Jane Bürgermeister - Bloggers Persecuted & Declared Insane t

LunaCieloLunaCielo Posts: 393
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Jane Bürgermeister - Bloggers Persecuted & Declared Insane to Silence Dissent - Vienna, 07/18/2010

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  • LunaCieloLunaCielo Posts: 393
    <!-- m -->http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2010/08 ... hind-this/<!-- m -->:

    Kafkaesque interrogation at Vienna court: Are the Baxter charges behind this?

    "Judges are supposed to make their decisions on the basis of evidence, documents and facts, But in the court Döbling in Vienna, this is clearly not a requirement.

    An email from an unknown person appeared to be set to be the basis of the decision to appoint a legal guardian and strip me of all my civic rights at top speed when I went at 10 am this morning to the court in Döbling, Vienna, for my interrogation by judge Dr Hannes Winge.

    I was told the interview would probably last only 15 minutes and not to bother bringing any documents along as they were all.

    To my surprise, Dr Winge’s first question to me in his spacious office was about an email from a person I have never heard of called „Christina Braun“, writing apparently about my role in the swine flu pandemic.

    He clearly wanted to focus on this email from this Christina Braun and seemed intent on appointing a legal guardian for me without delay, even asking me to name a representative. I refused because the whole procedure is not justified by the law.

    He seemed to have absolutely knowledge at all or even the slightest interest in the copies of the appeals I had handed in one month ago with documents proving that Judge Michaela Lauer’s reasons for appointing a legal guardian in connection with my Dad’s inheritance are all false even though this should have been the focus of our interview.

    A copy lay on his desk. But the pristine pages betrayed that they had come straight out of the photocopy machine and had lain untouched ever since - and that even though Dr Winge is making such a weighty decision about my future and is supposed to be studying the evidence.

    I had to insist that Dr Winge look at the proof, documents, bills, emails and evidence that Judge Lauer is pushing to appoint a legal guardian for me on the basis of false accusations and in order to bury evidence of her corruption.

    In the end, I had to spend two hours in the office as I laid out all the evidence to Dr Winge – evidence so strong he could not ignore it. At some point, even the most capricious justice system has to take account of reality.

    Dr Winge graciously agreed at the end to look at the files and study the evidence. Foolish me! I had been under the impression the examination of evidence also happened before the interview – and not only after.

    He said he would need about a month and would then make his decision about whether to drop the case or not.

    I pointed out to him that he would have to give reasons for his decision and that the reasons had to have some basis in facts and that appointing legal guardians etc for me just to silence me is actually a criminal offence.

    Instead of a fair hearing , Dr Winge appeared to wish to discuss only an irrelevant email from a person I have never heard of and to move forward to appoint a legal guardian immediately.

    That remainds of the fake criminal charges created by the corruption state prosecutor Katja Wallenschewksi out of letters of protest about my persecution by Heiner Lohmann and Christine Cote.

    It seems any, „false flag“ email or criminal charges will serve as a happy excuse not to look at the facts at hand and to continue with framing me.

    I have to ask myself: why is the Austrian government so desperate to silence me? Why do they risk such a scandal to strip me of my rights? Anyone who reads the appeals and criminal charges on the internet can see that the accusations made against me are trivial or lies.

    Being stripped of your civil rights because you allegedly have not done things like pay the insurance of your Dad’s house when you have the bill proving you paid — and when it was the job of the Judge Lauer and solicitor Hutz anyway to do this is the first place — is like a black, black comedy. Knowing you could be detained forever because Judge Lauer falsely claims I “made ever new demans for the evaluation of various properties” is like a twist in a Stephen King novel.

    What the judge says about me amounts to defamation.

    One reason the Austrian government could be so deseperate to remove me is because the Council of Europe report by UK MP Paul Flynn on the swine flu pandemic hype is set to be debated in the Austrian parliament, along with all other parliaments in Europe, in the next session. Also, 220 MEPs demanded an investigation into the swine flu at the European Parliament, though this has been blocked for now.

    Maybe the Austrian govenrment fears that the upcoming debate will highlight once more the incident where 72 kilos of seasonal flu was contaminated by Baxter in February 2009 in Orth an der Donau. Because the deadly bird flu virus has to be kept in a biosecurity level 3 lab, an accidental contamination can be virtually ruled out. The material was sent to 16 labs in four countries. Only an alert lab technician in the Czech Republic detected the virus after testing it on ferrets.

    I filed charges against Baxter on April 8th after there was no meaningful investigation by the authorities. A vet was sent to inspect the lab. The state prosecutor did start an investigation which was dropped in September 2009.

    Baxter could have sparked a global bird flu pandemic, triggering mass vaccinations, in Februrary 2009. These pandemic vaccinations can even be made compulsory under the pandemic level 6 declaration by WHO.

    A few days after I filed charges, the swine flu mysteriously appeared in Mexico.

    That the swine flu virus was hyped by WHO and by the pharamceutical companies for profit has been confirmed, in the meantime, by evidence presented reports by the Council of Europe and studies such as have appeared in the BMJ.

    It could well be that Baxter and the international corporate crime syndicate that I accused of deliberately starting a pandemic for profit in April 2009 is feeling less confident about ist ability to withstand scrutiny.

    Only about 3% to 4% of the Austrians took the swine flu vaccine in spite of the gigantic media hype and the exhortations of the health minister Alois Stöger. About 40% take the seasonal flu shot every year as a matter of routine. The authorities clearly anticipated that 60% to 70% would take the swine flu shot.

    But the Austrians did not believe the hype. And the government must be worried about its ability to give its spin to the whole swine flu pandemic and Baxter bird flu incident.

    As pharamceutical companies and government gear up for unprecedented vaccine campaigns, any scrutiny of the Baxter’s contamination in February 2009 may be seen as a increasingly big threat.

    Indeed, if Baxter were ever convicted in a court of law of deliberately attempting to start a global bird flu pandemic, it could well deal a death blow to the whole pharmaceutical industry and vaccine complex around the world.

    Getting rid of me though a legal guardianship under false and trivial accusations and also by framing me by fake criminal charges may seem a better option given the possible repercussions of a substantial investigation into Baxter.

    The sheer amount of publicity my case is getting will, however, make it impossible for them to remove me. The legal basis is non existant and there is only so much caprice and eccentricity a justice system can allow itself in the age of the internet before it discredits itself totally in the eyes of the general public.

    As soon as the court guardianship is dropped, I can and will file for compensation because this unjustified legal guardianship actually boils down to an attempt at an illegal detention and the silencing of a whistleblower.

    The longer this drags on before it is finally laid to rest as it must finally be, the higher my compensation claims can be and the more publicity this case will generate.

    The Baxter case is once more already in the spotlight along with the corruption of the Austrian justice system that failed to investigate the contamination of 72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine material with the bird f u virus that could potentially have endangered people all around the globe.

    On a personal note, the last few weeks have made me understand what the word “Kafkaseque” and “surreal” really means. Being hounded by a malevolent state is no joke at all.

    Nightmarish as this time has been, I have been overwhelmed by the amount of support I have had from people all over the world.

    I don’t have time to answer all the emails, alas , as the likes of Dr Winge force me to go on filing documents etc, though I try to answer as many emails as I can.

    But the support of so many people, also from Switzerland and from We Are Change Austria, has been truly amazing, and I feel humbled and grateful to have experienced so much generosity, kindess and good will from so many people around the world."
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  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    If she is so cuckoo, why silence her huh? Jane hits the nail on the head everytime and she always does her homework well, so people will see she is telling the truth and is not cuckoo at all. That is why they are trying to silence her.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • If she is so cuckoo, why silence her huh? Jane hits the nail on the head everytime and she always does her homework well, so people will see she is telling the truth and is not cuckoo at all. That is why they are trying to silence her.

    Exactly Souza. I believe Jane knows more about Michael than she can publicly admit. In my eyes, she is very credible and very knowledgeable about the underhanded practices going on in WHO. they want to silence her but she has gone too public for them to get rid of her without questions.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I am not talking about Mike, I am talking about her reports on the swine flu, Polish president plane crash etc.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Let me clarify that I am not quoting Souza on anything about Michael, my homies. THAT'S STRICTLY MY PERSONAL BELIEF.
  • Here is a very positive email from Jane which she sent to Blossom Goodchild who is a channeler and has been supporting her:-

    I also would like to thank everyone for sending Light to Jane Burgermeister. It ceratinly seemed to do the trick. (see below).

    .... Thank you so much. I have to say it was a nightmare but the sheer publicity and support I received has stopped the austrian gov in their tracks. The judge Winge did not dare go ahead with the plan on Thursday to strip me of all my rights and appoint a legal guardian but consented to read the evidence after I spoke to him for two hours - and of course, he knows there is no basis and he could be in trouble if the spotlight turns on him, too. So, I have a month's reprieve.

    Now Nigel Farage has also offered to help me so with each passing day their chance to remove me quickly and quietly recedes. My case highlights just how corrupt the justice system in austria has become. It is like Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Soon looking at a tree could lead to imprisonment if you are on their snatch list!

    ... A gigantic wave of good will has saved me! It is too late for them now. Too many people responded. I feel very optimistic.

    As you know in Judo etc, if you throw a punch and fail to hit the opponent, the momentum of your punch can be used to floor you - this is the situation the Austrian government is now facing. They threw the punch, missed and they are heading downwards fast and a little push is all that is needed (-:

    Thank you again for all your support! God bless! Jane
  • LunaCieloLunaCielo Posts: 393
    (<!-- m -->http://www.Prison<!-- m --> Planet.com)

    "They have helped tyrannical regimes throughout history define suspicion of authorities as a mental illness, just as John Gartner did in his Psychology Today hit piece.

    According to a Psychology Today hit piece written by psychologist John Gartner, people prone to thinking that powerful men might actually get together and plan to maintain and advance their power are borderline psychotics who are a danger to society. In reality, hundreds of years of history has taught us that psychologists routinely aid authoritarian regimes in enforcing tyrannical and inhumane policies while helping them crush political opposition by defining suspicion of authorities as a mental illness.

    As we highlighted in our article yesterday, psychologists in the Soviet Union were used to stifle free speech by classifying skepticism and political opposition to the state as a mental illness, which is precisely the implication littered throughout Gartner’s crass hit piece.

    In the former Soviet Union, psikhushkas — mental hospitals — were used by the state as prisons in order to isolate political prisoners, discredit their ideas, and break them physically and mentally. The Soviet state began using mental hospitals to punish dissidents in 1939 under Stalin.

    According to official Soviet psychiatry and the Moscow Serbsky Institute at the time, “ideas about a struggle for truth and justice are formed by personalities with a paranoid structure.” Treatment for this special political schizophrenia included various forms of restraint, electric shocks, electromagnetic torture, radiation torture, lumbar punctures, various drugs — such as narcotics, tranquilizers, and insulin — and beatings. Anne Applebaum, author of Gulag: A History, indicates that at least 365 sane people were treated for “politically defined madness,” although she surmises there were many more.

    The profession of psychology blossoms under tyrannical regimes, as is explored in Ulfried Geuter’s The Professionalization of Psychology in Nazi Germany. Under Hitler’s Third Reich, the relationship between the ruling Nazi thugs and psychologists was close and mutually beneficial. People like Nazi psychologist Robert Ritter, Ph. D. (pictured top) were instrumental in persecuting minorities and enforcing eugenicist policies of genocide.

    “From Nazi Germany, South Africa, Russia and the former Yugoslavia, to Iraq today, psychiatry has been and/or remains a key player. In fact, the marriage between authoritarian government and psychiatry is as old as psychiatry itself,” writes Jan Eastgate, International President, Citizens Commission on Human Rights, “In the 1800s, Germany’s militaristic “Iron Chancellor,” Otto von Bismarck, utilized psychiatry to influence and control whole populations in order to fulfill his dreams of conquest through war.”


    Why Psychologists Are Infinitely More Dangerous Than Conspiracy Theorists 270809banner

    In his book Dangerous Minds: Political Psychiatry in China Today and Its Origins in the Mao Era, praised as “eloquent and convincing” in a New York Times Review of Books piece, author Robert Munro exposes how psychiatrists and psychologists continue to be at the forefront of the brutal Communist Chinese system of ascribing mental illnesses to those who express even mildly negative political opinions towards the ruling Party.

    The book reveals how, “From the 1950s onward not only Chinese dissidents but people who submitted petitions to the authorities have been detained by the police, examined by psychiatrists, and found to be criminally insane—or, if found mentally “normal,” designated as criminals to be cast into the prison system.”

    An official Chinese police designation for those worthy of “psychiatric custody” cited by Munro lists people who write anti-government letters, make anti-government speeches or those who merely express opinions on important domestic and international affairs that could be considered anti-government.

    But the use of psychologists in the pursuit of inhumane policies is not just resigned to tyrannical regimes of the first half of the 20th century.

    Recent revelations surrounding the torture scandal highlight the role of psychologists in what the Physicians for Human Rights organization alleges amounted to “unlawful human experimentation” and torture on inmates at Guantánamo, Abu Ghraib, Bagram and other U.S. detention sites.

    “PHR says health professionals participated at every stage in the development, implementation and legal justification of what it calls the CIA’s secret “torture programme,” reports the London Guardian.

    Doctors and psychologists actively monitored CIA torture techniques and helped evaluate their effectiveness, a “violation of core ethical values” according to the American Medical Association and a flagrant abuse of the 1947 Nuremberg Code, which forbids experimentation on humans without their consent.

    The CIA’s close relationship with psychologists and psychiatrists in conducting illegal torture programs stretches back decades.

    “Historian Alfred W. McCoy has shed light in this area in his recent book A Question of Torture and in numerous articles and interviews,” writes Stephen Soldz. “He documents the decades-long CIA effort to utilized psychological expertise to develop forms of torture that could break down the personality of detainees, rendering them, it was hoped, incapable of withholding desired information. Many of these technique were utilized during the Vietnam conflict and in the various brutal U.S.-supported counterinsurgency campaigns in Latin American in the 1970s and 1980s.”

    While Psychology Today’s John Gartner cites a single example of a “conspiracy theorist” who voiced support for Alex Jones entering Bohemian Grove armed with guns, and uses it to make the implication that “conspiracy thinking” is a major threat to society, documented history stretching back hundreds of years shows that psychologists, and particularly their tactic of classifying suspicion of authorities and “conspiracy thinking” as a mental illness, have played a key role in preserving the power of dictatorial elites and helping them to carry out inhumane practices while crushing free speech and legitimate political opposition."
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  • Here is a very positive email from Jane which she sent to Blossom Goodchild who is a channeler and has been supporting her:-

    I also would like to thank everyone for sending Light to Jane Burgermeister. It ceratinly seemed to do the trick. (see below).

    .... Thank you so much. I have to say it was a nightmare but the sheer publicity and support I received has stopped the austrian gov in their tracks. The judge Winge did not dare go ahead with the plan on Thursday to strip me of all my rights and appoint a legal guardian but consented to read the evidence after I spoke to him for two hours - and of course, he knows there is no basis and he could be in trouble if the spotlight turns on him, too. So, I have a month's reprieve.

    Now Nigel Farage has also offered to help me so with each passing day their chance to remove me quickly and quietly recedes. My case highlights just how corrupt the justice system in austria has become. It is like Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Soon looking at a tree could lead to imprisonment if you are on their snatch list!

    ... A gigantic wave of good will has saved me! It is too late for them now. Too many people responded. I feel very optimistic.

    As you know in Judo etc, if you throw a punch and fail to hit the opponent, the momentum of your punch can be used to floor you - this is the situation the Austrian government is now facing. They threw the punch, missed and they are heading downwards fast and a little push is all that is needed (-:

    Thank you again for all your support! God bless! Jane
    They did the same to Michael, when he tried to speak out and warn us , they tried to distroy him, every way they could.
  • <!-- m -->http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2010/10 ... ing-nazis/<!-- m -->:

    "One of my friends, George McKenzie, joined the Stuttgart police force a few years ago but continued to keep on his flat in Vienna, and every now and then we meet up for a chat.

    At the beginning of summer, he told me about an experience that shocked me and strongly suggests the notion that the Stuttgart police is recruiting and protecting Nazis.

    I have to confess I forgot about our conversation until I saw the violence of the anti-riot police against the Stuttgart 21 demonstrators. And the individual that George had told me about was at the September 30th protests that resulted in about 400 injuries, including the near death of one elderly woman who had to be reanimated in the ambulance, so George told me anyway on the phone when we talked yesterday.

    The incident involves a police officer called Georg Kimble (Kimpel?) who I believe works for the anti riot police unit in Göppingen. What happened shocked George McKenzie so much that when he returned from the patrol with Kimble, his colleagues were so concerned that they immediately took the initiative and wrote an official complaint about Kimble.

    George was out on patrol in a police car at night time in a deserted area with Kimble, who is about 22 or so.

    All of a sudden, Kimble who was at the wheel, stopped the car in a country lane, turned to George and said to him something like this:

    “I hate people like you: If I could get away with it, I would shoot you right now and dump your body in that pond.”

    George was stunned. He had the feeling that Kimble really meant what he said. The thought even flashed through his mind, he might not return alive from the patrol that night because he was sitting beside a psychopath.

    George has a slightly dark complexion — his father was part Scottish, part Caribbean while his mother is part Austrian, part German — and he realized Kimble’s comment was racially motivated.

    In the course of the night time patrol, Kimble, who has blond hair and blue eyes, made derogatory remarks about people who do not have blond hair and blue eyes. He said his parents were both blond and blue eyed and he would only go out with a woman who also had blond hair and blue eyes. He also made derogatory remarks about Jews.

    In addition, he said that one hobby of his was feeding live mice to his snake. He said he enjoyed especially seeing the fear of the mouse before it was finally fed to the snake.

    Anyway, George who has studied psychologically and whose mother is a doctor, was convinced Kimble was mentally ill and had strong sadistic inclinations.

    When he got back to the police station, he was so shaken he told his colleagues about what had happened. They wrote up a report and filed a complaint about Kimble to be sent to the state prosecutor’s office.

    But one colleague took him aside and warned him the charges would never reach the state prosecutor’s office, implying Kimble and his like enjoyed special protection.

    George was later called in by his superior about the incident. His boss made it clear to him he disapproved of his complaint about Kimble, and asked him to withdraw it. He asked George if he wanted to ruin the career of a young police man?

    I remember George saying something about hiring a lawyer to write some letter in connection with the case after it became clear the charges had really not been sent to the state prosecutor’s office, but I cannot remember all the details.

    I rang George up yesterday and asked him what had happened to the charges against Kimble. He told me he hadn’ t heard anything for months.

    He’d been on holiday since October 1st and had only seen video footage of the protests in Stuttgart on September 30th on the internet. But he had spotted Kimble standing around in his riot gear in one video sequence, he told me.

    I asked him whether he was going to publicize the incident involving Kimble, arguing that the people of Stuttgart should be informed that there are potential Nazis and sadists in the ranks of the anti riot police, and that these people are apparently being given protection by the higher ups.

    George said he would talk to his colleagues when he got back from holiday, but he did not sound too enthusiastic.

    Anyway, I decided I was going to go ahead without waiting for any permission and write about this incident on this blog because it is surely of great concern to the people of Stuttgart and Germany that there may be mentally ill Nazis in the police force and that are being let loose on school children and the elderly.

    I am also going to send email to the press officer of the Stuttgart riot police with a copy of this report (in English) and ask for a comment.

    According to a press release from October 28th, 2005, the current director of the riot police, Thomas Mürder, also held leading positions in key strategic department in Baden Württemberg’s Interior Ministry from 1996. The controversial CDU Interior Minister Heribert Rech has strong praise for him.

    “I know that the tasks at hand are in the best hands with you and wish you all the best for your career and lots of good wishes and successes,” Rech is quoted as saying.

    <!-- m -->http://www.polifant.de/pressearchiv2005/prim119_05.pdf<!-- m -->

    How much does Rech know about the evidence that there are Nazis in the ranks of the police?

    This entry was posted on Monday, October 18th, 2010 at 7:41 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed."
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  • Don't believe the hype and the tabloid junk. Jane Burgenmeister is the truth!
  • I am not talking about Mike, I am talking about her reports on the swine flu, Polish president plane crash etc.

    I didn't imply YOU were talking about "Mike". I AM and all the other very real truths she speaks of. My remarks about Michael Jackson are mine and mine alone.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    soory if i sound stupid.please can someone .in a few lines ...............tell me what this is all about.....xxx
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