LA Police chief retired!

FactFinderMJFactFinderMJ Posts: 127
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
<!-- m --> ... ice-abroad<!-- m -->

He retired like 3-4 months after MJ "passed" to head a private security firm! Anyone have any thoughts or opinions on this? I'd like to hear them. Doing so good for LA against all the police corruption then up and retires. Interesting to me!


  • Maybe he is a private guard for Michael, who knows. Michael will pay him big bucks. What do you think?
  • VictorVictor Posts: 582
    Maybe he is a private guard for Michael, who knows. Michael will pay him big bucks. What do you think?
    Maybe . <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • Maybe he is a private guard for Michael, who knows. Michael will pay him big bucks. What do you think?

    LOL I thought the same thing. I mean you would have to have a darn good offer to leave a chief position in my opinion!
  • poke around in past threads. i think this was dicussed at the time. you might find something in the old stuff.
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