Intimate letter from Michael Jackson and a 4th child?


why did you take away your love..the same love that made me unable to speak the love that made me forget my memories the love that saved me?

Tell me.Did I come to short?..wasn't I enough? Have I done or said something wrong?

I believe in miracles and angels...I know you escaped through heavens gates to enlighten me.
I believe in faith deep inside I believe heaven has bounded us.

I have seen nothing but misery in my life until..(black line)....All these years I have been seeking to give what I only desire now to recieve from you.
Your heart commanded me to follow while my soul was hurt and my mind confused.

I allowed you to take possession of my return I loved obeyed and honored you beyond words

I revealed myself to you in ways inwhich I thought were impossible.
I saw and still see you as my soul my wife and as the mother of my fourth child.


do you think its recent?


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