MJ dead, May 29th 2009..?

jacilovesmichaeljacilovesmichael Posts: 2,474
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I feel as though this has to have been found already, but I hadn't seen it yet. So feel free to lock this and direct me to the original thread if necessary.

This website has a post from May 29th, 2009 saying that Michael Jackson is dead and asking what people think of that.

Is there any way to tell if the date has been altered to make it look like it was posted before the 'death'?

<!-- m -->http://www.michaeljacksonalive.com/blog ... #feedbacks<!-- m -->


  • Anyone...? lol
  • dejavudejavu Posts: 330
    Smells fake to me, dates can easily be manipulated, I'm pretty sure that's what happened..
  • Hmm... I dunno, I think it'd be hard to do that since post dates are in real time.(manipulating the date) Plus this isn't like a screen shot where it could be photoshopped.
  • Yeah both thoughts had crossed my mind. First I thought it must be fake. But then I couldn't find it debunked anywhere. And I personally wouldn't know how to change the date of something like that, but thought maybe someone else knew how. Hmm...
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    Well I know on my blog (wordpress) I can put the date to whatever date I want in the past. The only thing is that I can see a history of changes as the blog owner. Don't know if everyone has access to this log of changes.
  • Well I know on my blog (wordpress) I can put the date to whatever date I want in the past. The only thing is that I can see a history of changes as the blog owner. Don't know if everyone has access to this log of changes.

    Thanks! That answers my question. It would make sense that only the blog owner has access to the changes, otherwise what would the point be of changing the date in the first place if everyone could see the original date? Either way, I wonder why this person would want to change the date. Mabye to gain attention and confuse people like me <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    Well I know on my blog (wordpress) I can put the date to whatever date I want in the past. The only thing is that I can see a history of changes as the blog owner. Don't know if everyone has access to this log of changes.

    Thanks! That answers my question. It would make sense that only the blog owner has access to the changes, otherwise what would the point be of changing the date in the first place if everyone could see the original date? Either way, I wonder why this person would want to change the date. Mabye to gain attention and confuse people like me <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I think this is the reason why this "guy" did this. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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