Was Randy Jackson addicted to drugs???

2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
1. how long have the jackson family known of michael jacksons addiction problem?

Referring to handwritten notes he made at the time, the doctor, who asked not to be named, said: ‘I’d been treating Michael’s brother Randy for several months when I was awakened by a phone call from him at 1.51am. I was told someone wasn’t well and that they couldn’t call 911 [the US emergency services number] for security reasons.’
If they called 911 and the world knew of michael jackson's drug addiction, could this have helped keep him live?

2. how did the younger brother of Michael Jackson, Steven Randall "Randy" Jackson become such an expert on drug addiction?

Steven Randall "Randy" Jackson (born October 29, 1961 in Gary, Indiana)
A. Randy is the youngest son in the Jackson family.
B. Randy is the eighth out of nine Jackson children to be born.
C. Randy has 3 children: Steveanna, Randy Jr., Genevieve

In 1980 Randy was in a huge car accident. Is that where the drug addiction started for Randy, or was it much before, as part of the Jackson 5? This could have been the origination of pain medication addiction.

The next part of Randy's life was full of weird situations, incarceration (1 month prison term) for beating up his first wife Eliza Shaffe and daughter Steveanna. (this would explain why michael jackson would not want to leave his children with Randy, a convicted child abuser and wife beater) Having a child (Genevieve Olaza) with another women (Alejandra Genevieve Olaza) while still married to Eliza. Randy followed up the prison term with a trip to a psychatric facility for 1 month. He had 1 more children Randy Jr. with the lady he cheated with during his first marriage.

Ok, now that we cleared things up on why an enabling brother was giving advice to Michael Jackson, and trying to say he offered help, advice and tried to get Michael committed just as he was. In the end, you can say this was a failure as not even the most trusted and loved family member (besides Michaels mother) could help him.

What do you guys think??? Tabloid trash???

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  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    1. how long have the jackson family known of michael jacksons addiction problem?

    Referring to handwritten notes he made at the time, the doctor, who asked not to be named, said: ‘I’d been treating Michael’s brother Randy for several months when I was awakened by a phone call from him at 1.51am. I was told someone wasn’t well and that they couldn’t call 911 [the US emergency services number] for security reasons.’
    If they called 911 and the world knew of michael jackson's drug addiction, could this have helped keep him live?

    2. how did the younger brother of Michael Jackson, Steven Randall "Randy" Jackson become such an expert on drug addiction?

    Steven Randall "Randy" Jackson (born October 29, 1961 in Gary, Indiana)
    A. Randy is the youngest son in the Jackson family.
    B. Randy is the eighth out of nine Jackson children to be born.
    C. Randy has 3 children: Steveanna, Randy Jr., Genevieve

    In 1980 Randy was in a huge car accident. Is that where the drug addiction started for Randy, or was it much before, as part of the Jackson 5? This could have been the origination of pain medication addiction.

    The next part of Randy's life was full of weird situations, incarceration <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> (1 month prison term) for beating up his first wife Eliza Shaffe and daughter Steveanna. <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> (this would explain why michael jackson would not want to leave his children with Randy <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> , a convicted child abuser and wife beater) <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Having a child (Genevieve Olaza) with another women (Alejandra Genevieve Olaza) while still married to Eliza. Randy followed up the prison term with a trip to a psychatric facility for 1 month <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> . He had 1 more children Randy Jr. with the lady he cheated with during his first marriage.

    Ok, now that we cleared things up on why an enabling brother was giving advice to Michael Jackson, and trying to say he offered help, advice and tried to get Michael committed just as he was. In the end, you can say this was a failure as not even the most trusted and loved family member (besides Michaels mother) could help him. <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> False Michael is still alive and well and was never on drugs it was all part of the plan to make people believe so. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    What do you guys think??? Tabloid trash???

    <!-- m -->http://sober-companion.dr-sober.com/200 ... ckson.html<!-- m -->

    A lot of claims and lies, no evidences. Sounds like tabloid trash. Where's the garbage can ? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    <!-- m -->http://www.spiritus-temporis.com/randy- ... musician-/<!-- m -->

    Randy escaped death twice ironically. In one instance, as he was driving to a recording studio to record a solo album, he got involved in a car accident that had him semi-conscious for a minute. After gaining conciousness, doctors told Randy that he was paralyzed from the waist down as the injury caused major breakage in his leg cartilages. Undeterred, though, Randy battled through the pain and his bravery shown on the Jacksons' "Triumph" and "Victory" tours was enough to overcome the strain. Randy is still walking to this very day.

    In another instance, he was in Mexico and a couple of thugs kidnapped him and held him hostage for a week before Randy figured out of a way to get out of the situation.
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Randy was first married in 1989 to Eliza Shaffe. In 1990 Eliza gave birth to their child Steveanna. The same year his daughter Genevieve was born but the mother was a woman called Alejandra Genevieve Oaiaza. Randy and Eliza were divorced in 1991 and Randy was found guilty on charges for spousal abuse against her. He spent one month in prison and then another in a psychiatric clinic.

    In 1992 Randy wed Alejandra Genevieve Oaiaza and she gave birth to twins Randy Jr. and Donte the same year. The couple were divorced in 1994. In 1995 Alejandra fell pregnant to Jermaine Jackson. They were married the same year.
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    On May 2nd 1996 it was Randy who flew from California to New York to rescue sister LaToya Jackson from abusive husband Jack Gordon. LaToya, who hadn't contacted her family she publicly critised for years, called Randy after she was allegedly abused by her violent hudband of 6 and a half years. Randy immeadiately caught a plane and took LaToya from the hotel straight to Las Vegas. Here LaToya was treated for bruises and she filed for divorce. To this day she is publicly grateful for Randy's trip to save her.

    All I can say is "He sure has had a colourful life, hasn't he? Wonder where the twitching comes into this...could it be from the car accident??
  • AgentBJAgentBJ Posts: 587
  • 12762-Clipart-Picture-Of-A-Garbage-Can-Mascot-Cartoon-Character-With-Welcoming-Open-Arms.jpg
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • It's trash! Randy is a complex person, and he has had some serious issues in his life, (like most of us), but I can tell you he LOVES his big brother and he is not the enemy. He has been there for MJ and MJ trusts him. Yes there were some problems in the past, but I think those that claim Randy is not to be trusted should realize that he and MJ are blood, and we've all had our problems with a sibling at some time in our lives, but that doesn't mean the love and bond between us is gone forever. Maybe they healed their relationship and reconnected as strong brothers?
    What I do know is that Randy is the key. He loves his brother and would do anything for him, including helping him get away from those who wanted to get rid of him.
    Don't believe the trash. There's so much more to story of Randy than some tabloid trash.
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    I also read somewhere that Janet was treated for painkiller addiction, but for the life of me I can't remember where.
  • I remember Randy's problems with violence from the news - I saw it on TV a few years ago. I remember, my first thougth was "He must have taken it after his father..." <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Learning that he has been in prison for spousal abuse.. well.. Randy has just plummeted in my estimation. I didnt know this about him.. and now i do, im pretty disgusted with him.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265

    Thank you ! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I think everyone were adicted to pain killers. If we listen to the tabloids we will all go coucou. I think we should stop listen with our ears but listen with our hearts. My heart says none of them took drugs. Especially MJ. Maybe he took painkillers for his surgery, but not addicted. He has to embellish the hoax.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    So then the part where Randy rescues La Toya is not real????????

    It makes alot of sense because wasn't Randy the only one that tried the hardest to support Michael through the allegations and addiction part??

    Just so you know, people addicted to pain meds can act quite normally but just feel a little "buzz" and relaxed when on them...........(former pain med addict talking) Peace to all, and just remember....it's all for L.O.V.E xoxoxo
  • http://www.spiritus-temporis.com/randy-jackson-musician-/

    In 1992 Randy wed Alejandra Genevieve Oaiaza and she gave birth to twins Randy Jr. and Donte the same year. The couple were divorced in 1994. In 1995 Alejandra fell pregnant to Jermaine Jackson. They were married the same year.[/b]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    This reminds me of the thread going around recently about Donte and the question of whether he was really Michael's. I believe the conversation was that there was an age difference between Randy Jr and Donte...yet here it says they are twins. So, I am inclined to believe this as I really didn't believe that if he were Michael's that Michael would have him anywhere other than under his own roof. See, answers come where you least expect them. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • the one thing that jumps out at me when i see things come to light about michael or someone in his family is the power of God. and that is his redeeming power. please try to keep that thought in mind . as someone said before we all have skeletons in our closet. but God made a way for redemption. lives can be changed they may not be perfect because we humans just don't have that capacity but they can be changed.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    the one thing that jumps out at me when i see things come to light about michael or someone in his family is the power of God. and that is his redeeming power. please try to keep that thought in mind . as someone said before we all have skeletons in our closet. but God made a way for redemption. lives can be changed they may not be perfect because we humans just don't have that capacity but they can be changed.

    Very True !! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> One thing that God also strongly advises us to do is to not spread around us the sins of our neighbours as we wouldn't want someone to do it about us. Only God knows the truthfulness of a soul and God is all Merciful so it's very damaging to spread such "information" because God can have perfectly forgiven this person but the gossip is still there damaging a person's image...

    I don't say that this article is true or false I really don't know much about Michael's family, I'm talking in general and I made myself a point to never read gossips magazines (well TMZ is the exception now because of the hoax and the articles related to Michael (thank you Michael <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ) but gossips/rumors is to me a sin even if the information is true. I wouldn't want to work for TMZ for example... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> this is not serving God's cause <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> ...
    TMZ any comment ? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • So then the part where Randy rescues La Toya is not real????????

    It makes alot of sense because wasn't Randy the only one that tried the hardest to support Michael through the allegations and addiction part??

    Just so you know, people addicted to pain meds can act quite normally but just feel a little "buzz" and relaxed when on them...........(former pain med addict talking) Peace to all, and just remember....it's all for L.O.V.E xoxoxo

    while there is probably so much truth to what you say my mind keeps going back to the list of other medications that were involved in this. so many people are being given these drugs. they are mind numbing . i would venture to guess that everyone here knows at least one person taking one or more of these. the people making the money off of these things want you to believe they are depressed, when in truth they are oppressed.
  • sunburstsunburst Posts: 85
    It's trash! Randy is a complex person, and he has had some serious issues in his life, (like most of us), but I can tell you he LOVES his big brother and he is not the enemy. He has been there for MJ and MJ trusts him. Yes there were some problems in the past, but I think those that claim Randy is not to be trusted should realize that he and MJ are blood, and we've all had our problems with a sibling at some time in our lives, but that doesn't mean the love and bond between us is gone forever. Maybe they healed their relationship and reconnected as strong brothers?
    What I do know is that Randy is the key. He loves his brother and would do anything for him, including helping him get away from those who wanted to get rid of him.
    Don't believe the trash. There's so much more to story of Randy than some tabloid trash.

  • Not everything negative that comes out of the Jackson Family is Tabloid trash. They are human beings and make mistakes just like anyone else. It's a fact that Randy was in prison/jail or whatever for beating his wife. I feel he took after his abusive father. Like what happens in a lot of families. The accidents that happened are true. It is true he saved Latoya, even the family verified it. So where is the tabloid trash? I mean I don't want to assume that Randy would hurt his brother in anyway, but they obviously didn't get along cause Michael himself has had Randy thrown off his property on more than one occasion. The Average dysfunctional family. Just cause they are the Jacksons don't make them perfect. I've always been a huge fan of almost all their music and admire Michael for his talent and true humanitarianism. But they are all HUMAN BEINGS and make mistakes.
  • It sounds like a bunch of BS
    Anything to bash the Jacksons
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Not everything negative that comes out of the Jackson Family is Tabloid trash. They are human beings and make mistakes just like anyone else. It's a fact that Randy was in prison/jail or whatever for beating his wife. I feel he took after his abusive father. Like what happens in a lot of families. The accidents that happened are true. It is true he saved Latoya, even the family verified it. So where is the tabloid trash? I mean I don't want to assume that Randy would hurt his brother in anyway, but they obviously didn't get along cause Michael himself has had Randy thrown off his property on more than one occasion. The Average dysfunctional family. Just cause they are the Jacksons don't make them perfect. I've always been a huge fan of almost all their music and admire Michael for his talent and true humanitarianism. But they are all HUMAN BEINGS and make mistakes.

    Nobody said that they were perfect and not subject to make mistakes in their life. We perfectly know that they're human beings. I am totally unaware of what happened in Randy's life and it's the first time that I here about these things but still I don't know about the accuracy of the information given in this article and above all I am not the judge of what may have happened in his life even if it were true. To me it's stays tabloid trash whether right or wrong as long as you display people's life in public view like that.

    I know what you may say they have chosen to made their life public but I think to a certain extent only because there is a privacy where nodody has the right to enter, a limit, and I don't agree with people who say that it's the price to pay. No, it is like that because someone wanted it to be like that but a famous person doesn't have to expose her entire life to public prosecution and the damage can be irreversible even if the person has paid for her crimes, changed and repented.

    The problem is that nowadays people find it normal to know everything about the life of famous persons while in reality it is not normal at all. This is what the Elites want they occupy people with unuseful readings and divert them from what's really going on. In reality I am uncomfortable with the whole "star system" and what it carries.
  • Not everything negative that comes out of the Jackson Family is Tabloid trash. They are human beings and make mistakes just like anyone else. It's a fact that Randy was in prison/jail or whatever for beating his wife. I feel he took after his abusive father. Like what happens in a lot of families. The accidents that happened are true. It is true he saved Latoya, even the family verified it. So where is the tabloid trash? I mean I don't want to assume that Randy would hurt his brother in anyway, but they obviously didn't get along cause Michael himself has had Randy thrown off his property on more than one occasion. The Average dysfunctional family. Just cause they are the Jacksons don't make them perfect. I've always been a huge fan of almost all their music and admire Michael for his talent and true humanitarianism. But they are all HUMAN BEINGS and make mistakes.

    Nobody said that they were perfect and not subject to make mistakes in their life. We perfectly know that they're human beings. I am totally unaware of what happened in Randy's life and it's the first time that I here about these things but still I don't know about the accuracy of the information given in this article and above all I am not the judge of what may have happened in his life even if it were true. To me it's stays tabloid trash whether right or wrong as long as you display people's life in public view like that.

    I know what you may say they have chosen to made their life public but I think to a certain extent only because there is a privacy where nodody has the right to enter, a limit, and I don't agree with people who say that it's the price to pay. No, it is like that because someone wanted it to be like that but a famous person doesn't have to expose her entire life to public prosecution and the damage can be irreversible even if the person has paid for her crimes, changed and repented.

    The problem is that nowadays people find it normal to know everything about the life of famous persons while in reality it is not normal at all. This is what the Elites want they occupy people with unuseful readings and divert them from what's really going on. In reality I am uncomfortable with the whole "star system" and what it carries.[/quote

    i think you nailed it <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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