V for Vendetta connection to Criss Angel?????

michaelsupportermichaelsupporter Posts: 889
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Has anyone seen the link below???????????

....it bears close resemblance to the Vendetta character (from the videos) but it is superimposed over the Criss Angel "BeLIEve" webpage. Does anyone have any idea what is going on?!?!?!?!? Isn't that illegal to set up a web page that utilizes the likeness of a trademarked website (Criss Angel and Cirque du Soleil)???????

<!-- m -->http://thekingishere.ning.com/forum/top<!-- m --> ...


  • I would think so if Criss Angel has the picture copyrighted but I'm not sure. Doesn't it seem possible though that Criss Angel is V? Just a thought...thank you for sharing this.
  • I would think so if Criss Angel has the picture copyrighted but I'm not sure. Doesn't it seem possible though that Criss Angel is V? Just a thought...thank you for sharing this.

    That thought has gone through my mind. Plus have you ever looked at the "V" symbol???? It is eerily similar to Criss' "A" symbol!!!!
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