Moonwalker Blu-ray

Neverland110Neverland110 Posts: 49
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hi everyone

I'm new here. I've been lurking around for a little over a month when I first heard about the possibility of the hoax. I was in mourning for the last year. I couldn't even listed to Michael's music without crying. Then after the anniversary, I started watching his videos on youtube, and came across hoax videos, and I was fascinated.

Anyway, I just found something that I really wanted to share, so I decided to post.

I was just watching the Moonwalker Blu-ray import I bought a few weeks ago. I've watched it a few times already, but never got this before. It was over, on the credits, and I stopped it, then hit play again, so I could put it back to the menu for next time I start the player again, and this screen came up. It was a film certification of India. I've seen that someplace online for the This Is It Blu-ray. I have the two disc DVD so I'm not sure about that one, but it definitely was on the Moonwalker Blu-ray.

Anyway, the certificate didn't really mean anything until I looked close at it. It was registered in Mumbai last October. 10-8-2009. When was Jermaine in Mumbai, October 2009. That's when he said the tailor said he saw Michael and makes clothes for him. This is just weird because the Blu-ray I bought online is the UK import so it's region-free. Why would it be registered in India of all places. Maybe there's a reason, I don't know, but anyway, this just shocked me, and I had to share. Here is the photo I took of the screen below.


After this certificate, it showed a lot of Warnings about showing it in public places, I've never scene that worded this way though. It was written in so many languages after the first English Warning one.


Hospitals? Oil-rigs? Hotels? Maybe it's how they word it on other countries, but I've never seen it listed specifically. Who show's movies on Oil-rigs?


  • Welcome to our world! This is intriguing as to the date. I am not sure if there is a meaning but hopefully someone with more movie knowledge will shed some light on this. Thank you for sharing! Blessings.
  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    It is funny that they have to mention it - but yes Ships do stock a lot of movies on board cos that is their source of entertainment when they are miles away at sea. I have seen all recent disclaimers include ships and oil-rigs.

    Where did you buy your bluray - in India???
  • Thank you so much for the welcome!

    I got the Blu-ray on Ebay. It was the UK Import. The UK version is region-free so there were no compatibility issues. They released it in so many countries, but not here in the US yet, I wonder why? I'd never seen the whole thing, just youtube clips. I just sat in awe the first time I watched it. Michael in full HD, it was breathtaking!
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    I got the Blu Ray also, but I didn't watch it yet...

    But the second screen is a normal on almost every movie, that you only can present this video at home and not in public areas or something like that
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    I'll put a call out for Doctor Death. Is there a doctor in the house!
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