August issue Wired Magazine *ad on back*

nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I just noticed an ad on the back of the August issue of Wired magazine. It is for a Polish vodka called Belvedere and the ad has a photo of a man blind folded on it and what looks like The White House and so help me a single bold word at the bottom of the page written in this form and highlighted in glowing blue:

So many things popping up using this word, from Orianthi to Criss Angel. Maybe we all need to start a list of things using this word. Maybe there is a clue to be found out of putting all of this together.


  • mjfjei7777mjfjei7777 Posts: 108
    that is strange. nefari
    i was using a program to make avatars and in the wardrobe there was a shirt with the word believe on it.
    i just freaked imagine in the clothes you dress up your avatar in and a shirt that has that word. believe.
    of all places i never thought i would find one there but it was
    lots of love
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I would like to get a shirt made with a photo of Michael on it that says BeLIEve and I've seen some Tinkerbell Tshirts around that say BeLIEve in really big letters but then it has "in fairies" printed really tiny at the bottom <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    BeLIEve is everywhere.
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