"Drama" Versus "Reality"

Wondering WHY it is that whenever a really stimulating or slightly Heated exchange occurs on this site it is catagorized as "DRAMA" and then the Thread is "Locked"? What I would like the Admins to do is give us their Definition of DRAMA so we can all AVOID this Pitfall! Correct me if I am wrong, but every time there is a lively and thought provoking exchange, someone jumps up and labels it "DRAMA" and requests an end to it! (It is usually when "someone" loses an argument, or is no longer capable of providing a relevent response) I am aware that certain "dissenting" views are unwelcome here but I need to know the definition of "Drama" as it pertains to this site...Cause right now it seems that "Drama" means "Certain" Individuals just dont't like what you have to say; therefore I need a "Detailed" explanation for HOW to avoid "DRAMA" in this Venue.

Thank You <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->


  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    THIS is an example of drama. We are here to investigate the hoax, not to question our decisions. This thread will be locked as well, so will new ones about this subject.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Regarding the original thread by UTisNUM1 and the thread he opened today under the nick Antonio:

    Both were started based on conclusions drawn after NOT reading all the information provided, which lead to false accusations. That is not a "lively and thought provoking exchange", it's merely misleading people and trying to shove lies down people's throats.
This discussion has been closed.