Stage Props Removed?

ER911ER911 Posts: 248
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I dont know if this has been discussed before, so please delete or move if necessary.

I recently read on another forum that all props etc were removed previously b4 MJ's "death" & then put back. In addition they stated that the rehearsal members were still holding hands & praying long after they received the "death" news.

I'm fairly sure I am accurate with the statement.

Does anyone know about these events? I don't recall reading anything about this here.


  • backstagerbackstager Posts: 291
    I hadn't heard of the props being removed before the 25th, but I remember hearing that Latoya and a few others removed bed sheets and things afterwards.

    As for the praying, I also remember hearing this from Kai Chase. She said something along the lines of, "We prayed that he would be alright, and he was." In an interview (Randy Philips or one of the dancers) said that Kenny told them everything was fine, and that they should keep rehearsing.
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    I've never noticed this discussed before either. I was referring specifically to the TII rehearsal btw.

    I also did not recall KO being advised everything was ok & him instructing the dancers to continue. My memory is getting poor I guess LOL. Still, do you know whom advised him that everything was ok, or was that simply something he decided to say?

    I guess I need to check into the issue of the props etc being removed from the rehearsal & then being put back. That is really strange.
  • I've never noticed this discussed before either. I was referring specifically to the TII rehearsal btw.

    I also did not recall KO being advised everything was ok & him instructing the dancers to continue. My memory is getting poor I guess LOL. Still, do you know whom advised him that everything was ok, or was that simply something he decided to say?

    I guess I need to check into the issue of the props etc being removed from the rehearsal & then being put back. That is really strange.

    I haven't heard this either but if the props were removed it would be interesting to find out why...maybe we can find something in the archives.
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    Ok, here are the statements I was referring to.

    Karen Faye in an interview with the costume designer has, indeed they said that the stage and the sets were dismantled in 20 minutes immediately after listened the news..... As if MJ had never existed ....

    Question: So why in TII see Ortega and boys are holding hands and praying .... hours after the "death"?

    And why was the stage and the scenery perfectly assembled on July 7??

    And then in 12 days to organize a memorial ceremony with rehearsals for the songs, with guest singers attached
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