Hello mag date 6 july 2009

xxmjxxxxmjxx Posts: 304
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
my friend gave me the copy,but on page 61 this is what it says,i found it stange,his personal dr was staying in the mansion,and michael called him to his roomand told him he felt horrible and anxiety ridden,and without a goog rest he would be in bad shape for rehearsals in the morning,he gave him a shot,a tranquilliser,to help him relax.The next morning,michael wasup and aboutand spoke to his children and staff,and then he suddenly collapsed,everyone thought he was joking,as he was a prankster,several miniutes intothe collapse,someone finally thought he might not be joking and they tried to help him,wich led to panic.Finally someone called the medics-but at that piont he was already dead,they say family and friends were screaming. that does not seem to be what i have read before.what do you think.x


  • That is not what I remember at all. I wonder if we can find this article online? Thanks for sharing.
  • Every tabloid has its own version of Michael's death. Which is the real one?
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    That's a completely different story.....I wonder if it has a meaning??

    Again these thing about him being a prankster, hmmm
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Yes I read that one as well I think I still have it it has a completley different story to it
  • stephsteph Posts: 177
    That was the version i herd first last year.
  • Yeah I heard this version aswell
  • mjsgirl89mjsgirl89 Posts: 378
    actually, I never heard this version B4...wouldn't this B impossible though? prorofol is extremely fast acting and for hMichael to B awake it would have to already B out of his system, right?
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