Omer Bhatti song?!

edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hello <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
I don't know if this has been posted before, sorry if it has!
I was just listening to Omer Bhatti's song 'Under Pressure' and it has lots is references to Michael. I'm not sure if they are clues though!
Heres the link to the song:

Some lyrics which stood out to me were firstly the mention of tarantulas, as this reminded me of a post a while back which was talking about spiders and Thriller (I think!)
But what stood out the most was the following 'Young Mike Jack, hold my mirror up
So I can look at the man in the mirror
Give me two summers'

Now I'm not sure if this song is giving any clues, what do you think?

Love x


  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    "Two summers" would be July 2011, is he implying BAM?
  • Could be...!
  • A lot of people are obsessed with MJ, especially those that came close to him at one point or another (e.g. Karen Faye, Omer Bhatti), but that doesn't mean they're in on the hoax - IF there is a hoax - or that they have any special knowledge. They simply can't let go, that's all. (Just my opinion.)
  • <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Why is it so hard for some people to accept that OMER BHATTI was more than just "close" to Michael? Michael took him into his home as a CHILD. He was raised and traveled the world by/with Michael Jackson. He is not a wanna be, has been, or just some other bloak. He was/is/what ever an integral part of Michael Jackson, King of Pop's life and History. Are people that envious of Omer? God Michael would hate that like the plague. We talk about love and healing the world. But if you're gonna be about it do that. Omer Bhatti is probably closer to Michael than many members of his own family. He reared him for heaven's sake. Stop hating on Omer <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> Say what you want in response to this. I don't give a damn. If the shoe fits, wear it. If it doesn't apply to you, then leave it alone. We are all adults. The truth shall set you free. It does for me anyway. Good God!
  • :roll: Why is it so hard for some people to accept that OMER BHATTI was more than just "close" to Michael? Michael took him into his home as a CHILD. He was raised and traveled the world by/with Michael Jackson. He is not a wanna be, has been, or just some other bloak. He was/is/what ever an integral part of Michael Jackson, King of Pop's life and History. Are people that envious of Omer? God Michael would hate that like the plague. We talk about love and healing the world. But if you're gonna be about it do that. Omer Bhatti is probably closer to Michael than many members of his own family. He reared him for heaven's sake. Stop hating on Omer <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> Say what you want in response to this. I don't give a damn. If the shoe fits, wear it. If it doesn't apply to you, then leave it alone. We are all adults. The truth shall set you free. It does for me anyway. Good God!
    Amen! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • :roll: Why is it so hard for some people to accept that OMER BHATTI was more than just "close" to Michael? Michael took him into his home as a CHILD. He was raised and traveled the world by/with Michael Jackson. He is not a wanna be, has been, or just some other bloak. He was/is/what ever an integral part of Michael Jackson, King of Pop's life and History. Are people that envious of Omer? God Michael would hate that like the plague. We talk about love and healing the world. But if you're gonna be about it do that. Omer Bhatti is probably closer to Michael than many members of his own family. He reared him for heaven's sake. Stop hating on Omer <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> Say what you want in response to this. I don't give a damn. If the shoe fits, wear it. If it doesn't apply to you, then leave it alone. We are all adults. The truth shall set you free. It does for me anyway. Good God!

    If this is addressed to me, you missed the point of what I was trying to say. I do realize Omer was taken in by Michael, was raised by him etc. I don't hate Omer or anything... I was trying to say that he and other people were so much under Michael's influence that they continue to think of him and probably always will. Many of the things they do reflect MJ's influence and the fact that they still think of Michael. That means we shouldn't interpret everything they do as having a special meaning (re: hoax)... It can just be that MJ is always/often in their thoughts.

    I don't know how/why you got the sense that I'm hating on Omer! I didn't even use "obsessed" in my post in a negative sense... Hell, the fact that we're all on this board means we're all obsessed!!
  • I said if the shoe fits wear it. If not, then leave it alone. Ahem <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Is English a 2nd language on these forums?
  • I said if the shoe fits wear it. If not, then leave it alone. Ahem <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Is English a 2nd language on these forums?

    "I don't give a damn what you say" is a good way to shut people up. I don't do that here, and don't like it when others do it. People misinterpret posts sometimes, and we should have a chance to explain ourselves.

    And yes, English IS a second language for some people here. It's irrelevant whether it is for me or not... You're being insulting and self-righteous, I'm sorry to say.
  • I said if the shoe fits wear it. If not, then leave it alone. Ahem <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Is English a 2nd language on these forums?

    "I don't give a damn what you say" is a good way to shut people up. I don't do that here, and don't like it when others do it. People misinterpret posts sometimes, and we should have a chance to explain ourselves.

    And yes, English IS a second language for some people here. It's irrelevant whether it is for me or not... You're being insulting and self-righteous, I'm sorry to say.

    It's insulting to talk bad about people who aren't present to defend themselves behind their backs. I am sorry if this post offended you. I don't recall mentioning any particular names except Omer and Michael Jackson.
  • It's insulting to talk bad about people who aren't present to defend themselves behind their backs. I am sorry if this post offended you. I don't recall mentioning any particular names except Omer and Michael Jackson.

    I was and am offended, because I didn't "talk bad" about Omer, and you completely misjudged me based on a post you misinterpreted. Please re-read my original post... What did I say about Omer that was "bad"?

    I believe that love and tolerance should be practiced, not preached, and what you're saying contradicts what you're doing.
  • Points well taken. Thank you for the explanation. Truce and again sorry that you were offended. However just like Paris, Prince and Blanket, Omer in my opinion should be respected for who he was in Michael's life. And it is offensive to my eyes and ears when he is not. That is a general statement, not a personal one. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • It's all good, hesouttamylife... PEACE. I can't say I'm a fan of Omer's, but then I don't even know the guy and he seems OK and he was indeed important to Michael (no disagreement here). In no way did I mean to disrespect him.
  • :roll: Why is it so hard for some people to accept that OMER BHATTI was more than just "close" to Michael? Michael took him into his home as a CHILD. He was raised and traveled the world by/with Michael Jackson. He is not a wanna be, has been, or just some other bloak. He was/is/what ever an integral part of Michael Jackson, King of Pop's life and History. Are people that envious of Omer? God Michael would hate that like the plague. We talk about love and healing the world. But if you're gonna be about it do that. Omer Bhatti is probably closer to Michael than many members of his own family. He reared him for heaven's sake. Stop hating on Omer <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> Say what you want in response to this. I don't give a damn. If the shoe fits, wear it. If it doesn't apply to you, then leave it alone. We are all adults. The truth shall set you free. It does for me anyway. Good God!

    I agree with you. i believe MJ raised him as his own. There are numerous photos of Omer and MJs children all together. I was that way before i had my own kids. I befriended a few children and pretty much took them as my own even though they were no relation and to this day they are my grandchildren even before i had my own blood grandchildren. I believe OMER knows it all and playing the game just like the rest of the fam. Mike loves him very much. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> PERIOD.
  • A lot of Omer's songs, photo shoots, and even moves seem to have MJ references throughout. If it's not meant to have direct meaning, then definitely the influence shows loud and clear.

    I still believe, looking at all of these young people that spent valuable time with Michael, that you can tell how positive of an influence Michael had on them all. None of them have gotten into trouble and they all seem to have a great work ethic. Kudos to Michael for being such a great mentor.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Thank you! I don't understand why people talk about Omer like some obsessed person, like he wasn't taken in as a part of MJ's family & loved by MJ. He raised him practically & took him everywhere. Omer is close to his cousins & PPB. He IS family to them, blood or not. He was even in a family reunion pic with everyone! That says family to me, no other friends were included. Omer has love & respect for MJ beyond what we can imagine because he was close to him as a son, blood or not. So give it a rest. & Yes I believe Omer would know! He'd be one of the first ones to know!

    & yes kudos to Mike! He's a wonderful man which = wonderful influence/mentor which = good kids that grow into great people <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • "Two summers" would be July 2011, is he implying BAM?

    If mj bams soon, it could be the summer of 09, the death. Summer of 10 the ressurection.
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