Will Michael be responsible?

LAJacksonLAJackson Posts: 14
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hi, I have been wondering a lot about this Hoax like all of you have. Something keeps bugging me about it. Ok, say Michael Jackson do return would he be criminally responsible for the people who committed suicide after hearing of his "passing?" I know a little about law but wouldn't their families have the civil right to file a wrongful death suit on Michael Jackson? I know some families would try to extort everything from Michael if this was the case. Can somebody help me with this one with L.O.V.E? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: -->


  • backstagerbackstager Posts: 291
    No. Nobody can file a law suit in the court of law for someone commiting suicide. It's an act inflicted by the person himself, and not Michael Jackson. Well they can try, but they definitely won't win. Unless Michael's finger was on the trigger, no one can touch him.
  • TracyKTracyK Posts: 163
    There is no real documented proof that I have found that someone actually died. There was however documented proof of a Russian impersonator ( I think Russian) who did try. He did not succeed. I do not know how he is mentally these days. I wish I did. I hope that he is ok and has come to terms with whatever he thinks and feels about MJ's "passing".

    <!-- m -->http://www.mosnews.com/culture/2009/06/ ... natortala/<!-- m -->

    Russian Michael Jackson impersonator attempts suicide after idol’s death

    26 Jun, 04:28 PM

    After media reports that the king of pop, singer Michael Jackson, was dead, his Russian look-alike cut his wrists open, as he was “unable to handle the pain of the loss”.

    It took Pavel Talalayev fifteen years to get closer to his ideal: he had several plastic surgeries, bought Jackson’s stage costumes, spent hours rehearsing the dances he copied from Jackson’s shows.

    News agencies said the 50-year-old superstar died Thursday, just as he was preparing for a huge comeback. He died at UCLA Medical Center after having a heart attack at his rented home in Los Angeles. Paramedics tried to resuscitate him at his home for nearly three-quarters of an hour, then rushed him to hospital where doctors continued to work on him.

    His most devoted Russian fan was surfing the Internet when news of Jackson’s death appeared online, Life.ru reports.

    “I started receiving calls from other fans, I tried to calm them down… And then I let myself go,” said Talalayev, who was rescued by doctors, but was then hospitalized the next day with a heart attack.

    Talalayev says he considered Michael Jackson, who he only once met in person, his second half.

    “I don’t know why the doctors saved me. I want to be with Michael, and I will kill myself anyway,” he said.
  • Suicide is self-inflicted. Nobody can be held responsible except for the person who did it. When I was in highschool, a boy killed himself because his girlfriend broke up with him. Some blamed her. But is that fair? No. Michael cannot be responsible for the mental stability of all his fans. That's nuts.
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    someone have info about who committed suicide?? I heard on news that 12 people did it but I couldn't find any info about those fans... just about a fan from Russia who survived...

    maybe no one actually died..

    I can't believe someone would do this to Michael, especially fans.. Fans should know how much Michael cares about them.. Michael always fight for life, he always tried (and still tries) to save lifes, not to take them away..
    and if they really committed suicide they put it on Michaels name.. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> if it's true imagine what Michael should feel about it...
    It's disrespectful and selfish move... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> like they never heard a word from Michael, never understand about what he was talking, and how he felt about deaths..

    I know how much it hurts... but suicide is not a right move.. then I thought that Michael is gone I was crying and crying and crying.. but I promised myself what I will live and do whatever I can to make Michael be proud of me...
  • No. Nobody can file a law suit in the court of law for someone commiting suicide. It's an act inflicted by the person himself, and not Michael Jackson. Well they can try, but they definitely won't win. Unless Michael's finger was on the trigger, no one can touch him.

    I heard that was just media lies, not true.
  • No. Nobody can file a law suit in the court of law for someone commiting suicide. It's an act inflicted by the person himself, and not Michael Jackson. Well they can try, but they definitely won't win. Unless Michael's finger was on the trigger, no one can touch him.

    Exactly and he knows this which is why this plan will work.
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