2 Ambulances

mrmikeworldmrmikeworld Posts: 14
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
So I noticed a few threads and videos posted on here, where they talk about 2 different ambulances. One leaving MJs house for the hospital and one at the actual hospital. Where we see people taking someone out of the ambulance into the hospital.

I also noticed a few posts down from this one where someone posted an interview with Ben Evestad. In the interview, you see video on the computer where he is following the ambulance and SUVs to the hospital and also the ambulance being unloaded.

<!-- m -->http://abcnews.go.com/2020/video/michae ... d-10974241<!-- m -->

This is the first time i've seen video of the actual ride to the hospital. I always thought it was weird that they never called a head and had more camera at the hospital before MJ arrived. I'm not sure if that was because they didn't want anyone to get a better photo. OR if they weren't taking the story serious enough.

Anyways back to my point. Now that we see video of the same ambualnce going to the hospital, is it now safe to say that there is only one ambulance? Or is that still a doubt to some?

Also, does anyone have a link to the actual video of the ambulance ride and not just the video shown in an interview?



  • can youplease make a comparison by pictures?
  • I'm talking about the information presented in these videos... Example: They talks about ddifferent wheels, reflectors missing ect ect...
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    Can someone please tell me what that is in the ambulance at 1.53?

  • katoooooookatooooooo Posts: 371
    it's the guy badge
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    A strange big badge in the ambulance with a funny cap.
  • I don't see the cap. It's the guy sitting and the badge is on his arm. He is sitting like he would be in the picture they have of Michael in the back of the ambulance. I think that one is a fake btw. The paramedic is sitting there. No MJ in the picture though....
  • All I can say is that there continues to be much confusion surrounding the ambulance-singular or plural. In fact, I have recently viewed a series of videos on YouTube that documented Michael Jackson's last days by Jacques Peretti---but, unfortunately has been removed due to violation. This is sad because in one of his videos witnesses describe that Michael Jackson's ambulance entered UCLA via an underground tunnel. Therefore, no one would have had access to take pictures and if-on the off chance-that occurred there is no way that there would be sunlight in the videos/pictures. So, what we have seen may be nothing more then an act to deter the public from the truth. So, where is Michael???? Again it seems like an illusion, similar to the images seen of the coroner's van and the chopper. IMO there was far too much activity of those men going in and out of the van to be necessary. It felt like an illusionist's switcheroo!

    I want to give credit to Quirky Diana who entered the same very information way back in January but got little response. If only we could access those videos once again by Peretti----then maybe we could continue this dialogue. However, it seems as if someone doesn't want us to explore the truth.

    Again, here is the earlier post:

    MJ ambulance went to underground car park

    New postby QuirkyDiana » Sat Jan 16, 2010 6:32 pm
    The following documentary, 'Michael Jackson's last days - what really happened' by Jacques Peretti states that a crowd began to gather as the ambulance drove to the underground car park beneath, sealed off to the public and the media.

    Watch 8.00 onwards.
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q7_fz-W0As&NR=1<!-- m -->
  • That's interesting. I've heard that also. However the same number shows on the ambulance both at the house and at the hospital "71". Also in the link I posted above, the video hows the ambulance arriving at UCLA. So if they were chasing the ambulance the whole time, wouldn't they have chased it to the tunnel?

    Not trying to go against what your saying, I just think those are valid questions. It's all a huge mystery. Some say they saw the abulance enter a tunnel, some say the one we saw was it. Would they have enough time to create a decoy?
  • pepperpepper Posts: 558
    Here ya go -

    at 5:45 - the narrator talks about the ambulance going into "the underground car park beneath, sealed off to the public and the media". I don't think he ever says where he got this information...


    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1LJCFBBEa0<!-- m -->

    All the parts of the documentary are on the channel at this link:

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/user/AToPolskaPr ... 1LJCFBBEa0<!-- m -->
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