Jesse Jackson / Al Sharpton

mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hi. OKAY>>> Has anyone saw or even heard from JESSE JACKSON or AL SHARPTON??? <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> I am about to put their pictures on a milk carton. Any interviews anything regarding MJ? Thanks. Just wondering. Too quiet we have another hearing for Murray coming up but mums the word with these two.


  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Silence speaks volumes!
    It's one thing that has made me think this is a hoax. If Michael was indeed murdered or malpractice was evident .....wouldn't they be more vocal. Wouldn't they be stopping at nothing for justice for him? Wouldn't they want to be front and center in the biggest murder/malpractice investigation of the century? I seems to be a non-event...the trial for Murray. That being said.....we'll see what happens on that day....who knows!

  • Hi. OKAY>>> Has anyone saw or even heard from JESSE JACKSON or AL SHARPTON??? <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> I am about to put their pictures on a milk carton. Any interviews anything regarding MJ? Thanks. Just wondering. Too quiet we have another hearing for Murray coming up but mums the word with these two.

    I am about to put their pictures on a milk carton.
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Love your sense of humor. And yes, I've wondered about their silence too.
  • Al Sharpton was on CNN talking a few days ago iam pretty sure....or at least video footage of him doing something with politics. I really wasnt paying attention though. I walked into the room and just heard his voice and that was it.
  • could mean they are in the know and keeping things to themselves.
    could mean they are just as much a part of the they in tdcau as all the others
  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    Please take a look at these photos, one day after Michael's "death" Joe and Jesse Jackson <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    Please take a look at these photos, one day after Michael's "death" Joe and Jesse Jackson <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    Sorry, forgot to post website: <!-- m --> ... 7&index=13<!-- m -->
  • I know i have seen them before isnt that a bit overkill??? Being so happy the day after...

  • I've no explanation for that photo (and indeed we've seen too many smiley faces after June 25, 2009), but one reason for the silence of various people could be that they'll be witnesses in the Murray trial. I don't know who's gonna be a witness, but that would explain why they aren't talking...
  • Especially when Larry King was interviewing Joe Jackson, he had no remorse what so ever, he was promoting his new business.He did not know much, when Larry King was asking him questions about the autopsy. Buddy,your son just died, how can you promote your new business? That' s when I knew Michael was not dead. I am a parent, and God forbid, one of my kids would have died, I wouldn't even have the strength to do an interview. So I want to say Thank you Joe Jackson for giving us the answer we needed.
    Love and blessings..
  • angelwingsangelwings Posts: 112
    I know i have seen them before isnt that a bit overkill??? Being so happy the day after...

    When I look at this pic?....yeah, those are not the faces of a grieving father and consoling preacher. But it also brings me back to Joe and that necklace! The Africa necklace. He wore it on Larry King too, which makes me wonder if that is a sign? A map of where MJ is with the diamond marking the Kenya? Anyone else wonder about that?
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I haven't heard anything from them regarding other things aside from MJ either. For instance, all this talk about race & people being angry with Obama because he calls himself Black when he is in fact biracial bs they've been talking about, you think they'd have something to say about that. But....Silence. Silence about everything lately & they are two of the most vocal, opinionated people!
  • Al Sharpton tweets something almost everyday. I've only seen one concerning Michael lately, and that was for the event in New York during the 1 year anniversary at the Apollo Theater. Nothing substantiative.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Al Sharpton tweets something almost everyday. I've only seen one concerning Michael lately, and that was for the event in New York during the 1 year anniversary at the Apollo Theater. Nothing substantiative.

    Yeah, he tweets but he's normally all over the news channels & such. I haven't seen him at all. It's unusual for the both of them.
  • Al Sharpton tweets something almost everyday. I've only seen one concerning Michael lately, and that was for the event in New York during the 1 year anniversary at the Apollo Theater. Nothing substantiative.

    Yeah, he tweets but he's normally all over the news channels & such. I haven't seen him at all. It's unusual for the both of them.

    They took time off <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> they needed a vacation from the spot light. (joke) They probably have an alterior motive, I am positive of it. They will appear somehow with some news soon.
  • I've no explanation for that photo (and indeed we've seen too many smiley faces after June 25, 2009), but one reason for the silence of various people could be that they'll be witnesses in the Murray trial. I don't know who's gonna be a witness, but that would explain why they aren't talking...

    That's a good point and could be true about their silence. I know that I was still crying one day later...
  • politics: now wouldn't it be strange if there was some connection to this character.

    <!-- m --> ... a9f3f3b6ef<!-- m -->
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    It probably has no meaning, but does anyone know what is says on Joe's baseball cap? (in pic up above) I see a 2, but I can not figure out what the rest says. It kind of reminds me of the lettering used for Thriller.
  • lmao @ africa necklace, he ALWAYS wore that!
  • lmao @ africa necklace, he ALWAYS wore that!

    He or she meant the cap.. not the african necklace .
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    lmao @ africa necklace, he ALWAYS wore that!

    He or she meant the cap.. not the african necklace .
    I think that was it's own comment. Not referring to the previous question.
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