Wanna know what's really going on with Sony, Branca etc??

DoDo Posts: 850
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
August 17, 2010 – Michael Jackson Know about Transitional?

The biggest Loan Michael’s estate has yet to deal with is the Barclay Loan for over $300 million. The estate has to pay this or get it refinanced by this fall or the Jackson Estate loses it’s share of the Sony/ATV and the Mijack Catalog. The deal with Sony for Michael’s unreleased songs for $250 million alone should be able to cover most of this. But the estate executors have no incentive to pay off this loan.

This is why:

<!-- m -->http://michaelsguardian.blogspot.com/20 ... ional.html<!-- m -->

I highly recommend you to read the blogs of Bonnie Cox, the comments and the archives because there is lots and lots of very valuable and thoroughly recheared information about Michael's business, about Sony, Branca, Dileo, Baschir, Sneddon, you name them. I'm reading the blogs for a few weeks now (I guess) and I'm so angry about the snake pit Michael was trapped in. Please, take time to read because then you will know


  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    No wonder MJ had trouble sleeping. It must have felt like everywhere he went, he was dragging a ball and chain weighing a ton each, on each ankle. All the leeches and bloodsuckers hanging on him. Was anyone else's financial life so complicated as his was, and tangled mess. He needed a miracle or something. We'll have to stay tuned.
  • it seems to me that just yesterday glenn beck was saying something about this barcley crowd being caught i guess essetially money laundering . sending money to people there were sanctions against or something. i didn't pay real close attention at the time.said all they got out of it was 300 million fine.(interesting amount) . said that was nothing compared to the weath they had.

    also that july 13th date. remember the freaky scarry vedio a little while back. the guy said his birthday was july 13th i think.

    my brains is so tired from al of this <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • August 17, 2010 – Michael Jackson Know about Transitional?

    The biggest Loan Michael’s estate has yet to deal with is the Barclay Loan for over $300 million. The estate has to pay this or get it refinanced by this fall or the Jackson Estate loses it’s share of the Sony/ATV and the Mijack Catalog. The deal with Sony for Michael’s unreleased songs for $250 million alone should be able to cover most of this. But the estate executors have no incentive to pay off this loan.

    This is why:

    <!-- m -->http://michaelsguardian.blogspot.com/20 ... ional.html<!-- m -->

    I highly recommend you to read the blogs of Bonnie Cox, the comments and the archives because there is lots and lots of very valuable and thoroughly recheared information about Michael's business, about Sony, Branca, Dileo, Baschir, Sneddon, you name them. I'm reading the blogs for a few weeks now (I guess) and I'm so angry about the snake pit Michael was trapped in. Please, take time to read because then you will know

    Thank you for sharing this. It's been my personal belief that if the Estate lets that catalog go then Michael is probably dead or cannot defend himself. I'll read the information on the link. Thanks again.
  • If indeed Branca takes it all for Michael ( never mind his own piece of the cake) what good would that do Michael, unless Michael is directing this masterplan from his grave, which would not surprise me.
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    August 17, 2010 – Michael Jackson Know about Transitional?

    The biggest Loan Michael’s estate has yet to deal with is the Barclay Loan for over $300 million. The estate has to pay this or get it refinanced by this fall or the Jackson Estate loses it’s share of the Sony/ATV and the Mijack Catalog. The deal with Sony for Michael’s unreleased songs for $250 million alone should be able to cover most of this. But the estate executors have no incentive to pay off this loan.

    This is why:

    <!-- m -->http://michaelsguardian.blogspot.com/20 ... ional.html<!-- m -->

    I highly recommend you to read the blogs of Bonnie Cox, the comments and the archives because there is lots and lots of very valuable and thoroughly recheared information about Michael's business, about Sony, Branca, Dileo, Baschir, Sneddon, you name them. I'm reading the blogs for a few weeks now (I guess) and I'm so angry about the snake pit Michael was trapped in. Please, take time to read because then you will know

    Thank you for sharing this. It's been my personal belief that if the Estate lets that catalog go then Michael is probably dead or cannot defend himself. I'll read the information on the link. Thanks again.

    Your welcome. It's sad that 'ordinary' people like Bonnie (and I don't mean this in a disrespectful way ofcourse) has to do this kind of investigations, and it's sad that powerful people and companies seems to get away with this shameless robbery, yet I'm happy that people like Bonnie put so much time and effort to put up a really thoroughly recheard blog. Go through the archives and you will find so much information, which, unfortunatly, sometimes really breaks your heart.
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    If indeed Branca takes it all for Michael ( never mind his own piece of the cake) what good would that do Michael, unless Michael is directing this masterplan from his grave, which would not surprise me.

    Hi Emily,
    I hope this is true, but sometimes I really begin to wonder.... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    But....it sounds good, Masterplan!
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    There are many interesting things in this blog, thanks for posting Do
  • Exactly when was Branca re-hired by Michael? I can't find anything conclusive on this. Seems to me he re-hired himself <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> and is getting paid hella well if I might add.
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    reading on... so much info there... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • reading on... so much info there... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> don't you just love the eye rolling smiley <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> It makes some people so angry <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> but it's so cute & devilish <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    reading on... so much info there... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> don't you just love the eye rolling smiley <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> It makes some people so angry <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> but it's so cute & devilish <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    reading on... so much info there... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> don't you just love the eye rolling smiley <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> It makes some people so angry <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> but it's so cute & devilish <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    No, it don't makes me angry at all! I assume your eyes are rolling because they're dizzy from reading all the info <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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