Jackson family tree in pictures

Very nice thing I found. If you are visual like me. By the way...I didn't know Auggie was Reebie's son...Remember Auggie, he's the little boy that had MJ laughing when the magician made it look like someone's head got chopped off and Auggie ran out of the theater...on the "special home movies" show MJ did...remember?!


  • This was interesting. Thank you for sharing. Music and entertaining most certainly run through the Jackson veins, doesn't it. Very talented family...God bless them all.
  • Thanks, mykidsmum! People live long in the Jackson family... At least 3 of Michael's grandparents seem to have lived 80+ years, and Michael's parents (who are around 80, right?) seem to be in good shape. If Michael really died, that makes it even more poignant. But then he said himself that he didn't like old age...

    BTW, I also noticed that a grandfather of MJ's (Katherine's father) was indeed named Prince - so MJ didn't lie about that.
  • wow, look at Brandi, she looks almost exactly like Janet, I do believe that she is Janet's secret child no matter what people or they say. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    wow, look at Brandi, she looks almost exactly like Janet, I do believe that she is Janet's secret child no matter what people or they say. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Not that it matters because it's their business & Jackie is a great father to her, but she does look just like her with James' coloring. She's beautiful. The smile is what says it all for me, it's Janet's smile <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • wow, look at Brandi, she looks almost exactly like Janet, I do believe that she is Janet's secret child no matter what people or they say. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Not that it matters because it's their business & Jackie is a great father to her, but she does look just like her with James' coloring. She's beautiful. The smile is what says it all for me, it's Janet's smile <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    you know what, Janet has no stretch marks on her tummy but you know who does....Latoya. Just thought I'd put that out there. I'd show you the 3 pics I'm talking about but MJJpictures is down. What year did Latoya "run away?"
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    wow, look at Brandi, she looks almost exactly like Janet, I do believe that she is Janet's secret child no matter what people or they say. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Not that it matters because it's their business & Jackie is a great father to her, but she does look just like her with James' coloring. She's beautiful. The smile is what says it all for me, it's Janet's smile <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    you know what, Janet has no stretch marks on her tummy but you know who does....Latoya. Just thought I'd put that out there. I'd show you the 3 pics I'm talking about but MJJpictures is down. What year did Latoya "run away?"

    1987 or so. IMO though, Brandi doesn't look like Latoya at all. She looks more like Janet, not all pregnant women get stretch marks during pregnancy. She could have had a cicerian (c-section) too, in this pic I can see a scar on her lower abdomen right about her pants: <!-- m -->http://image3.examiner.com/images/blog/ ... _jackson(6<!-- m -->).jpg
    Who knows though, Stevanna looks A LOT like Janet used to during the time she did "That's the way love goes" "Again" & "If" but she's Randy's. I never noticed Latoya had stretch marks. Hmm.
  • wow, look at Brandi, she looks almost exactly like Janet, I do believe that she is Janet's secret child no matter what people or they say. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Not that it matters because it's their business & Jackie is a great father to her, but she does look just like her with James' coloring. She's beautiful. The smile is what says it all for me, it's Janet's smile <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    you know what, Janet has no stretch marks on her tummy but you know who does....Latoya. Just thought I'd put that out there. I'd show you the 3 pics I'm talking about but MJJpictures is down. What year did Latoya "run away?"

    1987 or so. IMO though, Brandi doesn't look like Latoya at all. She looks more like Janet, not all pregnant women get stretch marks during pregnancy. She could have had a cicerian (c-section) too, in this pic I can see a scar on her lower abdomen right about her pants: <!-- m -->http://image3.examiner.com/images/blog/ ... _jackson(6<!-- m -->).jpg
    Who knows though, Stevanna looks A LOT like Janet used to during the time she did "That's the way love goes" "Again" & "If" but she's Randy's. I never noticed Latoya had stretch marks. Hmm.
    I can't see the pic error comes up, but if you can see a scar near her pants, it's probably from a tummy tuck...a scar from a c-section is very very low, just above the pubic bone...too low to see near a pants line...(I know...LOL)
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    wow, look at Brandi, she looks almost exactly like Janet, I do believe that she is Janet's secret child no matter what people or they say. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Not that it matters because it's their business & Jackie is a great father to her, but she does look just like her with James' coloring. She's beautiful. The smile is what says it all for me, it's Janet's smile <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    you know what, Janet has no stretch marks on her tummy but you know who does....Latoya. Just thought I'd put that out there. I'd show you the 3 pics I'm talking about but MJJpictures is down. What year did Latoya "run away?"

    1987 or so. IMO though, Brandi doesn't look like Latoya at all. She looks more like Janet, not all pregnant women get stretch marks during pregnancy. She could have had a cicerian (c-section) too, in this pic I can see a scar on her lower abdomen right about her pants: <!-- m -->http://image3.examiner.com/images/blog/ ... _jackson(6<!-- m -->).jpg
    Who knows though, Stevanna looks A LOT like Janet used to during the time she did "That's the way love goes" "Again" & "If" but she's Randy's. I never noticed Latoya had stretch marks. Hmm.
    I can't see the pic error comes up, but if you can see a scar near her pants, it's probably from a tummy tuck...a scar from a c-section is very very low, just above the pubic bone...too low to see near a pants line...(I know...LOL)

    LOL yeah I know how low it is but do you know how LOW that woman used to wear her pants back when she had toned abs?
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