Music Industry and the Mafia (Tommy Mottola, Madonna, Sony)

FarAwayFarAway Posts: 32
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I don't know if this was posted here before. However, i found this site... <!-- m --><!-- m --> I don't know if it is reliable or not. I was searching about some information about Tommy Mottola and Mariah Carey, so i found this by chance, and i found some really odd things about Madonna. The owner of this site accuses Madonna, Sony, and some Kabbalah members of some serious things, such as stalking, threatening, and trying to hack Aisha Goodison's computer in order to obtain songs and other intellectual works illegaly. I repeat that i don't know if this is true, i just happen to find this. Anyone know if this site is credible?

Here it is an article about Madonna and Tommy Mottola having Mafia ties.
<!-- m --> ... _mafia.htm<!-- m -->

And here are some really serious acusations about Madonna and Sony harassing this person and trying to obtain her songs illegally
<!-- m --><!-- m -->

At a point, it even mentions MJ, here:
17. Madonna’s commissioned misconduct towards Aisha continues to escalate. Aisha went public, regarding two additional attempts that were made on her life, one in 2006 and the other in 2007, in the presence of her horrified mother, when a male Kabbalah member tried to run them over with a van in a Walgreens parking lot on July 23. 2008, due to Madonna and Sony, among others affiliated with them, wanting to openly take control of Aisha’s entire Copyrighted Catalog. One year later, on July 11, 2009, Latoya Jackson, the sister of the late pop star Michael Jackson, who died under suspicious circumstances on June 25, 2009, which the coroner’s office ruled a “homicide” stated in News of the World newspaper, which was also carried in the Daily Mail UK, US Weekly and on that her brother Michael was murdered for his $1 billion publishing copyrighted catalog, he co-owns with Sony, who have been trying to steal it from him since Howard Stringer became the CEO in 2005. She also stated Michael Jackson told her privately a couple years prior, he feared they would try to “murder” him to gain full control of the copyrighted catalog. Aisha alleged the same regarding herself on her widely read website, but prior to this revelation by Latoya Jackson, as Aisha is also concerned for her life in regard to the dangerous conduct Sony and Madonna have been engaging in against her, which has been completely unprovoked, unwarranted and unlawful.

There are many many more articles in this site. So, what you guys think about this?

There is more here <!-- m --> ... art-4.html<!-- m -->


  • This is interesting. Who is Aisha and when did she put this statement out? Thanks.
  • FarAwayFarAway Posts: 32
    This is interesting. Who is Aisha and when did she put this statement out? Thanks.

    Actually, first, i would like to find out if any of the accusations are really true. I mean, i never heard of "Aisha Goodison" before, she is supposedly an indie artist. I wonder if this is some kind of hoax, joke,... this person claims to even have developed nanotechnology? And why would you hook up a computer with stuff you want to keep from pirates/hackers on a network that is connected to the Internet, and what's worse is that it was a Windows network. I think that she should provide clips for us to compare her songs and Madonna's AND documentation proving that she registered those songs before Madonna's releases, some of the lyrics examples she provided were kinda lame, btw. Anyway ,why won't she post such evidences at youtube? Maybe Warner/Madonna/etc are taking information down. (Now playing the devil's advocate, hehe) but then why would they care about covering this if there wasn't any truth in it? And, if it is just a hoax why Fox News (<!-- m -->,2933,172714,00.html<!-- m -->) and Nydailynews (<!-- m --> ... s_awa.html<!-- m -->) had to make an article about how it is all BS? (maybe also to cover up?) I tried to find more information, but mostly it is just from Aisha's sites/blog. She has been trying to file a suit against Madonna (and a ton of other people) since 2005.

    I think these are the possible scenarios:

    1) This girl has a sick obsession with Madonna, so she made up everything.
    2) Some of this stuff really happened and some (probably most) she made up. But then, how can she prove it? She says she has proof that her computer was hacked, she probably has some IP data or some traces of rootkit software installed, maybe. But then, we can't see these, how do we know she isn't making all this up? We don't have access to evidence that she was stalked, threatened, or that her daughter was either. How can she prove that all these people who supposedly follows her were Kabbalah members and were acting on behalf of Madonna or her lawyer or anyone else? Besides, some of the accusations are really really over the top like Kabbalah members spying on other celebreties in order to discover their thoughts through a software that reads people's facial expressions.... like really? That would have to be a real good camera to do that, and it would have to have some really good closes on people's faces, and they would have to be most of the time in certain places so that the camera would get their faces framed.... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Besides, none of them would discover cameras in their homes?
    3) This is all a hoax/joke ? Why there isn't any more relevant information about this girl aside from her sites?Who is she? Never heard about her. Even indie artists have fanpages across the Internet, sites about their concerts? There is none for Aisha. At least, i couldn't find any.

    Aisha's twitter account <!-- m --><!-- m --> has a lot of entertainment gossip, if she is a so talented artist, i thought she would rather spend her time creating more songs, books, etc. What's even worse is that i spent more time reading "Judiciary Report" and found a lot of TMZ, the sun and the like references all over there. It feels like she has a really strong anger towards Madonna, just read some other articles there. Even if any of the accusations were true, i don't think that writing such things about Madonna and linking gossip sites would make her any better. And another thing that caught my attention is that she is keeping on with this thing for 5 years or more.

    Anyway, if anyone has any other relevant information about this, i would like to read. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • I don't think this girl has any agenda to drag people's name through the mud just for the hell of it.

    She seems to be telling the truth. Also she has sued the FBI, so um you'd have to be crazy or telling the truth to go up against the system, big brother, etc.

    Here is more info related to this.
    <!-- m --> ... guilty.htm<!-- m -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Excerpt from Double Dutch Blog:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Home > Michael Jackson Death Hoax, michael jackson conspiracy > Was Michael Jackson Framed?

    Jackson asked his then-lawyer, Bert Fields, to intervene. One of the most prominent attorneys in the entertainment industry, Fields has been representing Jackson since 1990 and had negotiated for him, with Sony, the biggest music deal ever — with possible earnings of $700 million. Fields brought in investigator Anthony Pellicano to help sort things out. Pellicano does things Sicilian-style, being fiercely loyal to those he likes but a ruthless hardball player when it comes to his enemies.

    On July 9, 1993, Dave Schwartz and June Chandler Schwartz played the taped conversation for Pellicano. “After listening to the tape for ten minutes, I knew it was about extortion,” says Pellicano. That same day, he drove to Jackson’s Century City condominium, where Chandler’s son and the boy’s half-sister were visiting. Without Jackson there, Pellicano “made eye contact” with the boy and asked him, he says, “very pointed questions”: “Has Michael ever touched you? Have you ever seen him naked in bed?” The answer to all the questions was no. The boy repeatedly denied that anything bad had happened.
    The Mafia does exist. I believe they've been trying to get at, set up and destroy Michael and anyone else who gets in their way.

    <!-- m --> ... el_jac.php<!-- m -->

  • FarAwayFarAway Posts: 32
    I don't think this girl has any agenda to drag people's name through the mud just for the hell of it.

    She seems to be telling the truth. Also she has sued the FBI, so um you'd have to be crazy or telling the truth to go up against the system, big brother, etc.

    Here is more info related to this.
    <!-- m --> ... guilty.htm<!-- m -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Excerpt from Double Dutch Blog:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Home > Michael Jackson Death Hoax, michael jackson conspiracy > Was Michael Jackson Framed?

    Jackson asked his then-lawyer, Bert Fields, to intervene. One of the most prominent attorneys in the entertainment industry, Fields has been representing Jackson since 1990 and had negotiated for him, with Sony, the biggest music deal ever — with possible earnings of $700 million. Fields brought in investigator Anthony Pellicano to help sort things out. Pellicano does things Sicilian-style, being fiercely loyal to those he likes but a ruthless hardball player when it comes to his enemies.

    On July 9, 1993, Dave Schwartz and June Chandler Schwartz played the taped conversation for Pellicano. “After listening to the tape for ten minutes, I knew it was about extortion,” says Pellicano. That same day, he drove to Jackson’s Century City condominium, where Chandler’s son and the boy’s half-sister were visiting. Without Jackson there, Pellicano “made eye contact” with the boy and asked him, he says, “very pointed questions”: “Has Michael ever touched you? Have you ever seen him naked in bed?” The answer to all the questions was no. The boy repeatedly denied that anything bad had happened.
    The Mafia does exist. I believe they've been trying to get at, set up and destroy Michael and anyone else who gets in their way.

    <!-- m --> ... el_jac.php<!-- m -->


    That last part of information you posted is quite interesting. I didn't know all this story about Al Manik, and his ties to the mafia. I can see how this could have been a set up, but still there aren't any proof to state that it was really done by Tommy Mottola -- and, yes, i understand how he could be connected. It's pretty bad if this is true, though, because that article states how they (MJ and Al Malnik) were friends for years... But that guy from the article Gordon Novel seems to be involved in a lot of Government issues, who knows his true intentions... maybe they are good or not. This is very confusing, and i find it very disgusting how people could even play such "games" in order to obtain more money when they are already so rich. Its like money attracts evil.

    Regarding Aisha, i still find hard to believe in her because of the way she talks about other celebrities, and her sources. And as i said before some of the stuff she accuses other of are over the top... .maybe even some stuff is true, who knows. It is good to keep an open mind about the possibilities, so its good that we analyze all aspects of the informations we find.
  • FarAwayFarAway Posts: 32
    This is not about the Mafia, but since i mentioned Madonna here...

    I've found this video (it's from her 2008's Sticky&Sweet tour), watch carefully, specially @ 2:54

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Reminder to read later...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • This is not about the Mafia, but since i mentioned Madonna here...

    I've found this video (it's from her 2008's Sticky&Sweet tour), watch carefully, specially @ 2:54

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> ...after watching the madonna video at 2:54 what she said floored me!!..and what the one person that made a comment about the amount of days or weeks(cant remember) from the time she said that and michael "death" is scary!!..and the checker floor too..heck i cant explain lol but its worth a look at the video and what the one person comment..
    huggs n faith
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    This is not about the Mafia, but since i mentioned Madonna here...

    I've found this video (it's from her 2008's Sticky&Sweet tour), watch carefully, specially @ 2:54

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> ...after watching the madonna video at 2:54 what she said floored me!!..and what the one person that made a comment about the amount of days or weeks(cant remember) from the time she said that and michael "death" is scary!!..and the checker floor too..heck i cant explain lol but its worth a look at the video and what the one person comment..
    huggs n faith

    Not exactly true. Mike 'died' on June 25, not June 21. That's 206 days and 29.4 weeks. Still interesting though...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • FarAwayFarAway Posts: 32
    This is not about the Mafia, but since i mentioned Madonna here...

    I've found this video (it's from her 2008's Sticky&Sweet tour), watch carefully, specially @ 2:54

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> ...after watching the madonna video at 2:54 what she said floored me!!..and what the one person that made a comment about the amount of days or weeks(cant remember) from the time she said that and michael "death" is scary!!..and the checker floor too..heck i cant explain lol but its worth a look at the video and what the one person comment..
    huggs n faith

    Not exactly true. Mike 'died' on June 25, not June 21. That's 206 days and 29.4 weeks. Still interesting though...
    Actually, Sousa, the date that person mentioned on the comments section is wrong. Madonna never did a live at Buenos Aires on December 1st 2008.

    Madonna lives at Buenos Aires in 2008, according to wikipedia (<!-- m --><!-- m -->) were: December 4th,5th,7th,8th. The dvd contains footages from all of these days. So if this particular footage is from December 4th, it will go like this:

    DAYS 'till MJ's death.
    december 08 - 27 days
    jan 09 - 31 days
    feb 09 - 28 days
    mar 09 - 31 days
    apr 09 - 30 days
    may 09 - 31 days
    june 09 - 25 days
    Total = 203 ; 29(weeks) x 7(days in a week) = 203 days.

    Not sure what it means, but since i saw this video, her words have been on my mind.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    This is not about the Mafia, but since i mentioned Madonna here...

    I've found this video (it's from her 2008's Sticky&Sweet tour), watch carefully, specially @ 2:54

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> ...after watching the madonna video at 2:54 what she said floored me!!..and what the one person that made a comment about the amount of days or weeks(cant remember) from the time she said that and michael "death" is scary!!..and the checker floor too..heck i cant explain lol but its worth a look at the video and what the one person comment..
    huggs n faith

    Not exactly true. Mike 'died' on June 25, not June 21. That's 206 days and 29.4 weeks. Still interesting though...
    Actually, Sousa, the date that person mentioned on the comments section is wrong. Madonna never did a live at Buenos Aires on December 1st 2008.

    Madonna lives at Buenos Aires in 2008, according to wikipedia (<!-- m --><!-- m -->) were: December 4th,5th,7th,8th. The dvd contains footages from all of these days. So if this particular footage is from December 4th, it will go like this:

    DAYS 'till MJ's death.
    december 08 - 27 days
    jan 09 - 31 days
    feb 09 - 28 days
    mar 09 - 31 days
    apr 09 - 30 days
    may 09 - 31 days
    june 09 - 25 days
    Total = 203 ; 29(weeks) x 7(days in a week) = 203 days.

    Not sure what it means, but since i saw this video, her words have been on my mind.

    Well in that case it's quite the 'coincidence'...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    October 18, 2008 she said the same, so I don't think it has something to do with June 25.


    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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