Back To June

mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Ok guys, I have been thinking and thinking of this and I was wondering....I wonder why MJ went to June Gaitlan the spiritual advisor to discuss Thome? To me it just seems odd u know? To me it seems like he would have went to a higher authority? But...I suppose people go to spiritual advisors for various reasons. It's kinda like many people question why a cardiologist was brought in? Instead of a regular general practioner? IDK my brain hurts after all of these months. Just seems odd that MJ would allow June to tape that conversation he had with her regarding Thome right? Your thoughts?
The more and more I think about this we know for a FACT that MJ was fearing his life! Because he allowed June to tape his conversation! Like why would MJ allow her to do this? Kinda seems like MJ was thinking well if they kill me.....they will have something to go on. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Then there was Latoya saying Mj would tell her " Latoya if they murder me......"
Once again when I think about this whole thing! MJ FEARED for his life !! To me it seems that the authorities are overlooking this fact. we know MJ love/loved his kids...I just feel that MJ would NOT sit around waiting for it to happen! That is why I keep wondering is it possible that he would be in protection? Or...did MJ just give up and say oh well...if they get me...well? <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->


  • I thought of it much too. For me it is strange and not clear, why Jackson's loving family remained indifferent to Michael's words about possible murder? Latoya says that 3 weeks prior to death MJ said with it that can kill him. Why the family has undertaken nothing? Or nevertheless has undertaken? I hope that nevertheless Jackson's family did not remain indifferent to Michael's words about possible murder. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    Sorry for mistakes.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    I found this tape and now realize I saw June that day at FL, same day I met fans from France, but I left early, I did not know who she is.

    <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I don't believe MJ is in the witness protection program, because he would also fear for his children's lives as well. The whole family would be hidden. They always wore masks up till shortly before MJ's "death" and then suddenly had them visible. Same reason why I don't believe Michael's life was really being threatened. He had been seen publicly out and about many times before, and sometimes with the children. If you believe that Dave Dave was really Michael spoofing us, why could not he be spoofing a deliberately taped call to Gaitlan? I also don't believe Tohme is actually evil at all, but playing a certain scary role.
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    what do you think then??
  • by mjboogie » Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:13 pm
    Ok guys, I have been thinking and thinking of this and I was wondering....I wonder why MJ went to June Gaitlan the spiritual advisor to discuss Thome? To me it just seems odd u know? To me it seems like he would have went to a higher authority? etc etc.

    Mjboogie, you ask a very smart question here, and I tell yu Mjonmind basically answered the best answer here to your question. already, IMO.
    I think it was all a planned "Hoax"..about all the talk of being "threatened" by people and all.

    Think about it, if Mike was threatened he would have not sat around talking to some "spiritual adviser" who can not do much about it,to really protect him and his children.

    and if we just say , O.K., Mike was just confiding in her about his "problems" of the moment, he certainly would not let her tape it, so that she may have an actual record of his fearful concern.

    What if the tapes would have gotten or have been stolen or even someone was intercepting their convo. even while they were talking about such a frightful thing, a matter of LIfe and death?

    Would not his action been considered quite irresponsible to say the least,to having failed to protect his own life and his childrens?
    Also that taping of this conversation with her, could have at least forewarned or alerted his would be "Killers" , that Mike indeed knows about their malicious plans and would try to escape or foil their plan.
    No, our Mike was friends with the most powerful people on the whole Globe , and June is definitely not one of them. Sorry. got my short.
    It was a game Plan, is all.IMP.
  • Although I basically agree on your thoughts,you got me curious about your ideas about Michaels reasons to hoax his own death.Untill now,I could only think of threats towards him or his happenings at the O2,rather than his children, that would make it plausible to go into hiding,protection included.
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