
michkymichky Posts: 11
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
i tried posting this already but lost it in the ether so if it doubled up i apologise.

just wanted to let you know about a shaman called kiesha crowther or little grandmother
and i've just watched her videos that try to make sense of 2012 and the time now leading up to it.

it may be drawing a long bow, but the videos are worth watching for their own sake anyway
but what triggered for me after watching them is that MJ may be returning to earth as a lightbeing.

what is that you ask and it could sound wacky, but MJ was a big believer in mayan prophecy and apparently spoke of nothing other than 2012 in his 'last' days here so it could fit.
all i'm asking is for you to open your mind to the possibility and if it doesn't gel, please don't bother attacking me - life is really too short - just ignore this post and move on.

the link is here ofr those of you still interested
<!-- m --><!-- m -->

but if you want some idea of what i'm talking about before viewing here is a little summary
kiesha crowther is a wisdomkeeper and speaks of what will happen in 2010 based around the prohecies of the elders. the ancestors have spoken of many things and they have all come true.
one such thing is the seeing of spiral circle light that would herald the return to earth by lightbeings who would show us the way out of the dark.

these spiral light formations were recorded in quite a few locations during 2009
(also MJ's death year)

now i have long been a beLIEver and have been on this site from the get go b/c things did not add up for me and also b/c after MJ's death i had a spiritual awakening believe it or not.

as time has gone on i have lost faith, got it back again, waiver, wobble, stay strong and now by chance i have come across these videos and i have come up with this theory.

who knows?
watch the videos with an open mind firstly to the information as is
and then from this MJ lightbeing perspective next.

MJ lived his life with the intention to make this world better than it was. he saw the God in everything and wanted us all to live from that place too, so in my humble opinion, this theory is not that big a leap.

and light


  • Not to mention "Light Man"...
  • I am watching this video series right now... I really identify with her. This is wonderful. I encourage everyone to listen to what she has to say no matter your religion or race.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Don't think you're crazy at all. I will take the time to watch the videos but I have to go to work soon so, later. Everyone is free to share here. Since MJ came from a JW background, and JW's believe that Jesus was in appearance many times in the Old Testament in angelic form, and that after He ascended He returned to angelic form, this could relate. I personally believe UFO's played a huge factor in the Old Testament and will play a huge factor in future end times. I have no problem believing Michael hobnobs with "people" or others we don't see everyday, since he has always moved (I've said before) with the elite and shakers of the world. He has left so MANY clues that lean towards this direction, but we want to figure things out on the physical natural realm first, because it seems more comfortable and familiar to us. This ARG is being played on so many levels, and perhaps dimensions as well. But if we here all stick it out, I'm sure TS, TMZ and Michael himself will lead us a deep understanding of what is happening. Afterall he did sign language in TII that he would reveal himself to us. I have such a deep trust in him.
  • Don't think you're crazy at all. I will take the time to watch the videos but I have to go to work soon so, later. Everyone is free to share here. Since MJ came from a JW background, and JW's believe that Jesus was in appearance many times in the Old Testament in angelic form, and that after He ascended He returned to angelic form, this could relate. I personally believe UFO's played a huge factor in the Old Testament and will play a huge factor in future end times. I have no problem believing Michael hobnobs with "people" or others we don't see everyday, since he has always moved (I've said before) with the elite and shakers of the world. He has left so MANY clues that lean towards this direction, but we want to figure things out on the physical natural realm first, because it seems more comfortable and familiar to us. This ARG is being played on so many levels, and perhaps dimensions as well. But if we here all stick it out, I'm sure TS, TMZ and Michael himself will lead us a deep understanding of what is happening. Afterall he did sign language in TII that he would reveal himself to us. I have such a deep trust in him.

    I almost forgot about that sign language. Is there a thread about that here? Do you know sign language yourself? What was the exact translation? Thanks!
  • newoldfannewoldfan Posts: 153
    Michky, I don't think you're crazy either! Since being drawn into the "death" hoax, I've also become fascinated with this subject. I first came across it whilst doing some research on 2012. I haven't watched your videos yet but I will.

    Have you read about the Pleiadians? Apparently (!!), they are highly evolved beings from a series of stars located in the constellation of Taurus, and spiritually they are in the next step or level in our human evolution. Certain knowledge is being given to us by a group specially enlightened Pleiadians who want to help us to our higher spiritual destiny. They reside at a much higher frequency (the whole planet, including us, vibrates at a certain frequency, that's a scientific fact) than us which is also lighter than ours, thus the term "Light" is used. The higher and lighter the frequency, the closer to the "God" source one becomes. Pure Light at the centre of creation is "God". Now I was brought up as a catholic, and I believe in God. To me, this is just another explanation of "God" but it's one that I can relate to, if that makes sense. Although I am now not a practising catholic, the words "I am the Light, I am the Truth" still resound in me.
    In John's Gospel chapter 8 verse 12 the same message comes in another way. Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."
    So, lightworkers, lightbeings, starseeds, angels....I think they are one and the same thing. Whether Michael is one of these....hmmm, I'm not sure, but it's not a ridiculous idea. If he's not, and he were to read something like this, I know he would probably, no bashing please.

    However, there is an interesting concept. In certain Cherokee legends, it is said that their people originated in the Pleiades long, long ago. They claim to have come to this world as Starseeds to bring Light and knowledge. If the stories are true, then modern day Cherokee, as well as other Native Americans, and many with Native American blood contain Pleiadian genes! Katherine Jackson, Michael's mother, came from Alabama and is descended of African slaves and Cherokee Indians! I'm just sayin'.......!!!

    I really do believe that God, the Mayan prophecies, the Pleiades, Lightworkers, Starseeds, higher spirituality, 2012, NWO etc. etc., and ultimately, MJ's death hoax and message, are all connected. We don't fully understand any of it, but I have a feeling that we are going to very soon......21/12/2012 is only 2 years and 4 months away. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Further reading:
    <!-- m --> ... they_.html<!-- m -->
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • Michky, I don't think you're crazy either! Since being drawn into the "death" hoax, I've also become fascinated with this subject. I first came across it whilst doing some research on 2012. I haven't watched your videos yet but I will.

    Have you read about the Pleiadians? Apparently (!!), they are highly evolved beings from a series of stars located in the constellation of Taurus, and spiritually they are in the next step or level in our human evolution. Certain knowledge is being given to us by a group specially enlightened Pleiadians who want to help us to our higher spiritual destiny. They reside at a much higher frequency (the whole planet, including us, vibrates at a certain frequency, that's a scientific fact) than us which is also lighter than ours, thus the term "Light" is used. The higher and lighter the frequency, the closer to the "God" source one becomes. Pure Light at the centre of creation is "God". Now I was brought up as a catholic, and I believe in God. To me, this is just another explanation of "God" but it's one that I can relate to, if that makes sense. Although I am now not a practising catholic, the words "I am the Light, I am the Truth" still resound in me.
    In John's Gospel chapter 8 verse 12 the same message comes in another way. Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."
    So, lightworkers, lightbeings, starseeds, angels....I think they are one and the same thing. Whether Michael is one of these....hmmm, I'm not sure, but it's not a ridiculous idea. If he's not, and he were to read something like this, I know he would probably, no bashing please.

    However, there is an interesting concept. In certain Cherokee legends, it is said that their people originated in the Pleiades long, long ago. They claim to have come to this world as Starseeds to bring Light and knowledge. If the stories are true, then modern day Cherokee, as well as other Native Americans, and many with Native American blood contain Pleiadian genes! Katherine Jackson, Michael's mother, came from Alabama and is descended of African slaves and Cherokee Indians! I'm just sayin'.......!!!

    I really do believe that God, the Mayan prophecies, the Pleiades, Lightworkers, Starseeds, higher spirituality, 2012, NWO etc. etc., and ultimately, MJ's death hoax and message, are all connected. We don't fully understand any of it, but I have a feeling that we are going to very soon......21/12/2012 is only 2 years and 4 months away. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Further reading:
    <!-- m --> ... they_.html<!-- m -->
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    I am so much on your wave length and have been feeling like this since the start. There are many people here now who 'know' where they come from. A great remembering is taking place and our true selves are being shown to us in an extraordinary way. I had a dramatic awakening several years ago and all I can say is, I discovered the woman I never knew, the true me/us. It is the most powerful and real transition back to who we really are and always were before we were brainwashed into forgetting. Michael remembers, without a doubt and he probably never forgot. He is helping us do the same. We are all becoming beings of light together. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    We really are all one <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I just wanted to add, do you think it is just coincidence that the starseed/lightworker community are waiting eagerly for the Pleiadians to reveal themselves in our skies, as the many channelings state is imminent, just like we are all here waiting for Michael to reveal himself to the world. Bamsday could involve more than Michael alone. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658

    Its in 25 parts.
    Enjoy its very interesting.
    If its true, i dont know, but i feel truth in it
    But i also keep in mind that everything weird ( like the spiral in norway) could be caused by humans.
    Cropcircles .. same story.So i am a down to earth spiritual type i guess <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    If Aliens knock on my door, then I believe 100 procent <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    Im certainly not afraid of it, would love to meet them <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • I just wanted to add, do you think it is just coincidence that the starseed/lightworker community are waiting eagerly for the Pleiadians to reveal themselves in our skies, as the many channelings state is imminent, just like we are all here waiting for Michael to reveal himself to the world. Bamsday could involve more than Michael alone. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    THAT is very true!
  • michkymichky Posts: 11
    thanks for the feedback and more importantly taking the time to watch the videos.

    i even wondered if you could apply the concept of creator to the "death of MJ"
    i mean, if there were enough people wanting him gone, for their own agenda, tand that's what they kept thinking about, dreaming about, cooking it up so to speak, hen it would makes sense it happened. MJ even spoke of feeling that was going on behind the scenes. he was in fear for his life for awhile according to some people.

    likewise if enough of us want his return and put our attention only on that in regards to MJ, then with that pure intention, we could bring him back.

    Get creating peoples
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    HEY guys, there is an eerie resemblence to this post, and the "Visions from Michael" post.

    A few of us have been getting these "visions" seeing lightman and angelic MJ, as well as aliens etc....worth a look at if you get a chance.

    So yes, this fits in beautifully with our visions....thanks for the information...Love and Peace to all...xoxoxo
  • Hello all who read here,

    this is Supervision, over at Visions from Michael Thread...we who post over there have been collecting and comparing our visions and dreams, and you will be amazed that a lot of us have now got the message, all the message of Michael is some how connected with the stars.

    For those of you who have not visited us at Visions from probably will be amazed as how much you will find out what has been already posted regarding exactly the subject being discussed here.

    I myself have posted that I saw Michael with the Ufo people and their machine.

    Well, if you are an open minded person and would consider our dreams and visions to be as valid of an indicator as any clue, of what Mike is trying to tell us,and the visions and dreams recorded and posted there, ...please join us at Visions from General Talk..
    Amazing Visions and dreams..from our Mike..Check it out.
  • I've enjoyed reading this thread and it makes me happy to think there are so many of us who have experienced a spiritual awakening since being involved with the hoax investigation. Thanks to each one who has posted and given their views on the subject of lightbeings, and also for the links to videos and threads. I look forward to discovering more as I go along. I believe we are truly blessed to be here at this moment in earth's history, and I'm thankful to Michael for pointing us in the right direction.

    P.S. I'm interested in the sign language used in TII too. Does anyone have an interpretation?

    Love & Light, Emerald xo
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    You know I never would have been open to even think in this direction years ago, but about 15 or so years ago I listened to this respected Christian man teach that the resurrected body or glorified body, replaced blood with light. The Bible talks about the life being in the blood, blood must be shed to atone for sin. Peter and John saw, in a vision of the future, Jesus transfigured with Moses and Elijah on the mountain, they were dazzling bright. Here is an article that talks about this but from the perspective of various religions. <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    In another article, though I disagree on some things such as the Shroud of Turin not being Jesus, and Jesus not being actually glorified yet (vision) at the time of the transfiguration, this article is very good. I believe like JW's do that at death our bodies are in the ground experienceing nothing, until the resurrection when God awakens our bodies and atomically recreates us, and there are many verses that verify that. <!-- m --> ... itemid=167<!-- m --> Here's the article:
    Changes in Jesus’ body at the resurrection

    Jesus' Body after the Resurrection was changed from a dead Body to a new Resurrection Body. The changes in his Body may well have been similar to changes at the Transfiguration, when He assumed His Glorified Body, and "shone like the sun".

    Review of Section 14: Jesus was in Eternity at the Transfiguration

    1. Jesus was almost certainly in Eternity during the Transfiguration, since Jesus was accompanied by Moses and Elijah, who had died many centuries previously.

    2. At the Transfiguration Jesus' Body "shone like the sun", and his clothing was also "as bright as light".

    3. Jesus was present in His Glorified Body at the Transfiguration, as we will probably see Him in Heaven.

    Parallels between the Transfiguration and the Resurrection

    We believe that similar supernatural events took place at the Transfiguration and the Resurrection, allowing the body of Jesus Christ to enter Eternity on both occasions.

    If this is correct, then as Jesus Christ entered Eternity, the atoms of His Body at the Resurrection accelerated dramatically (see Section 17). At the Resurrection, His Body was changed from a dead Body to a Resurrected Glorified Body.

    In His Resurrected Glorified Body Jesus Christ is described in Revelation as follows: "His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters" Revelation 1:14-16

    At the Resurrection Jesus Christ entered Eternity and probably emitted radiation and light, as He did at the Transfiguration

    1. According to Theoretical Physics, at the speed of light Time ceases to exist, and Eternity is entered.

    2. We believe that as Jesus' Body entered Eternity, Time ceased to exist, and the molecules of His Body were moving at the speed of light, according to Theoretical Physics.

    3. We believe that Jesus' Body probably emitted both light and subatomic particles, moving at the speed of light.

    4. We believe that this radiation was possibly similar to cosmic radiation, which consists of subatomic particles moving at a speed approaching the speed of light.

    5. We are told in the Bible that "God is Light," 1 John 1:5.

    6. The Shroud almost certainly became "as white as light".

    7. This phenomenon was probably similar to Jesus' clothing at the Transfiguration which also became as white as light, due to light from Jesus' Body shining through them (see Section 16).

    8. This phenomenon was probably also similar to Moses' face after en encounter with God (see Section 16).

    9. Moses' face shone with light, so we believe that The Shroud probably also shone with light.

    However, whilst on Earth following the Resurrection Jesus displayed different physical attributes:

    1. He still bore the marks of the wounds in His hands, feet, and chest wall (John 20:20).

    2. He could be seen and touched as a physical Body of flesh and bone (Matthew 28:9, Luke 24:37-39).

    3. He invited people to examine His Body (Luke 24:39-40, John 20:20, 27).

    4. Jesus ate and drank with His disciples after His Resurrection (Luke 24:41-43; Acts 10:41).

    5. Jesus could appear and disappear in a closed room, indicating that He was not confined to the normal physical laws of time and space.

    6. After His Resurrection, Jesus Christ appeared to Mary Magdalene by the Tomb (John 20:10-18), Mary and the other women (Matthew 28:1-10), Peter (1 Corinthians 15:5), two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35), ten disciples (Luke 24:36-49), eleven disciples in a room (John 20:24-31), seven disciples by the Sea of Galilee (John 21), all the disciples (Matthew 28:16-20), five hundred people (1 Corinthians 15:6), James (1 Corinthians 15:7), all the disciples again before He ascended to Heaven (Acts 1:4-8) accompanied by two men in white clothes (possibly Moses and Elijah), and to Saul in his way to Damascus (Acts 9:1-9) who became Paul.

    7. In other words, Jesus Christ appears to have been living outside the fourth dimension, Time.

    I just want to add some verses to this. 1 Corinthians 15:41-52
    "[There are] also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial [is] one, and the [glory] of the terrestrial [is] another... So it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam (Jesus)[was made] a quickening spirit... The first man [is] of the earth, earthy: the second man [is] the Lord from heaven... Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption... In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
    Blood is mortal.

    And Daniel 12:2-13
    And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation [even] to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame [and] everlasting contempt... And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. .. But go thou thy way till the end [be]: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.
    We will be beings of light not blood.
  • by MJonmind » Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:19
    We will be beings of light not blood.
    Mjonmind..what an amazing post, you did try to tie the correlating ends of the subject of us humans being transformed as light beings in the end..just like Jesus.
    Personally, I do not believe in a bodily resurrection of the dead at all,
    and ..when Jesus did command us saying

    New American Standard Bible (©1995)"Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
    << Matthew 5:48 >>

    that is what I believe he has meant,namely that we can perfect our Energy Bodies..through works and Faith and Grace all combined.

    . Our bodies are one marvelous electrical system and pure Energy.

    And we actually can actually access our energy body while we are still here in the physical body and even before actual death to ascertain the fact, that Jesus did not demand anything of us , that we are not able to do by degrees to try to reach perfection,..following his example to us given in the Good News or the Gospel ..namely that we are the children of God..and we are made in his image...Light beings from eternity to eternity .and there is no separation with us and God.

    This particular concept that I am sharing here, does not necessarily disregard the Redemption work that was done by Jesus at all.

    I believe when we awaken or " get born again" as Jesus called it, we will see what he is talking about..and the resurrection itself would take place in our selves to reach enlightenment or the Christ Consciousness , which is pure Light..

    It is the same what the Hindu Yogis have been experiencing for thousand of years. I.E. they turn their physical bodies to pure spirit bodies, or are able to separate the two bodies at will..with devotion to God and the raising of the Kundalini Energy..that is dormant in all of human beings, until it is "Resurrected".. and rises up to lead us to full perfection.

    Any way, I know these concepts are not the fundamentalists Christians view of the whole thing about death and resurrection, but , I have found it to be more applicable and valid and even provable to an small extent in all of us here who have initiated awakening of our Soul or Energy Body..already now as we speak
    Yeah, a long way for Jesus "the Perfection"...but , just the same it is a start.. I believe to lead to our perfection one day in time.
    Thanks again for the insightful post , I really enjoyed it.

  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Thanks for your response! However, I don't believe this resurrection will happen until Christ, humanity's leader comes again. This transformation will be sudden with those in the first group, dead or alive changed. After the 1000 year reign of Christ then the rest of humanity (majority) will be changed to immortal light beings, still physical, as was Jesus. I believe the Bible clearly states that the dead are dead and know nothing, asleep. NDE, visions, astral projections, are from the living only or deceiving lying spirits/angels/demons are posing as someone dead. I agree all humanity yearns and craves to be in this superior state of if you like, vibration and perfection. But our bodies will all die and decay, until that main Event. "All creation groans and travails, yearning for that freedom from corruption." Romans 8:17-23. Our minds/brains are highly imaginative, creative, intuitive, can exersise telepathy, see dreams and visions, but only when we are living, which may continue perhaps an hour or so after clinical death, as the brain slowly dies. This is what my study has brought me to believe, but I know others will disagree. This in no way detracts from world religions teaching about love, meditation, harmony, and devotion, etc. But since I have been involved in this hoax from last summer, I have been learning, reevaluating, absorbing, stretching so much, and enjoying everyone's contributions. I'm a different person already. I still firmly believe MJ's alive, and love him dearly!!

  • Love that website. I'm an Indigo child <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • i tried posting this already but lost it in the ether so if it doubled up i apologise.

    just wanted to let you know about a shaman called kiesha crowther or little grandmother
    and i've just watched her videos that try to make sense of 2012 and the time now leading up to it.

    it may be drawing a long bow, but the videos are worth watching for their own sake anyway
    but what triggered for me after watching them is that MJ may be returning to earth as a lightbeing.

    what is that you ask and it could sound wacky, but MJ was a big believer in mayan prophecy and apparently spoke of nothing other than 2012 in his 'last' days here so it could fit.
    all i'm asking is for you to open your mind to the possibility and if it doesn't gel, please don't bother attacking me - life is really too short - just ignore this post and move on.

    the link is here ofr those of you still interested
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    but if you want some idea of what i'm talking about before viewing here is a little summary
    kiesha crowther is a wisdomkeeper and speaks of what will happen in 2010 based around the prohecies of the elders. the ancestors have spoken of many things and they have all come true.
    one such thing is the seeing of spiral circle light that would herald the return to earth by lightbeings who would show us the way out of the dark.

    these spiral light formations were recorded in quite a few locations during 2009
    (also MJ's death year)

    now i have long been a beLIEver and have been on this site from the get go b/c things did not add up for me and also b/c after MJ's death i had a spiritual awakening believe it or not.

    as time has gone on i have lost faith, got it back again, waiver, wobble, stay strong and now by chance i have come across these videos and i have come up with this theory.

    who knows?
    watch the videos with an open mind firstly to the information as is
    and then from this MJ lightbeing perspective next.

    MJ lived his life with the intention to make this world better than it was. he saw the God in everything and wanted us all to live from that place too, so in my humble opinion, this theory is not that big a leap.

    and light

    Michky, Thank you so much for this post. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> . I have now watched these videos and all I can say is WOW.
    I can relate to what she says so well and she adds so much more information. What an amazing lady!
    I can't wait to see all these truths come out and for everyone to remember who they are and create our dreams together. I can feel exactly what she means about 2010 being the year for all of these lies to be exposed, leaving the truth for all to see and feel. I am extremely energy sensitive and I have felt these energies heighten rapidly in recent weeks. Has anyone else felt this leap very recently? Everything is becoming so close, It feels like I can almost reach out and touch it.
  • michky wrote:

    it may be drawing a long bow, but the videos are worth watching for their own sake anyway
    but what triggered for me after watching them is that MJ may be returning to earth as a lightbeing.

    Michky..your observation is quite interesting to me.
    You see, I had of vision of MJ.which I posted about a few weeks ago,at Visions from Michael, where I saw Michael with the Et.

    It was, ..that I saw they landed with their craft and while two of them stepped out of the machine, MJ appeared at the door smiling and sitting on the steps of the exit door.

    I thought then, there is a big possibility that may be the implication of my vision. That a LIghtbeing, and may be made and exit a little return back with them to Earth..LOL..all this sounds so crazy, but I don't know what else could be said of him being with these folks in this vision.
    And I have come to respect my visions,even if I say so myself, and I do not usually see them just for the heck of it.
    They do seem to point to something.Something that is not evident, but hidden. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Thanks..for having the courage to say what was on your mind and your own conclusion.., it certainly makes sense to me personally speaking.
    This vision of Mike with the Et, followed after so many visions were received showing the Great Pyramids at Giza, not just by myself, but by a lot of our poster on the thread.
    There is definitely a connection with The Stars.(space).and Michael that we have to look at,.

    .that much I am also certain,and we have been talking about on our thread, for almost over a month now, and then when I saw your post, it was as if you wrote it as a follow up to what we were posting and discussing about....
    It is all so curious..Really.
    Thanks again for the post.
  • [youtube:1adupe8a]
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I just wanted to add, do you think it is just coincidence that the starseed/lightworker community are waiting eagerly for the [glow=red:2919e8tw]Pleiadians[/glow:2919e8tw] to reveal themselves in our skies, as the many channelings state is imminent, just like we are all here waiting for Michael to reveal himself to the world. Bamsday could involve more than Michael alone. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I had some time ago someone in myspace triying to convince me that i was a "pleiadian" <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> as well as in twitter.

    Yesterday in twitter I received a pm from someone i had no idea i was following at all (mayb they changed their user name??) and once again talked about this pleiadian angelic and star seed connection and tried to make me believe that I am "one of them". I mean, honestly...what´s this? Makes me think that some people play with hoaxers to make them believe in this things.

    I respect if people want to believe in that, they should have their reasons, but it becomes a little too much when they want one to believe that one is an angel or an ET <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    I kept asking "why are you trying hard for me to believe in this theory?" and i got the answer -"you are being awakened"- "acept you destiny"- <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// --> and also that "they" can feel who is alike and their mission is to gather all of "us" together for the new era <!-- spale/ -->pale/<!-- spale/ -->

    Sounds sectarian to me. Gather "us" and then what? drink poison?
  • starchildstarchild Posts: 374
    Hmmm. Another interesting post, Gema. I'd never seen this thread before.

    Here's an additional video on the subject of the thread in general. Not expressing agreement/disagreement with what's stated in it (or that it relates to MJ). Just sharing information. Please accept apologies if it's ever been posted before.
    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    [BBvideo 425,350:1w617snt]
  • Believe 777Believe 777 Posts: 403
    I just wanted to add, do you think it is just coincidence that the starseed/lightworker community are waiting eagerly for the [glow=red:27c79dbn]Pleiadians[/glow:27c79dbn] to reveal themselves in our skies, as the many channelings state is imminent, just like we are all here waiting for Michael to reveal himself to the world. Bamsday could involve more than Michael alone. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I had some time ago someone in myspace triying to convince me that i was a "pleiadian" <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> as well as in twitter.

    Yesterday in twitter I received a pm from someone i had no idea i was following at all (mayb they changed their user name??) and once again talked about this pleiadian angelic and star seed connection and tried to make me believe that I am "one of them". I mean, honestly...what´s this? Makes me think that some people play with hoaxers to make them believe in this things.

    I respect if people want to believe in that, they should have their reasons, but it becomes a little too much when they want one to believe that one is an angel or an ET <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    I kept asking "why are you trying hard for me to believe in this theory?" and i got the answer -"you are being awakened"- "acept you destiny"- <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// --> and also that "they" can feel who is alike and their mission is to gather all of "us" together for the new era <!-- spale/ -->pale/<!-- spale/ -->

    Sounds sectarian to me. Gather "us" and then what? drink poison?

    I do have my beliefs on this but it is wrong to push this onto others and although you maybe being pm'd with all good intentions, this is not the most productive way of being heard. We all have to find our own answers, the ones which feel right for us as individuals as well as as a population who all effect each other.
    I don't see this as sectarian although I do understand how it could be seen this way. The plieadian message is always one of simple love, no worship, no indoctrination, just freedom within. Their message is that we are all one, as Michael said. I find it all very gentle and simple and I have been following this since before Michael 'died' and I can see the connections while watching from both sides as I have very rarely seen this hoax mentioned on any lightworker/ starseed site. I feel this is all about L.O.V.E, and the true and real power of it and the need for humanity to see and feel this for our planet to heal. This is the ultimate message and mission from lightworkers/ plieadians etc... and our Michael.

    <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I just wanted to add, do you think it is just coincidence that the starseed/lightworker community are waiting eagerly for the [glow=red:3mic9v58]Pleiadians[/glow:3mic9v58] to reveal themselves in our skies, as the many channelings state is imminent, just like we are all here waiting for Michael to reveal himself to the world. Bamsday could involve more than Michael alone. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I had some time ago someone in myspace triying to convince me that i was a "pleiadian" <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> as well as in twitter.

    Yesterday in twitter I received a pm from someone i had no idea i was following at all (mayb they changed their user name??) and once again talked about this pleiadian angelic and star seed connection and tried to make me believe that I am "one of them". I mean, honestly...what´s this? Makes me think that some people play with hoaxers to make them believe in this things.

    I respect if people want to believe in that, they should have their reasons, but it becomes a little too much when they want one to believe that one is an angel or an ET <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    I kept asking "why are you trying hard for me to believe in this theory?" and i got the answer -"you are being awakened"- "acept you destiny"- <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// --> and also that "they" can feel who is alike and their mission is to gather all of "us" together for the new era <!-- spale/ -->pale/<!-- spale/ -->

    Sounds sectarian to me. Gather "us" and then what? drink poison?

    I do have my beliefs on this but it is wrong to push this onto others and although you maybe being pm'd with all good intentions, this is not the most productive way of being heard. We all have to find our own answers, the ones which feel right for us as individuals as well as as a population who all effect each other.
    I don't see this as sectarian although I do understand how it could be seen this way. The plieadian message is always one of simple love, no worship, no indoctrination, just freedom within. Their message is that we are all one, as Michael said. I find it all very gentle and simple and I have been following this since before Michael 'died' and I can see the connections while watching from both sides as I have very rarely seen this hoax mentioned on any lightworker/ starseed site. I feel this is all about L.O.V.E, and the true and real power of it and the need for humanity to see and feel this for our planet to heal. This is the ultimate message and mission from lightworkers/ plieadians etc... and our Michael.

    <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
    Thanks <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->

    I can go further. This person, vanished from twitter now btw <!-- sconfused/ -->confused/<!-- sconfused/ --> , said to me that in gematria my avatar user name gave the result of Pleiadian.

    When I checked, it gave that word, pleiadian, but also maaaaany others. I still don´t get how that gematria works or how accurate can be or how to used it to get an answer about anything.

    Imo, we all are important beings and the most important is that we all are human
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