So...Who Is Responsible?

mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hi how is everyone? Ok this entire weekend I dedicated myself to viewing A.R. inconsistencies on you tube as well as going over the A.R. again. I also re-read through many of the A.R. threads mainly the ones debunking the report. OK the thing is.....if this report was indeed threw together (which obviously it was) then who are the responsible parties. I mean we have Elisa Fleek, LAPD, Coroner......ect.ect. the Pathologist..ect.ect.. I mean did THEY do this? Are THEY in the hoax? I mean wouldn't THEY be held accountable for this sloppy report! Are there any higher authorities that have viewed it and said OK wait something is DEFINITLEY wrong with this AR? Do you know what I am saying? I mean if we look at it from a murder conspiracy point of view could all of this medical professionals be involved in this? I know people have stated that California politicians are corrupt as well as LAPD? Could this be possible? OR..........could this just mean that they ARE in the hoax and are just playing their parts? Complicated if you ask me because if this A>R is bullshit is it going to hold up in court? ESPECIALLY in relation to the wrongful death lawsuit filed by Joe Jackson? Help me out. THanks. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->


  • my brain hurts from all of this. something has to give sometime.somewhere along the line someone either has to get greedy enough to tell or develop a conscience one or the other.
  • I did answer on the other board and as i said I read it once and then never read it again as it was the most complete set of inconsistancies I have ever seen and nothing made sense. Nothing matches and nothing is there that would make believe that this is a true report.

    I did not need to read it again and good for you for reading it again and finding you own reasons for thinking it is bogus. One go through was all I needed for me to see that is was soooo very wrong. Just my opinion
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    Hey I am wondering ...have we compared MJ's A.R. to any other A.R. like maybe another celebrity's A.R. or even just a regular person's A.R.? Thanks. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • chloead505chloead505 Posts: 398
    Hey I am wondering ...have we compared MJ's A.R. to any other A.R. like maybe another celebrity's A.R. or even just a regular person's A.R.? Thanks. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Don't know if it's been done but sounds like a very good idea <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: -->
  • ElsaElsa Posts: 341
    Complicated if you ask me because if this A>R is bullshit is it going to hold up in court? ESPECIALLY in relation to the wrongful death lawsuit filed by Joe Jackson? Help me out. THanks. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    The Coroner's autopsy reports would have to be the focus of any trial. If there is a trial the inconsistencies will have to come out. There are so many things in the autopsy report that are not right - it has to be intentional.
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    Question...what determines the authencity of an official A.R.? Are all states different in how they compose their reports?
    Any volunteers to compare MJ's report with say Anna Nichole or a regular person?
    If someone sends me the link to Anna Nicholes A.R. I will do it and report back. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Thanks.
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