UCLA Article


  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    Interesting, thank you for posting.
  • Thank you for sharing this. I know there are emergency response teams that act in times like that but they did an exceptional job considering they probably didn't know it was him until he actually arrived...? The only thing I can think of is there was mention somewhere that the paramedics spoke to the ED Physician by phone while at the Jackson house and that had to of been where the extra time came into play in order for them to prepare.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    I don't know what it is, but something seems off about this article. They took time to talk about the tire tracks in the lawn....? The crowd dwindled the next morning to only a half dozen......? A half dozen....really?
    One thing that has consistently bugged me........why are there no real pictures or video from the arrival at his home. Ben E. has said, there were always fans outside.....fans would naturally have a camera of some sort....at least a phone. We see the ambulance in one video driving in and the gates closing.....but we never see it really drive up. Is there a video of the it driving up from the street all the way into the driveway? What about the full arrival at UCLA? We see it backing up, unloading....not fully arriving. There hundreds gathered there....apparently. The paps knew it was MJ inside.....they would have alerted others to the hospital for video.
    Anyways, I could go on and on about that day <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Thank you for posting that article....very interesting.

    Blessings always!
  • I think the official story is that the only people who knew about MJ being there upon arrival was the paps, the paramedics and whoever u was there once they entered the hospital. I believe it was the hour they were trying to save him is when the crowds began to gather. I'm sure once the hospital was aware it was MJ, they didn't think twice about calling for back up. I'm sure it was a good 30 minutes before it got out that he was there, besides the paps already knowing. At which point he was probably in a secure area away from everyone else.

    Of course if your in the emergancy room and they come running by with someone on a stretcher, you don't really think anything of it... no? Then to look and notice if it's Michael Jackson. That's not something you would expect to see, so it would be hard to believe if he was rushed passed you. Maybe us fans it would be different, i'm talking average Joe. Then they said he looked bad when paramedics found him, so if they didn;t notice him, it's possible others didn't too. People may have seen him rushed in and didn't know it was him until later that night. Some might not have yet put it together lol.

    So i'm sure the word didn;t spread until he was actually in the hospital away from everyone else. I think by time his family got there he was "gone". I'm sure the first thing anyone did was call him family, so look at their reponse and judge the medias responce ect..
  • I don't know what it is, but something seems off about this article. They took time to talk about the tire tracks in the lawn....? The crowd dwindled the next morning to only a half dozen......? A half dozen....really?
    One thing that has consistently bugged me........why are there no real pictures or video from the arrival at his home. Ben E. has said, there were always fans outside.....fans would naturally have a camera of some sort....at least a phone. We see the ambulance in one video driving in and the gates closing.....but we never see it really drive up. Is there a video of the it driving up from the street all the way into the driveway? What about the full arrival at UCLA? We see it backing up, unloading....not fully arriving. There hundreds gathered there....apparently. The paps knew it was MJ inside.....they would have alerted others to the hospital for video.
    Anyways, I could go on and on about that day <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Thank you for posting that article....very interesting.

    Blessings always!

    I wanted to paste this here from the "2 ambulances" thread because I feel it sheds some light on your question, Wishing Star.

    Re: 2 Ambulances

    Postby michaelsupporter » Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:54 pm
    All I can say is that there continues to be much confusion surrounding the ambulance-singular or plural. In fact, I have recently viewed a series of videos on YouTube that documented Michael Jackson's last days by Jacques Peretti---but, unfortunately has been removed due to violation. This is sad because in one of his videos witnesses describe that Michael Jackson's ambulance entered UCLA via an underground tunnel. Therefore, no one would have had access to take pictures and if-on the off chance-that occurred there is no way that there would be sunlight in the videos/pictures. So, what we have seen may be nothing more then an act to deter the public from the truth. So, where is Michael???? Again it seems like an illusion, similar to the images seen of the coroner's van and the chopper. IMO there was far too much activity of those men going in and out of the van to be necessary. It felt like an illusionist's switcheroo!

    I want to give credit to Quirky Diana who entered the same very information way back in January but got little response. If only we could access those videos once again by Peretti----then maybe we could continue this dialogue. However, it seems as if someone doesn't want us to explore the truth.

    Again, here is the earlier post:

    MJ ambulance went to underground car park

    New postby QuirkyDiana » Sat Jan 16, 2010 6:32 pm
    The following documentary, 'Michael Jackson's last days - what really happened' by Jacques Peretti states that a crowd began to gather as the ambulance drove to the underground car park beneath, sealed off to the public and the media.

    Watch 8.00 onwards.
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q7_fz-W0As&NR=1<!-- m -->
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