I was told to watch this by someone


  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I think that speech was made at Exeter football club wonderfull speech michael
  • So true!!!! Michael spoke such poignant words of wisdom. Such a beautiful soul he is!

    Thanks for posting this video. It was wonderful to view it again!
  • It's a speech, I think should be more famous, and probably be used in songs now. Like MLK. It should have sound bites. It should be sent across the world!
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I agree with you and when I have a problem I listen to the Oxford speech it is a learning tool that should be used for the next generation on how to live and look after your children if we followed the words we would not go wrong
  • So So True , And All Of The Words Are From The Heart!
    He Said The Real Truth , We Must To Stop Every Bad Things And The Hate.
    And Love Eachother . From Our Heart . With Our Heart And Soul. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • This was beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Michael's message never wavered and neither did his hope and faith. Together we can make this change. Blessings.
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