This makes me sick.

jacilovesmichaeljacilovesmichael Posts: 2,474
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
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Are you kidding me?

I somehow stumbled upon this site when googling michael jackson related things...

I read just a few of the comments and it made me want to vomit. Seriously, what is wrong with people? I just cannot believe there are people so cruel and ignorant in the world. It makes me so sad that someone would actually take the time out of their day to create such a website. I'm afraid so many people simply do not know what love is and perhaps never will. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->


  • i know it makes me sick 2 like u i was shearching for michael jackson realated things and all these joke site for michael jackson jokes and were made after his ''death'' it just makes me sick and angry <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • PJ4MJPJ4MJ Posts: 323

    Are you kidding me?

    I somehow stumbled upon this site when googling michael jackson related things...

    I read just a few of the comments and it made me want to vomit. Seriously, what is wrong with people? I just cannot believe there are people so cruel and ignorant in the world. It makes me so sad that someone would actually take the time out of their day to create such a website. I'm afraid so many people simply do not know what love is and perhaps never will. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Just as there is good in this world, there is evil. Simple as that. And the war rages on...
  • People like that will never change. They don't live in the same light as people who love Michael Jackson. They are not aligned on the same vibrational frequency as we are. Nothing we do or say will change that. They just aren't made that way and there is not much we can do about it. They hate him as much as we love him. We cannot be swayed and neither can they. We are in the circle of Michael's love. We resonate with him. We all vibrate at the same frequency because we are in sync with Michael's vibration. Those people don't hear it. They don't feel it. They will never see it. It's like the instruments in a symphony that play in harmony and then someone hits a wrong note. It is automatically heard and causes a negative reaction in our energy. It takes us out of sync. so people who write stuff like that are the sour notes and they will never fit in our circle and we never into theirs. Don't let it get you down. Just know that we are in the better place. They will die bitter and full of jealousy because they hate themselves and want to make us hateful so that we can come down to their levels, which is out of synch with Michael Jackson. That's the goal. But it won't work <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> What they see in Michael Jackson as vile and loathsome is just a mirror of their own beliefs about themselves that they refuse to acknowledge and/or recognize. So they throw it off onto Michael because in truth they envy and want to be and have what Michael is and has, but they never will. It's not attainable and they know it, and they don't want us to thrive in it either. But alas, we do <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> and it is beautiful.
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    Well, what can we do about it? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Haters gon' hate.
  • People like that will never change. They don't live in the same light as people who love Michael Jackson. They are not aligned on the same vibrational frequency as we are. Nothing we do or say will change that. They just aren't made that way and there is not much we can do about it. They hate him as much as we love him. We cannot be swayed and neither can they. We are in the circle of Michael's love. We resonate with him. We all vibrate at the same frequency because we are in sync with Michael's vibration. Those people don't hear it. They don't feel it. They will never see it. It's like the instruments in a symphony that play in harmony and then someone hits a wrong note. It is automatically heard and causes a negative reaction in our energy. It takes us out of sync. so people who write stuff like that are the sour notes and they will never fit in our circle and we never into theirs. Don't let it get you down. Just know that we are in the better place. They will die bitter and full of jealousy because they hate themselves and want to make us hateful so that we can come down to their levels, which is out of synch with Michael Jackson. That's the goal. But it won't work <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> What they see in Michael Jackson as vile and loathsome is just a mirror of their own beliefs about themselves that they refuse to acknowledge and/or recognize. So they throw it off onto Michael because in truth they envy and want to be and have what Michael is and has, but they never will. It's not attainable and they know it, and they don't want us to thrive in it either. But alas, we do <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> and it is beautiful.

    Thanks for that. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I know it's all true but I need to be reminded sometimes. I am so sensitive and I have this ache inside of me for everyone to know love the way we do. It literally bothers me to the point where I feel sick. I used to leave school when I was a kid because people would make fun of MJ and then make fun of me for liking him. I would literally go home and cry until I threw up, and then cry to my mom about all the mean things they said about Michael. My mom never knew what to say to make me feel better but she always said that for every person that hates MJ there is 5 that love him, and that I needed to rise above it just like Michael has to everyday. I suppose the child in me is still there.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    There are some sick sad people out there and it is hurtfull but they are getting a lot of flack there from mj fans
    But what can be done to stop them
  • HollieHollie Posts: 119
    I just want Michael back! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->(
  • There are some sick sad people out there and it is hurtfull but they are getting a lot of flack there from mj fans
    But what can be done to stop them

    The best thing that can be done is for the hoax to be revealed. This will teach a lot of people the lesson of not believing everything they are fed by the media. There will always be haters, but once it is revealed that he's not dead, I think many will question everything else they believed about him. I hope so!
  • Truly sickening!!! The low people go to get their laughs or a kick out of life. The world can be a cruel and cold place
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    I can't bring myself to even's truly disgusting how some people think.

    Blessings 2 U
  • sunburstsunburst Posts: 85
    i think one of the things we can do is to ignore them. clicking on their link gives them traffic they don't deserve, and at the expense of Michael.
  • becca26becca26 Posts: 789
    I will take your word on it, I have no desire to read bad things, Michael has opened my eyes to stay in the light...stay positive, I just want to keep that energy going. I just saw Julia Roberts new movie..Eat,Pray,Love...Its GREAT, I hope you all have a chance to see it. Love you all...Shine bright. <3
  • In all my years of practicing being a therapist, I delt with patients that were mean and angry towards the world. (I need my masters to be a psychologist). These people were so angry, towards themselves, they hated their inner self, their soul and they took the anger and inflicted toward the world.(people) They would ridicule people,make fun of them, what ever would make them feel good. This is what it reminds me of, these people making jokes on MJ, are people who are not happy in within, are troubled, and jealous of MJ 'success. Yes it makes me sick as much as you, but sometimes these people have a problem, and they need help, and we shouldn't get angry towards them. Some recognize they have a problem some they think they are the King of the world, they can do what ever pleases them. I have a field day, when I have those type of patients, it is not easy to make them talk, and make them realise they are only hurting themselves. Lets focus our energy in finding what happened to MJ, instead of getting angry with sick people who really needs medical help. I hope my message made you guys feel a little better. Love to all,and May God bless..
    P>S> I am reading the book EAT PRAY LOVE.. IT IS AN AMAZING BOOK i recommend everyone to read it. The movie should be great.
  • They're jealous and insecure
  • sweet1sweet1 Posts: 312
    I can't bring myself to even's truly disgusting how some people think.

    Blessings 2 U

    I am with you on that! I have no desire to view such trash. There will always be evil people in the world just as there will always be good. I believe someone else said this in their post. But in all honesty, the wicked will have their day. They will all be cut down like grass. All, we can do is pray for them all to come into love and light before their end time. Keep the Faith!
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    just ignore freaks like them, they don't deserve out attention, these people are just sick and ignorant, i think MJ would just ignore them as well, let's not waste our precious time on shits like this, BTW if there is a way to report this crap, let us know plz, thx for sharing
  • Once we understand that Michael is not just the man in the mirror but that he IS the mirror for those people who want to live in his light but can't. And they know it. They can't be compassionate and loving and loved by billions. So they see everything they can't have in Michael and resent it and that resentment builds and builds the more love he gets until it is full blown hate. When they look at Michael and see who they will never be. Michael becomes their mirror of their failures in life, and what is reflected back when they look at him is really their own shallow souls. It's really sad to be envious, to hate someone so much because they have something beautiful that you'll never be able to attain, like universal love. So envious in fact that you hate the person who possesses it so much that you can't see them for who they really are because you are blinded by your own demons of jealousy and envy. Your eyes cannot see beyond, around or through those demons. So what you see is a reflection of yourself unrecognized. Michael is their mirror. The ugly is you. IS IT SCARY FOR YOU to see yourself reflected there? THEY ARE HATERS. They always will be.
  • AgentBJAgentBJ Posts: 587
    A-holes! bigun2.gif
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