Trust Fund & Amended Will

hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation

I suggest you download it before word gets out that it included the trust portion which is suppose to be confidential.

I couldn't find it, but if already posted, please delete. It's not a new document just hidden.



    I suggest you download it before word gets out that it included the trust portion which is suppose to be confidential.

    I couldn't find it, but if already posted, please delete. It's not a new document just hidden.

    I'm on a work computer and it's blocking me access to this site so I'll need to wait until someone copies the important information into here. If it's supposed to be confidential, do we know if this is really valid or is it a fake?
  • In my opinion, anything is questionable. We don't know what is fake and what is real until its ripped apart and revamped. It's all subjective and goes to investigative prowess and until it's either considered a possible truth its fodder for debunk, debunk, debunk. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> That's where the work comes in. It's out there so it's fair game.
  • ChristianaChristiana Posts: 626
    These documents were likely sold to that tabloid rag, News of the World. Trust documents are not usually made public, so they had to have paid someone for them. Their accompanying article is full of garbage and stupid commentary, including the $33 million number per child, which they clearly pulled out of their a$$. Those numbers are not in the Trust at all. I believe the documents are legitimate. The will that was filed and made public last year listed those beneficiaries to the Trust, so this is not really news (except for the specific details on payout timelines, etc) And it's a very well thought out trust where those kids are concerned. Makes it clear how smart MJ is, at the very least.
  • ChristianaChristiana Posts: 626
    Here is a link to an article by an attorney, with regard to MJ's will (not any of MJ's attorneys, mind you, just an attorney who was writing about MJ's will). I found it interesting and helpful (though he does make one stupid comment about MJ, most of it is just helpful information).

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