mj and jim morrison things in common

mjfjei7777mjfjei7777 Posts: 108
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
you guys are familiar with the lead singer of the doors jim morrison?
why i point this out is have you ever noticed mjwore the same kind of concho belt like jim,and jim wrote poetry like mj they both wrote their own songs.both lead singers of their groups both charistamatic whatever they wanted they got.had millions of fans .both sexy though mj way more!
and i noticed something look at pictures of mj in his bad video pictures ,and bad film then look at jim's pictures.
i noticed in some of mj's pictures for the bad video and film he has his head tilted just like jim does in his picture ,and no smile and his solem stare.and his hair dark and wavy like jims falling around his cute round face.
both of them have beautiful eyes though of coarse i would take mj's beautiful brown eyes any day to jims blue eyes!.
and they both loved black and white.loved to where boots.
mj looks like a black jim in so many ways.its so cool!
also did you know jim was suppose to have died in 1971 right before he was to do his la woman tour.
of course it never happened he never did the tour.and still to this day people wonder if he had staged his death.
then look at mj he was working on his this is it tour but never got to do that,and was suppose to have died last year but nobody knows for sure if he is alive or dead.we all believe he is alive just like fans of jim still believe jim is still alive.
and one last thing jim morrison/s intials jm stanmding for jim morrison but michael jackson is mj turned around.strang?
i remember when i was little i would see pictures of jim and michael on all the old fan magazines.
they must have known each other and i wonder even if they like each others music too.jim did alot of rb and soul .
just something i thought i would share
peace everyone and god bless


  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    Michael Jackson isn't the only MJ (Mick Jagger, Michael Jordan etc), you know. The allforloveblog owner compares them two a lot, because she likes both, if you're interested. However, I don't see its relation to the hoax. Just saying.
  • libra8libra8 Posts: 170
    I was 17 yrs old when Jim Morrison passed...he was my idol & I dont mean that in a hollow way. The only thing Jim Morrison & Michael Jackson have in common is that they are both artists in their own right & maybe they both like black leather pants. Actually I see Jim & Mike as opposites...Jim was a dark narcisstic artist/ poet/songwriter & MJ is a light perfectionist dancer/artist/songwriter.

    BTW I did see Jim live in concert & live on stage he was nothing like MJ.

    Just my opinion.
  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357
    They both shared the R&R spirit and that´s a matter of fact.
    Good post, thank you! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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