Lisa Marie Moves to England

Solid121Solid121 Posts: 292
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation

"Lisa Marie, daughter of Elvis Presley, has left Los Angeles to settle in an English stately home near the Scientology HQ.

She moved with hubby Michael Lockwood, 42, and their twin girls to an 8-million-pound pad close to Tunbridge Wells, Kent.

According to pals, the cult member fled America to escape gossip surrounding late ex-husband Michael Jackson.

Her new home is heavily guarded with staff patrolling on quad bikes.

The 11-bedroom pad also boasts an indoor pool, cinema, sauna and lake in its 90-acre grounds.

"She couldn't wait to start a new life in England and felt at home the moment she arrived, " the Sun quoted a source as saying."

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This article sticks out to me for one main reason... It says that Lisa has moved to get away from gossip surrounding Michael, however she has moved to the same place in England that Michael would have been staying if he had done the This Is It concerts in London <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->


  • NakiskaNakiska Posts: 90
    Lol this is interesting...
    I dont know why, but sometimes I think she never got over him completely.I could be wrong though...
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    She moved that the trial is about Eliza .. I think <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I live in the UK and we never seem to hear anything about her or see any photos of her

  • "Lisa Marie, daughter of Elvis Presley, has left Los Angeles to settle in an English stately home near the Scientology HQ.

    She moved with hubby Michael Lockwood, 42, and their twin girls to an 8-million-pound pad close to Tunbridge Wells, Kent.

    According to pals, the cult member fled America to escape gossip surrounding late ex-husband Michael Jackson.

    Her new home is heavily guarded with staff patrolling on quad bikes.

    The 11-bedroom pad also boasts an indoor pool, cinema, sauna and lake in its 90-acre grounds.

    "She couldn't wait to start a new life in England and felt at home the moment she arrived, " the Sun quoted a source as saying."

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    This article sticks out to me for one main reason... It says that Lisa has moved to get away from gossip surrounding Michael, however she has moved to the same place in England that Michael would have been staying if he had done the This Is It concerts in London <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    one of the dateline(ish) type of programs has peices on people who had left this religion and hard the head people made it on them. can't understand why it is just sort of stuck in this article unless it means something.
  • I live in the UK and we never seem to hear anything about her or see any photos of her

    This is why i have always said i dont believe Lisa Marie is here.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I know all we get is footballers katie price blah blah nothing about lmp who is one big name never anything about her and as she is supposed to live not far from me or my friends I have not heard anything
    So she can't be here I think
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I know all we get is footballers katie price blah blah nothing about lmp who is one big name never anything about her and as she is supposed to live not far from me or my friends I have not heard anything
    So she can't be here I think
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    i heard about this on the radio the other day, and the reason they gave was that "she wanted to escape the gossip surrounding her late ex husband michael jackson "
  • *lol* There will be a Michael Jackson Tribute Night in Turnbridge Wells:
    <!-- m --> ... ty-package<!-- m -->
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    "Lisa Marie, daughter of Elvis Presley, has left Los Angeles to settle in an English stately home near the Scientology HQ.

    According to pals, the cult member fled America to escape gossip surrounding late ex-husband Michael Jackson.

    This article sticks out to me for one main reason... It says that Lisa has moved to get away from gossip surrounding Michael, however she has moved to the same place in England that Michael would have been staying if he had done the This Is It concerts in London <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    What is the deal with all these women Michael "loved", trying to distance themselves from residue "gossip" NOW? WHAT gossip can there POSSIBLY BE that even matters NOW??

    Did anyone see the Brooke Shields' biography the other night? There was a run-on sentence, listing all the men she had been linked with while she was "America's most sought after virgin", and, before taking a breath, the voice-over said she was also EVEN linked with Michael Jackson", as if he was some circus chimp-buffoon. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    Now, granted, we don't know WHO wrote that script, so it could have been some other person's warped opinion of MJ, but immediately, as if to PROVE they weren't making her embarrassment at being linked to him up----the interviewer was heard to say, "...and Michael Jackson?" to which, she closes her EYES, as if to erase him, and flaps her hands wildly as if to clear away some really bad air, saying something like "no, no, lets not, no."

    So if that was how she REALLY feels...WHAT was SHE doing speaking at his memorial? With friends like that... <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->

    I don't get this. Why do women who had a shot at him <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> , come away so disenchanted and GEEEEEEZ, ashamed of it or him ?????????????????????????? Can someone explain this?

    I do know that LMP was too young and wimpy---- she LET that RUDE skag, Diane Sawyer, put him down three times ( before their interview even began, I believe, <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ), when,

    just a word or two about the POT calling the kettle black, and how, at least she's not gritting her teeth having to sex up that SHREK who made the TV "journalist" career (she bragged about to MJ), even <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> possible...would have been enough to shut Sawyer up, and show a little PRIDE in her own HUSBAND, Michael Smokin' Jackson.

    I don't get, either, why it is newsworthy, that LMP moved ANY where.... <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> isn't she kinda sorta... HISTORY? <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • I don't think that Lisa's move to England has anything to do with Michael at all. I think that is what is being told to the press (or fabricated by the press). I think her move has more to do with 1. the Eliza case, 2. the fact that she isn't trashed so much by the media overseas as she is here in the US, and 3. the simple fact that she appreciates her privacy (something she doesn't get as much in the US).
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    PeaceLoveHappiness, I agree with you
  • I don't think that Lisa's move to England has anything to do with Michael at all. I think that is what is being told to the press (or fabricated by the press). I think her move has more to do with 1. the Eliza case, 2. the fact that she isn't trashed so much by the media overseas as she is here in the US, and 3. the simple fact that she appreciates her privacy (something she doesn't get as much in the US).

    I agree - I think the the media is creating another lie connecting Michael to this. She knows that Michael is going to be discussed all over the world - there is no escaping that. I think that Lisa wants to be left alone and I really don't blame her. The media hasn't been very nice to her either throughout the years. I remember when she was pregnant with her twins, the media published horrible articles about her weight and how ugly she had gotten. I can't imagine being a celebrity and knowing that every pound you put on and every hair out of place was going to be made fun of. Gosh, they can't even run to the store without someone wanting to take a picture of what kind of toilet paper they buy. We are a sick and disgraceful society who loves to make people feel bad and we should feel ashamed.
  • Is that new?? I read it last year, that she moved to Enland, on a Magazine
  • Hello! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Yes this is old news already.I heard about this last year so lets move on please!~!!! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Love you all!!!!
  • I still dont believe she is here in England. There have been no pap shots of her whatsoever.

    I find it strange that Elvis's daughter can move here and it not be big news, and no paps waiting for their shot. I dont buy this.
  • I don't think that Lisa's move to England has anything to do with Michael at all. I think that is what is being told to the press (or fabricated by the press). I think her move has more to do with 1. the Eliza case, 2. the fact that she isn't trashed so much by the media overseas as she is here in the US, and 3. the simple fact that she appreciates her privacy (something she doesn't get as much in the US).

    I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said and to add in my 2 cents i dont give a care where LMP goes...she can go to the moon as far as iam concerned
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