tyson started fighting professionally in 1985.

    Landrum has filed a lawsuit in federal court in Los Angeles, claiming he owns the trademark to the nickname "Iron Mike" -- and therefore, Tyson infringed on his rights by using the nickname throughout his boxing career.

    Landrum -- who's representing himself in the case -- tells us he was "hindered from getting any major title fights or sponsorships because of the name confusion."

    For the record -- Landrum's record was 6-4 as a pro.

    TMZ spoke with Tyson's rep Tammy Brook who tells us, "Mike's legal team hasn't seen the paperwork yet, but they are confident the case holds no merit."

    This article is about a nickname, maybe the nickname TS?

    I'll put in one more article from TMZ's developing stories (these are in the order they appear).

    Jillian Michaels Sued -- 'Potentially Lethal' Diet Product
    8/4/2010 2:30 PM PDT by TMZ Staff
    "Biggest Loser" star Jillian Michaels was just slapped with another multi-million dollar lawsuit over her weight loss products -- and this time, it's about a detox supplement that allegedly "might kill you."

    The class action lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, was filed today in L.A. County Superior Court by a woman who only wants to be known by her initials -- R.D. -- due to her "very real fear of retaliation OR harassment by Defendants."

    In the lawsuit, R.D. claims Jillian's "Triple Process Total Body Detox & Cleanse" diet supplement contains a "potentially lethal combination of toxic ingredients" ... and it "might kill you."

    In the suit, R.D. lays out what she considers to be the risks associated with various ingredients in Jillian's product, including:

    -- Irish Moss Powder ... "causes gastrointestinal ulcers" and is "so toxic that it is the gel commonly applied to aircraft wings to dissolve ice"
    -- Bearberry ... "known to cause nausea and vomiting"
    -- Yarrow ... "a toxic lawn weed that causes dermatitis"
    -- Chinese Rhubarb ... "a harsh laxative and dangerous diuretic that can cause sever dehydration and may cause irreversible liver damage"
    -- Fenugreek Seed ... "interferes with digestion and causes both diarrhea and gas"

    R.D. is suing Jillian and Thin Care International for more than $10 million for "actively and fraudulently" conspiring to hide the alleged dangers of their product.

    If this story sounds familiar, it's not the first ... second ... or even the third time Jillian has been sued by people who claim her diet products are potentially toxic.

    No comment from Jillian Michaels' camp.

    More Jillian Michaels
    • Jillian Michaels Sued by Another Big, Big Fan
    • Another Overweight Woman Sues Jillian Michaels
    • 'Biggest Loser' Star - Big Fat Liar ... Allegedly

    This last article I'm going to comment on seems it could be a warning to everyone (and it's not about diet pills). Look at the beginning of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th paragraph - TII ! This Is It? Within those three paragraphs, this is what stands out to me: "very real fear of retaliation"..."potentially lethal combination of toxic ingredients" ... and it "might kill you." The articles states the person behind the lawsuit is only going by the initials R.D. I wiki'd that and nothing really stood out to me. But I also thought - Remote Detonation...? Like a biochemical attack on the people if we don't fall in line with whatever is being planned for the Earth's enslavement? Maybe I just haven't had enough sleep and am getting too paranoid but I think it's important that we continue reading more into TMZ articles and not just the MJ stories. MJ, TMZ and TS all seem to roll together. Remember TS's various conspiracy redirects and MJ's messages when browsing TMZ. They may not word their articles eloquently but there could be a good reason for that!

    Original blog post:

    Yes connect the dots has been ringing in my head all morning. So has "all for L.O.V.E."

    I came across this series of videos - three parts - please invest 30 mins to watch it and then share it.
    For me this tied in why the focus on LOVE LOVE LOVE and brought in DNA (not what I was thinking at all)
    Also made me think of MJ's words in shout (the only solution for peace is increasing the height of your spirituality, masses of minds shrouded clouded visions deception and indecision no faith or religion how we're living, the clock is ticking, the end is coming, there'll be no warning, but will we live to see the dawn)




    Re: the lethal diet products

    And I know some people are going to be rolling their eyes... illuminati junk again... NWO... global conspiracy... yeah right.

    Well as was said before... time will tell the truth.

    I would rather believe this "junk" and do something about it and be wrong (which would only be a good thing - I overreacted, people are laughing at me and now I'm living my life with love as the focus) vs not believing, thinking everything is fine and being deceived and controlled.

    The choice is yours.
  • In that first video that lilwendy posted, at 4:38 - the round table - reminds me of what I saw on that one website that talks about the moonwalker prophecy. MJ's pose on the cover of This Is It is matched up to a plantetary alignment chart that looks a lot like that round table chart.

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  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    i definitely think you're on to something <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> we should start paying attention to other tmz articles, but how do we know which ones? surely there cant be a clue in every single article <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> can there?

    I'm pretty sure that not every single article on TMZ is hinting at something. We just have to really look for some signs - the first letter of each line or paragraph, the title of the article, the time it was posted, the picture used, text that is in "quotations", the related articles, mysterious wording, etc. I know some people here don't like TMZ but I think they are trying to help us out and they can't point things out directly because they could be in danger too, plus they'd be ridiculed. They're giving us the hints. We have to do our part by picking them out! DOTS TMZ SHOW, remember?
  • BUMP

    I found a lot of this myself last July, August, and feel it still needs to be viewed by all, no mater what your view is, information is POWER, what you don't know can harm you. Discount it if you will, but information is POWER.



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