Lets spread the TRUTH to more fans

Lets all do this, i mean i tired of going mj forums and seeing fans believing that mj is dead. I'd love to see more fans get into the death hoax investigation and i love to more happier fans because mj is not dead, hes alive! Can we all do this please, lets go on mj forums and try to convince them. It may not be easy but its worth a try, the media doesn't care so who else could we turn too? The Fans!!! The Fans made Michael, now we need to bring the happiness back and expose the death hoax because 4000 members on this forum is not going to do a thing. We need to spread the word to every member, broad administrators, mods and fans. So whose with me???


  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I've tried until they drove me into dangerous depression. I'm not strong enough to fuss with them any more nor can I read their rubbish that Michael is "dead". I have to stay here close to home or I become really sick. They said some horrible things to me and sent me threats in email over and over. I'm just not strong enough to fight with them.
  • mattiemattie Posts: 296
    They dont want to listen! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    I tried and tried .
    I am NOT focusing on the Bam..But i think we need something like that to get their attention <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Sorry for my bad English!
    Greetings Mattie
  • newoldfannewoldfan Posts: 153
    I suggest going to as many MJ fan websites and facebook pages as possible and posting ElvisAndMJ or ElvisandMJ.com. I think if we can make them curious, it's a start, the rest is up to them. "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"!
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Hi Ice & welcome. I have been spreading Michael's death hoax message + writing link of this website at any opportunity I'd had: on youtube, Michael's official website, jacksons foundation, mjfans club, russian sites, in any comments on articles I was posting, etc. I keep doing it regardless to replies. So, there are lot's of fans who believe, they just do it quietly. Don't want look "crazy" perhaps. So, it takes time and effort as if someone whould try to convince us that Michael is dead.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    IMHO, none of us really know what happened on 25th and this is why we're here. I would be very careful with what I say about the "hoax," because if Michael Jackson is alive, then I'm very skeptic about his return. It's not safe. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
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