Michael Jackson Death Hoax 29

all4loveandbelieveall4loveandbelieve Posts: 4,455
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I do not know if you saw this youtube video, Very interesting, especially when Oprah interviews Lisa Marie Presley with Priscilla Presley. If this was already posted can close the thread,


  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    Watch all 9 parts.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    "we have 4 years to get it right". So, that comes to year of 2013. What did Michael refer to?
  • i don't like when oprah asked lisa about what she was thinking when her and Michael got married and Lisa answer to that was..ohh my mother of god or something to that effect..when her and Michael went on the tv special and she told everyone that yes they have sex yes its a regular marriage yes they sleep together and so on..how could Lisa and even her mom say anything upsetting about Michael..
    huggs n faith to all
  • "we have 4 years to get it right". So, that comes to year of 2013. What did Michael refer to?
    2012 not 2013
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    "we have 4 years to get it right". So, that comes to year of 2013. What did Michael refer to?
    2012 not 2013

    Wow. Here you go: June 2009-June 2010=1 year
    June 2010-June 2011=2 years
    June 2011-June 2012=3 years
    June 2012-June 2013=4 years
  • luchyluchy Posts: 149
    Who was Lisa at the time of marriage? " She was the daughter of Elvis ... And who is Lisa now? The daughter of Elvis and Michael's ex (the curriculum has improved her) ... .

    It's much more logical to believe that she used the Michael and not the opposite as she said in the interview <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • Who was Lisa at the time of marriage? " She was the daughter of Elvis ... And who is Lisa now? The daughter of Elvis and Michael's ex (the curriculum has improved her) ... .

    It's much more logical to believe that she used the Michael and not the opposite as she said in the interview <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    I honestly thing they both used eachother.I am not being mean, Michael probably wanted to know more about Elvis's death hoax, and how he did it, and Lisa Marie did it to boost her curriculum as you say it. They probably loved eachother, but not as husband and wife, but more like friends. Remember Michael is a very very intelligent man, he needed a little more information, and who better to give it to him? Lisa Marie. In order for her to open up, he had to marry her. This was a marriage of convenience. The same thing as Debbie Rowe. In a way Lisa Marie must have given good information, Michael succeeded in his death hoax. Good for you Michael.. Love always..
  • "we have 4 years to get it right". So, that comes to year of 2013. What did Michael refer to?
    2012 not 2013

    Wow. Here you go: June 2009-June 2010=1 year
    June 2010-June 2011=2 years
    June 2011-June 2012=3 years
    June 2012-June 2013=4 years

    Wow, here w3e go.

    2009 + 2012= 4 years <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • backstagerbackstager Posts: 291
    "we have 4 years to get it right". So, that comes to year of 2013. What did Michael refer to?
    2012 not 2013

    Wow. Here you go: June 2009-June 2010=1 year
    June 2010-June 2011=2 years
    June 2011-June 2012=3 years
    June 2012-June 2013=4 years

    Wow, here w3e go.

    2009 + 2012= 4 years <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    2009 + 4 years = 2013. Its simple.
  • "we have 4 years to get it right". So, that comes to year of 2013. What did Michael refer to?
    2012 not 2013

    Wow. Here you go: June 2009-June 2010=1 year
    June 2010-June 2011=2 years
    June 2011-June 2012=3 years
    June 2012-June 2013=4 years

    Wow, here w3e go.

    2009 + 2012= 4 years <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    2009 + 4 years = 2013. Its simple.
    2009 + 2010 + 2011 + 2012 = 4 goddamn years
  • backstagerbackstager Posts: 291
    "we have 4 years to get it right". So, that comes to year of 2013. What did Michael refer to?
    2012 not 2013

    Wow. Here you go: June 2009-June 2010=1 year
    June 2010-June 2011=2 years
    June 2011-June 2012=3 years
    June 2012-June 2013=4 years

    Wow, here w3e go.

    2009 + 2012= 4 years <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    2009 + 4 years = 2013. Its simple.
    2009 + 2010 + 2011 + 2012 = 4 goddamn years

    You don't count the year 2009, ice. Say its March 2009. A year later it would be March 2010. Two years later it would be March 2011. Three years later it would be March 2012. FOUR YEARS later it would be March 2013.
  • wow!!!..
    so kind...such a way with words...is this how we are going to reply and to act towards each other??!...is this what we have learned from michaels message??!!
    its sad..how can we help spread his message of love and understanding that is so needed in the day in age when we cant even get along in a forum
    huggs n faith
  • ok ok why so much hostility going on here? Aren't we suppose to work together? Come on guys.. No need to be hostile. thanks.. and peace love and harmony.
  • "we have 4 years to get it right". So, that comes to year of 2013. What did Michael refer to?
    2012 not 2013

    Wow. Here you go: June 2009-June 2010=1 year
    June 2010-June 2011=2 years
    June 2011-June 2012=3 years
    June 2012-June 2013=4 years

    Wow, here w3e go.

    2009 + 2012= 4 years <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    2009 + 4 years = 2013. Its simple.
    2009 + 2010 + 2011 + 2012 = 4 goddamn years

    You don't count the year 2009, ice. Say its March 2009. A year later it would be March 2010. Two years later it would be March 2011. Three years later it would be March 2012. FOUR YEARS later it would be March 2013.
    2013 doesn't make any sense. its 2012, that's when the Mayan calender ends
  • 2MuchMJLuv2MuchMJLuv Posts: 332
    It's sickening how the media quoted Lisa Marie, and accepted it as the truth because she'd said it. Honestly, I don't believe that he made those comments that she'd posted on twitter. I think she was looking for relevance again. If you've read "Moonwalk" you'll understand why. Also, Pricilla sounds as bad as she looks. It disgusts me when people suggest that MJ benefited from his "marriage" to her. That is such a joke!!! I can't believe that Pricilla said that. The fact that she's Elvis' daughter means absolutely nothing. Her broke a$$ children's father reaped that benefit. I've also heard people suggest that he married her to curtail talk that he was a pedophile and to prove that he was hetero--which also made no sense because p**** came a dime a dozen to him. If you ask me, Lisa Marie was the benefactor. The only time that she got alot of press was during the early stages of her self destructive behavior. The media thought it would be cool if she od'd like her dad, so they were actually waiting for that to happen. MJ could sneeze and get press. She was trying to get into the music biz around that time, so the publicity helped her. Pricilla is ignorant, and when I look at her I think of that movie "House of Wax". She should wax her lips shut. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • hopehope Posts: 543
    It's sickening how the media quoted Lisa Marie, and accepted it as the truth because she'd said it. Honestly, I don't believe that he made those comments that she'd posted on twitter. I think she was looking for relevance again. If you've read "Moonwalk" you'll understand why. Also, Pricilla sounds as bad as she looks. It disgusts me when people suggest that MJ benefited from his "marriage" to her. That is such a joke!!! I can't believe that Pricilla said that. The fact that she's Elvis' daughter means absolutely nothing. Her broke a$$ children's father reaped that benefit. I've also heard people suggest that he married her to curtail talk that he was a pedophile and to prove that he was hetero--which also made no sense because p**** came a dime a dozen to him. If you ask me, Lisa Marie was the benefactor. The only time that she got alot of press was during the early stages of her self destructive behavior. The media thought it would be cool if she od'd like her dad, so they were actually waiting for that to happen. MJ could sneeze and get press. She was trying to get into the music biz around that time, so the publicity helped her. Pricilla is ignorant, and when I look at her I think of that movie "House of Wax". She should wax her lips shut. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Sorry, I know you're serious, but that evil very mad face cracks me up every time <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> BUT.....I really do agree with you on all you said. I also cant believe everyone took Lisa's word about the sunflowers either. Funny there was not one single sunflower at the funeral or memorial. IF he loved them before, he probably hates the damn things now, cause everywhere you look, thats what you see.
  • <!-- m -->http://www.whosdatedwho.com/topic/7103/ ... aundry.htm<!-- m -->

    here is some of lisa's music lyrics

    there are more . they kind of hurt my brain to read
  • by the way isn't this supposed to be where the idea came from about lisa useing caps for the exact senario and some getting a connection to TS. well look at it there are no caps theres.
  • he also says about the planet we've got four years to get it right or it's irreversable damage. that doesn't really suggest the end of the world like people have been suggesting.
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