A lot of odd things put together to form a theory

mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Just want to throw this out there...You know how Cherilyn Lee said that she told Mj to get to the hospital (I think on June 21st) She said that one side of his body was very hot and the other very cold - that sounds serious to me and Cherilyn thought it was something that was affecting his central nervous system. He would have been scared and called her because couldn't trust anyone else. We don't know what happened from this but perhaps this was the very serious incident that happened that set the whole attempted murder or negligent medical emergency thanks to Conrad Murray and the "others", into motion. And you know how Ben Evanstad said that day and the other d. Well what if MJ was taken to the hospital on the 21st by ambulance #71 (or any other day really) and that is why no one seemed all that panicked when the ambulance is driving out of the driveway and why the medics stayed so long and the LAFD said we stayed "until we stabilized him" etc. So what if all the footage of the ambulance and at UCLA was a complete other day like Ben said. Then, MJ would have been in no shape to make it back to rehearsals so AEG and the gang decided to pretend that he was still at rehearsals all that week knowing that they would have to capture some great footage for their movie. So that is when the double entered and finished up that last week. This would explain why there were added body guards and why the guards stopped letting the fans get too close and why witnesses said he seemed to be really in control those last couple of days of rehearsal blah blah blah. Then I think the confusion on the ambulance and the arrival and stay at UCLA and a host of other confusing events on the 25th are because he did not die that day and/or nothing went down the way the various photos and videos and statements would have us believe. It would also explain some of the confusion around TII and the thoughts by many that there were doubles used. Also there was so much talk that he wasn't coming to rehearsals that often and then poof...after a bad weekend when Karen Faye said he was so bad she sent an email to AEG and Cherilyn Lee said he should go to the hospital...he miraculously has his best and most focused week of rehearsals ever...Just wondering if anyone thinks this could be plausible and if so please fill in all of the blanks I have left. ie) so what happened next with MJ on the weekend of the 21st (did he head to the airport/was it more serious and is he still recovering) and how was AEG able to finish the movie off - I think that would be relatively easy as they could just use footage filmed prior as well and some doubles and just fudge the dates.


  • skywaysskyways Posts: 745
    I HEAR U, mjkate .

    NOTHING! I = JUST = WANT = YOU = TO = SEE = THAT = I = COULD = NOT = SLEEP = AT = NIGHT!!:!: <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    For my believing, he neeed Witnesses FOR THAT NON SLEEPING ACCIDENT, AND HE CLEARLY GET IT !

    he JUST want her to see.... HUH!
  • Oh wow - I had not placed that comment with the fact that he needed outside witnesses to say he couldn't sleep. I've been thinking about the fact that if the nurse hadn't come forward the whole outcome would probably have been different than it is now.

    This is all very interesting to think about - the Ben comment, the nurse, etc. I think this one is as possible as the other theories that have been mentioned. I'll have to think about this some more. Thanks for sharing.
  • All I know is Michael had a rough life and deserves peace I've waited patiently for his return but Michael if you're reading this I want you to know that if you decide to not come back and want to have a normal life I hope the best for you, you've gave us everything you possibly could so to ask you for another tour or music seems selfish on our part, raise your kids and have fun God bless you Michael Jackson
  • It is possible he went to the hospital on the week of June 21st, to get well.The nurse saw he couldn`t sleep and she admitted him at the hospital to help him out. Also when the Meds came on June 25th, at MJ`s house didn`t they say that the person did not look like Michael Jackson? Or am I mistaken? I think this is the scenario, Mjkate is on the target. He went to the hospital before the 25th of June, he got better, and fleat the country, to recuperate. That`s when he decided to fake his death.I think he had enough and wanted peace and quiet. TII did have doubles and that is for sure, even Joe Jackson announced it in an interview, that he was upset and will not watch the movie because it was full of MJ doubles. He said `` that is not MJ`` I do agree with king_michael, if you are reading all these posts Michael, just rest,and you did give us the best since you were a child, I remember I use to watch you all the time, I grew up with your music and Jackson 5 era. You need to focus on yourself now,and you precious children and not on your fans, you had a tough childhood, and a though life. We all love you and God bless you.
    P.S we have to continue investigating this, find the missing pieces of this puzzle, good investigation MJkate
  • MJ_FactsMJ_Facts Posts: 183
    Hey Skyways,

    AND HE WANTED THAT SOMEONE HEARS that Thome Thome is a bad guy. I do not remember the name of the lady who reported that (Mike's telephone call and that he did a "complete checkup" on Thome ...)

    You know what I mean?
  • shelby61shelby61 Posts: 305
    And wasn't a picture of the same nurse taken at the This is It Premiere and it seemed the background of that picture were seating at his Neverland Ranch Theatre, as I recall.

    Good investigation and yes if in fact he did get to the hospital earlier because he was sick, it seems to fit well with your theory. My only comment is that wasn't there a group of people who were concerned about him and tried to get a letter to him the night before he "passed away"? There are so many twists and turns in this whole event that you really wonder who is telling the truth?

    I have been following this since day one, and I thought it was strange that this nurse, came out of the blue, and suggested that he could not sleep...blah blah blah and went on to tell her story. She had to tell it because it had all to do with the fact that he was taking medications to help him sleep and get through his aches and pains. I mean really, with three kids and not really working (touring that is) for the past 12 years he probably did get some rest, more than we will ever know, so to suddenly go to that extreme by injecting diprivan, which is beyond risky, I doubt very much he would have done this knowing that he is the sole parent to his children.
  • mwonajimwonaji Posts: 3
    It's def. hard to get a perfect picture to piece together the puzzle, because some of the the people talking aren't even legitimate- some people are talking, making stuff up or just repeating what they heard just to get their name out there and they might not have a clue about anything. I'm gonna take all this info here though and see if anything stands out to give me an answer.
  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    This is a very interesting theory, MJKate! Good work!

    I'm beginning to believe that if Michael was indeed surrounded by people who were trying to "take him out", the only way he could escape would be with the help of some bodyguards in conjunction with his family. It would fit with the "Airport Slip-Up" by Jermaine....it would fit with Janet & LaToya at the house a day or two later, "cleaning things up"....it would, like someone else said, fit the comment about how the EMT's didn't even know they were working on MJ....it fills in a LOT of holes....adding a few days to the scenario (June 21st to June 25th) would make the Hoax all the more feasible, so by that 2nd date, all was in motion....

    Very good thinking here, everyone....way to go!

    And yes, let me just say that I reiterate all the comments above sent to Michael himself....if, God bless us, he is still alive and even possibly reading this Forum....I only wish you peace and happiness, Mike....I wish you L.O.V.E. and I support whatever you have done or are going to do 100%....you deserve all the happiness in the world after all that you've gone through....your life has impacted mine in such a positive way, there are no words to adequately describe it....thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the LOVE you gave/are giving to me and our world!

  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    Yes I agree...I actually wouldn't care if MJ ever came back. I just hope that he is happy and safe and having a great life with his children. That is all that I desperately wish for.

    On another note, I wonder too how things would have gone if Cherilyn Lee hadn't poofed in out nowhere to say that he asked her for Diprivan. Then Arnold Klein stepped in to back her up saying he knew he had used it on a tour and then it became a household name. I guess they needed a cause of death for a perfectly healthy man and Cherilyn was the one that planted the seed.
  • I was sure that Cherilyn Lee got that call from Michael back in Feb 09 or somewhere around there? Was it that close? Geesh i dont pay too much attention to the dates anymore
  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    there was another call on june 21 yes. and it's just too close for me to believe he came out in best form he had been in lately on the 23 and 24th. it would be highly unlikely he could have done that. I believe something happened either that father's day weekend or earlier that led to the events of the week he "died". There is also no way he was going to London either whether Liz Taylor was packing or not and AEG knew it.
  • I believe the date of 6/25/09 is no coincidence in that it is the same date that Jane Burgenmeister filed official charges/delivered her lawsuit to court against the NWO for purposely tainting the vaccines and their intent to use the UK as one of the pilots for mass inoculations starting with the children, the elderly , and the infirmed.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    This is the first video where I have heard mention of Michael Jackson in some connection with Jane Burgenmeister. Of course it is being downplayed, but at least it’s on tape. I wish I could find the subsequent parts. I’ll keep looking.
  • This is the first video where I have heard mention of Michael Jackson in some connection with Jane Burgenmeister. Of course it is being downplayed, but at least it’s on tape. I wish I could find the subsequent parts. I’ll keep looking.

    she is saying that linking michael to this was part of a smear campaign . she is not saying he was connected to her . quite the opposite.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    I know what she’s saying…that’s not the point, however, for this post.
  • I know what she’s saying…that’s not the point, however, for this post.

    i guess i have missed it then <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> can you put it in different terms so that i might come to understand what you are meaning? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
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