scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Not clear if this complaint was filed or refiled to the court, but here you can read the context

<!-- m --> ... minary.pdf<!-- m -->


  • Gee - I'm not one to understand if this document is legal or not but if it is legal I don't understand why Dr Murray and even Alberto Alvarez aren't both held liable for more serious charges. I just don't know what to think. I only found one typo and it wasn't anything major. I hope some of you who know legal documents are able to pick this apart.

    I need to think about this. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.
  • HopelessHopeless Posts: 278
    I noticed it several times....all this documents look the same...i don't believe there are legit.

    This dokument was from March 2010.
    There where so much drugs listet that i can't find in the autopsie report, also Dr. Cooper say that they placed a heart ballon catheter...but that was not in the autopsie report. To place a heart catheter you have to make a cut in the aorta in the groin and from there you lead the catheter to the heart....not noticed in the autopsie report !

    I don't know the rules in US and don't understand it all.

    What was this from June ?
    <!-- m --> ... mjsuit.pdf<!-- m -->
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    I noticed it several times....all this documents look the same...i don't believe there are legit.

    This dokument was from March 2010.
    There where so much drugs listet that i can't find in the autopsie report, also Dr. Cooper say that they placed a heart ballon catheter...but that was not in the autopsie report. To place a heart catheter you have to make a cut in the aorta in the groin and from there you lead the catheter to the heart....not noticed in the autopsie report !

    I don't know the rules in US and don't understand it all.

    What was this from June ?
    <!-- m --> ... mjsuit.pdf<!-- m -->

    The balloon was on the autopsy report I read
  • I was reading the documents and in the back round there is the letters TMZ. These are legal documents how can TMZ have these documents to show the whole world? I have a lawyer friend and I will ask her what she thinks about it. Now I am from Canada, the laws are different from the United States. I will still keep you posted. I do not feel this documentation is real.. Another thing puzzles me why when they arrived at the hospital they said that MJ was Shawn Soule.. ( I probably spelled it wrong) <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Who is this person, and why did they lie to the hospital?
  • I noticed it several times....all this documents look the same...i don't believe there are legit.

    This dokument was from March 2010.
    There where so much drugs listet that i can't find in the autopsie report, also Dr. Cooper say that they placed a heart ballon catheter...but that was not in the autopsie report. To place a heart catheter you have to make a cut in the aorta in the groin and from there you lead the catheter to the heart....not noticed in the autopsie report !

    I don't know the rules in US and don't understand it all.

    What was this from June ?
    <!-- m --> ... mjsuit.pdf<!-- m -->

    The balloon was on the autopsy report I read
    yes it's there and you can read about it in the report of the exray they did
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    I was reading the documents and in the back round there is the letters TMZ. These are legal documents how can TMZ have these documents to show the whole world? I have a lawyer friend and I will ask her what she thinks about it. Now I am from Canada, the laws are different from the United States. I will still keep you posted. I do not feel this documentation is real.. Another thing puzzles me why when they arrived at the hospital they said that MJ was Shawn Soule.. ( I probably spelled it wrong) <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Who is this person, and why did they lie to the hospital?

    Court filings are public record, all you have to do is go get a copy. Nothing sinister or strange about that.
  • I was reading the documents and in the back round there is the letters TMZ. These are legal documents how can TMZ have these documents to show the whole world? I have a lawyer friend and I will ask her what she thinks about it. Now I am from Canada, the laws are different from the United States. I will still keep you posted. I do not feel this documentation is real.. Another thing puzzles me why when they arrived at the hospital they said that MJ was Shawn Soule.. ( I probably spelled it wrong) <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Who is this person, and why did they lie to the hospital?

    Court filings are public record, all you have to do is go get a copy. Nothing sinister or strange about that.

    Maybe in the United States, but not here in Canada. I may be mistaken, like I said I have a friend lawyer, i will ask her. thanks.
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    I was reading the documents and in the back round there is the letters TMZ. These are legal documents how can TMZ have these documents to show the whole world? I have a lawyer friend and I will ask her what she thinks about it. Now I am from Canada, the laws are different from the United States. I will still keep you posted. I do not feel this documentation is real.. Another thing puzzles me why when they arrived at the hospital they said that MJ was Shawn Soule.. ( I probably spelled it wrong) <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Who is this person, and why did they lie to the hospital?

    Court filings are public record, all you have to do is go get a copy. Nothing sinister or strange about that.

    Maybe in the United States, but not here in Canada. I may be mistaken, like I said I have a friend lawyer, i will ask her. thanks.

    Trust me.. I work for lawyerS and Judges as an IT expert, court filings are public record, I am sure your friend will concur. However, that makes me curious about Canada law. Why would they not be public? What is so secret about a case? Are people judged by a jury of their peers?
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