Criss Angel - America's Got Talent



  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I agree that Criss has a big Honker nose that would be hard to hide but he is the master of Illusion and with make up many things are possible. I still say 02 MJ was Criss and I would really like to know exactly where Criss was at that time of the 02 announcement/red curtain drama. Not just rumors either. I think this is a very valid trail to follow. Criss and Michael are very close in body type and size, close enough at least to work with and Criss has the chin and the swagger, especially on the Mind Freak TV show. Criss has large hands too and large feet. His voice is not harsh, he is soft spoken. The key here is Illusion.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    Note the ILLUSION here. Upside down it looks like Michael and right side up it is Criss Angel.

  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Ok, Last night I watched Mindfreak and I was blown away at all the MJ references! He has a new opening on his show and the first thing you see is a girl lying down on the grass just like the girl in Earth song.the next thing we see is Criss sitting in the back of a black limo wearing an MJ hat and sunglasses. Then we have Criss' new home called "Serenity" (in Vegas), which someone on the show says its a real "wonderland".We also see a scene where Criss is shopping for things for his home and it reminded me of the shopping trip Mj took with Bashir. here is the link to the first part of last nights show, watch and tell me what you think.
    <!-- m --> ... 4167731001<!-- m -->

    I get the feeling that Criss is much more involved with MJ than we thought. Criss has always said that what he does are illusions, but so many people believe its all real. This only goes to prove that we only see what we want to see! i think the same thing applies to this hoax, we see what we want and we perpetuate the hoax by believing most of what we see, when in reality, most of what we see is all illusion!
    This brings me back to TS saying " Do you think for yourself" The mind is a very complex organ and we can manipulate it to see things when there really aren't there. I think we need to look more into Criss Angel.
    On the next sneak peek of next weeks episode, you hear at the end someone says "call an ambulance!" <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> I wonder if Criss is going to have an accident?
    I still wonder if maybe Criss will be the one to make Michael re-appear? Could this be the connection between the two?
    Criss is a great "illusionist", but they are illusions. Either that or he is from out of this world and has come to earth to shock us all with his Magical powers! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Hey guys....

    I have thought from the beginning that Criss has a role in all this....probably a larger roll than we may think. However, I respectfully have to disagree about him being O2 dude. There is one fact that I don't think has been discussed, and I totally don't mean to be disrespectful to Criss or anyone.....please know that when I point this out:
    Criss has a speech impediment. If you really listen to him over the years, his "s" is off just a little bit. I know this from personal experience in my own life. I highly doubt he would have been able to make that O2 speech so clearly. Now, the thought had crossed my mind, that he set everything up....years ago, knowing this was coming....I don't think so. The O2 dude repeatedly says, "This is it, This is it...." Criss would have a hard time with that.....unless it was all a set up from the beginning.
    I do firmly beLIEve Criss has a large part of this. What better illusion than a resurrection?

    Blessings to you all...
  • Ok, Last night I watched Mindfreak and I was blown away at all the MJ references! He has a new opening on his show and the first thing you see is a girl lying down on the grass just like the girl in Earth song.the next thing we see is Criss sitting in the back of a black limo wearing an MJ hat and sunglasses. Then we have Criss' new home called "Serenity" (in Vegas), which someone on the show says its a real "wonderland".We also see a scene where Criss is shopping for things for his home and it reminded me of the shopping trip Mj took with Bashir. here is the link to the first part of last nights show, watch and tell me what you think.
    <!-- m --> ... 4167731001<!-- m -->

    I get the feeling that Criss is much more involved with MJ than we thought. Criss has always said that what he does are illusions, but so many people believe its all real. This only goes to prove that we only see what we want to see! i think the same thing applies to this hoax, we see what we want and we perpetuate the hoax by believing most of what we see, when in reality, most of what we see is all illusion!
    This brings me back to TS saying " Do you think for yourself" The mind is a very complex organ and we can manipulate it to see things when there really aren't there. I think we need to look more into Criss Angel.
    On the next sneak peek of next weeks episode, you hear at the end someone says "call an ambulance!" <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> I wonder if Criss is going to have an accident?
    I still wonder if maybe Criss will be the one to make Michael re-appear? Could this be the connection between the two?
    Criss is a great "illusionist", but they are illusions. Either that or he is from out of this world and has come to earth to shock us all with his Magical powers! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Wow - this is really intriguing. Criss Angel didn't go to Michael's memorial or funeral, did he? Has he talked about Michael?
  • 2d1o84w.jpg

    sorry but the skill doesnt look like mj at all

    Really? You don't think so? You don't have to apologize, just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there. And just because I see it, doesn't mean it is <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Maybe I've lost it! Quite possible. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Anyone else see what I see?


    Thank you very much for this post,it's awesome!!!!!
    I for shure see the connection,lol CONNECT THE DOTS ,please <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    And I can see more than that,please take a look at this picture and tell me what to think?


    by suesuzzfaithkeeper » Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:45 pm

    thanxs for the video!!
    i agree something is off...
    if you stop the video at minut 0 .44 you see on Justin Timberlake shirt the face/SKULL the same as mind freak chris angle?!!
    huggs n faith to all


    I found out so many connections,OMG I feel that I am going insane <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> .Am I???????
    It's like a SPIDER WEB,so many talented people ,from so many domains(MOVIES,MUSIC,FILM,ART,DESIGN ETC).
    LIKE MICHAEL SAID IN THIS IS IT: I'm gonna show them talent they never seen before!!!!

    Last night something hit me ,I saw something more in this MICHAEL JACKSON's PRESTIGE,lol.It's something about the last SENTENCE Hugh Jackman said before he died,in that movie.

    LOVE YOU ALL!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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