Pains Fireworks (company)

truthprevailstruthprevails Posts: 878
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I was thinking of MJ's memorial today and decided to google "pains"... This is one of the first websites that came up:
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I find it an odd name for a fireworks/pyrotechnics company?!
BTW, they have some amazing photos in their portfolio:
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This reminded me of what MJ said once, that at his death there would be fireworks and it would be a great show...

The locations/offices of this company are apparently in England, Dubai and Ireland:
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Make of this what you will. I just wanted to share the discovery with you.


  • I don't get it! What made you Google pains? Was pains in the memorial? And when did Michael said there would be fireworks ans stuff??
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Great find! If this is all coincidental it is definately amazing to say the least. It seems every little thing leads to more.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    I don't get it! What made you Google pains? Was pains in the memorial? And when did Michael said there would be fireworks ans stuff??

    In the song "Will You Be There" sung at the memorial Michael said "Pains" instead of "Pain". No other recording of this song says "Pains". It was very odd to say the least. No one knows when he recorded it this way. It was a topic of discussion for many months after the memorial. There is an interview of Michael where he says for his funeral he wanted it to be the biggest show on earth with fireworks.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Interesting find! One of the reasons that Michael appeared to be broke and in debt, was that he had little in the way of liquid assets. I'm not knowledgable in financial matters so forgive me. Back last summer I remember one thread talking about a list of all the companies MJ had heavily invested millions into, many of them were innovative technology of the future types. I haven't been able to find it again, and it may have been on the old MJHD site. Perhaps the name Pains simply reflects a major investor <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> , especially noting the 3 places the company is operating says a lot, since MJ lived in those 3 countries specifically.
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