
LAJacksonLAJackson Posts: 14
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hi, idk if this been discussed or not and I don't have any pictures to discuss what I'm talking about. But anyways I was going through my cousin cd collection and I seen she had the This is it's soundtrack, which was like a booklet also that had pictures from the This is It film. Like these were perfect pictures right quailty and all seen Mj face in all the pictures. I just found it quite odd out of all these pictures which was a lot of em that not one picture of orange/red pants was in there. It just bugged not one single picture have anybody else seen this?


  • ChristianaChristiana Posts: 626
    I don't exactly think that's odd myself. I don't think he looked the greatest in that outfit (and I do believe it was MJ in those orange pants, btw). They aren't going to want to have a bunch of unflattering pictures in there. Just my opinion though.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    Nothing odd in my opinion. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Missyb007Missyb007 Posts: 727
    I've asked my boyfriend how they could have make these photos for the This is it CD book...
    He said "Well, it's not a big deal they still a frame and do a printscreen of the screen, it was all
    filmed with HD cameras, so that's how they made these HD pictures <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I hope this helps to answer your question

    With love and kisses
  • backstagerbackstager Posts: 291
    On the This Is It poster they don't show the orange pants either. You know the silhouette made up of pictures? It only shows the one wearing the red shirt. I do find it a little odd... I mean they are supposed to be creating this movie in honor of Michael's legend. I don't see why they would cut out pictures of him in orange pants (and also the gold jacket with white shirt) just because he didn't look as "appealing".
  • Missyb007Missyb007 Posts: 727
    On the This Is It poster they don't show the orange pants either. You know the silhouette made up of pictures? It only shows the one wearing the red shirt. I do find it a little odd... I mean they are supposed to be creating this movie in honor of Michael's legend. I don't see why they would cut out pictures of him in orange pants (and also the gold jacket with white shirt) just because he didn't look as "appealing".

    Is it me, or is the silhouette made on the cd of This is it, a weird silhouette? To me it doesn't look like Michael :S
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