Hi - I'm new... I wanted to ask

mrmikeworldmrmikeworld Posts: 14
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hey guy,

How is everyone doing. My name is Michael and I came across the site a couple of weeks ago and decided to join. You guys are bringing up some really good points and some of the stuf your writing about is very interesting. I'm kind of on the fence about the whole thing. I'm not sure if MJ is alive or dead, or exactly what happened June 25th. I would like to believe he is alive. If he is dead, I believe he was murdered. However I have some questions maybe you guys could answer and help me understand where you guys are coming from. I am NOT here to doubt you guys, or come accross in an offensive way. I am simply ignorant on certain things and just looking to get my questions cleared up so I can participate with you all... I am a huge. I have been for years. I had 12th row tickets to the concert in London. I am still upset about his death and I hope being apart of your community will help me. With everyone being true fans such as myself I know I will be welcomed... MJ wouldn't want it any other way <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

I was wondering about the whole reason as to why MJ would pretend to kill himself? What is the motive behind it all? A life away from the public and the media? Then why would he come back again? I've noticed some people saying he will come back... then why would he "kill himself" only to come back?

Also, so is it safe to assume that everyone thinks the government is involved too? I mean if they aren't, wouldn't MJ be in a lot of trouble? The coroners office would need to be involved, or who did they autopsy? The EMT's, Hospital, Forest Lawn, Police, TMZ ect ect... all in on it? To you and me, MJ is a huge deal, we care about him a lot. However why would all these people agree to go along with all this, I mean to them MJ might just be some singer. WOuld there be a payout to keep people quite and go along with it? If so who's paying the bill?

Another thing... his family? Wouldn't this be huge to keep it from the media. Especially with a family like the Jacksons? They all have huge mouths and would be quick to sell a story for money. Unless MJ has agreed to work with them again. We all know he wasn't too close to his family before, or so it seemed? Wouldn't that be hard for his kids to accept also?

One more thing... TII. I noticed people mention doubles. Is there a link for an example? pictures or something? I've seen the movie and I thought it was all MJ. I am curious to see a picture of a double. I don't think it was a double at the press conference in London. Why have a double there for a concert he planned on doing? why not go himself? I think he was just nervous because he hadn't done anything public in years....

Well if anyone out there is interested in talking with me, I would appreciate it. Again I'm not here to upset people. I think these are valid questions and I think this would be the place to get answers. I look forward to talking more with you guys. Again I'm not here to offend or upset. I am ignorant on the whole thing and just looking for answers, that's all! Thanks guys!



  • Hi! Welcome to the site! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    If you go to this link there is a pamphlet that you can download. Hopefully this can answer some of your questions.

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=17&t=11891&p=197316&hilit=pamphlet#p197316<!-- l -->
  • backstagerbackstager Posts: 291
    Well first and foremost... welcome to the forum Mike!

    Many people have different theories of why he faked his death. Some feel he was in serious danger, and others feel he was doing it for his own private reasons [maybe taking a break from it all]. A comeback, in my opinion, is still pretty unclear.

    I think that some people are paid off to keep their mouths shut [EMT's and such] about what happened that day. And I think most people would agree that TMZ is in on it [they reported Michael was dead 6 minutes before UCLA, and said they could've done it significantly before then as well]. As for the bill? I'm thinking the estate is paying them off with all the profits made from CD's and other merchandise.

    There are speculations for there being doubles in This Is It, but its pretty controversial. I personally believe it, but there are some split ideas on this one. There is a section on the site called "The Double Theory".

    I hope this helps a little bit. I look forward to talking to you!
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    Hi Mike! Welcome!

    Yes there are many theories as to why but hopefully this will help explain it a bit.


    Here's some resources for you as well.

    My site: http://www.mjsarmyoflove.com (shameless plug) <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    And the main page of this site is really helpful! http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/index.php Just scroll down and read and watch. I would love to hear any question you may have as a brand new person looking into the hoax.

    Take care!
  • hello mike and welcome

    1.well most peple think he feard for his life and others that he was tired of the spotlight and wanted to spend time with his family and expecily his kids.

    2.i don't think the goverment are in on it or the hospital or forest lawn but i think EMT and TMZ are in on it but if the rest of them are in on it i think michael's state are paying for it cause he made over a billon dollars tis year and i think the family are having trouble keeping the secret cause they keep slipping up on TV and i don't think he paying them to keep the secret cause they family.

    3.there are dobles in TII there is a picture in 1 of the forms here but i can't rember wicth fourm

    hope tat helps.And once again welcome <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Hi Michael, welcome , I see everyone has clued you in. No need for me to give you the same information. I just wanted to welcome you. Hope you will enjoy the ride. You will have lots of reading to do. Have a good one Love and blessings
  • Thanks guy for accepting me. I know sometimes when it comes to MJ some fans can be a bit protective and can be cruel but you all seem very nice and welcoming. I appreciate that, thank you...
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Hi Michael and welcome to this forum........hmmmm there still is alot of answers we cannot all agree on but this is called "investigation" and the more minds we have working on this, the better...Yes, it does get heated sometimes...but the goal is always the same.......to look for the truth. Enjoy your stay here. You are at home now and I hope you find the peace and love you deserve...its all for L.O.V.E xoxo
  • hey mrmikeworld!!
    welcome to the forum..
    huggs n keep the faith
  • you mentioned in your introduction about many fans being here. while i guess that is true to some degree you will find that there are a fair amount of people who really were not that invloved in michael prior to june of last year . still somehow we knew that whatever had happened , that the story that was fed to us somehow was not right. and that is part of the reason we are here.there is a lot of information to catch up on and take in so try not to overload. and by the way the tailor will come round soon for your straight jacket fitting <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> happy hoaxing <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Hello Michael,

    There is a huge information all over the site that could answer your questions. You just need to take your time to go over, it is physically and timely impossible to write about all clues, facts, inconsistencies, slip-ups, etc. to tell you what this site is about & wy we believe in hoax.
    But here is one of the many clues and "how come's" that will blow your mind. Tell us If you get an answer on this question- How Come Katherine Jackson Shopping slipping bags at Target on 4th day after Michael Died

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6aU_vAtw-Q<!-- m -->
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