pepperpepper Posts: 558
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
From <!-- m -->http://twitter.com/MJFSC_<!-- m -->

Thought for the day...Who the hell is paying all of Murray's bills and why is Steve Cooley not asking that himself? Investigate the DA.

8 minutes ago via TweetDeck


  • I can think of someone who might be paying his bills.... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • pepperpepper Posts: 558

    # Why has NO ONE called for an investigation of Steve Cooley's office? He is protecting a killer.
    7 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    # One count of involuntary manslaughter . This is the best our LADA Cooley could do?
    9 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    # Anna Nicole's doctors 23 felony charges. Murray gives MJ enough drugs to bring down a horse and kills him with an acute propofol injection..
    10 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    # Seems like a win win situation for them and Michael is gone and his children are without their father...Where is Justice?
    15 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    # Murray was in dire straights, now he seems to live well and is able to afford a dream team. Murray vacations, Cooley runs for AG of CA.
    17 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    # Thought for the day...Who the hell is paying all of Murray's bills and why is Steve Cooley not asking that himself? Investigate the DA.
    31 minutes ago via TweetDeck
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Looks like all is going to plan.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    This all brings me back to the thought of who exactly is Murray anyways? On the ambulance report, he gave the incorrect medical license number. Was that on purpose? Is there a connection? I think this has been discussed.... I remember posting something about. I'll look around and get back to you.

  • michaelsjustice Only 1,169,968 to go before August 29th! WE CAN DO IT... to get MJ to 20Million Fans on Facebook <!-- m -->http://bit.ly/JLotq<!-- m --> !Pls RT this around!!! about 5 hours ago via TweetDeck

    This is great...I didn't know that Michael was close to having 20 million fans on Facebook. Way to go Michael! How can Murray go from being broke to flying all over. It appears that someone is paying his way.
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