Rare Jacksons photo brings up questions of age

looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I know Souza and Mo has looked into this. I tried to do a search on it but couldn't find the specific thread that brought this up. There may be a discrepancy in the birth dates of Michael and Marlon. I found this rare picture.

According to the caption, Michael is on Jackie's shoulders at age 2. Marlon is in front.

Now I checked the birth dates of Michael and Marlon and found this:

# Twin Son Marlon Jackson, born March 12, 1957
# Twin Son Brandon Jackson, born March 12, 1957
# Son Michael Jackson, born August 29, 1958

I am not a parent nor a teacher or anything of the sort so I could be completely wrong with my thinking but does Marlon and Michael look like a year apart from each other in this photo? When I saw it, it just made me say hmmm. Again, this growth spurt with Marlon could be quite normal for a 3 year old so I apologize if I am wrong but since the administrators brought this up with their evidence, figure I'll add on to theirs with this. This make me think that Michael could be younger than we think. Now wouldn't that be something?


  • I know Souza and Mo has looked into this. I tried to do a search on it but couldn't find the specific thread that brought this up. There may be a discrepancy in the birth dates of Michael and Marlon. I found this rare picture.

    According to the caption, Michael is on Jackie's shoulders at age 2. Marlon is in front.

    Now I checked the birth dates of Michael and Marlon and found this:

    # Twin Son Marlon Jackson, born March 12, 1957
    # Twin Son Brandon Jackson, born March 12, 1957
    # Son Michael Jackson, born August 29, 1958

    I am not a parent nor a teacher or anything of the sort so I could be completely wrong with my thinking but does Marlon and Michael look like a year apart from each other in this photo? When I saw it, it just made me say hmmm. Again, this growth spurt with Marlon could be quite normal for a 3 year old so I apologize if I am wrong but since the administrators brought this up with their evidence, figure I'll add on to theirs with this. This make me think that Michael could be younger than we think. Now wouldn't that be something?

    There is actually 17 months between them so when Michael is aged 2 Marlon is almost 3 1/2. At this young age there actually is quite a bit of difference between children.

    Physical Growth
    Growth from birth to adolescence occurs in 2 distinct phases. The 1st phase (from birth to about age 1 to 2 yr) is one of rapid growth, although the rate of growth decreases over that period. In the 2nd phase (from about 2 yr to the onset of puberty), growth occurs in relatively constant annual increments.

    Length: Length is measured in children too young to stand; height is measured once the child can stand. In general, length in normal term infants increases about 30% by 5 mo and > 50% by 12 mo; infants grow 25 cm during the 1st yr; and height at 5 yr is about double birth length. In boys, half the adult height is attained by about age 2.

    Rate of change in height (height velocity) is a more sensitive measure of growth than time-specific height measures. In general, healthy term infants and children grow about 2.5 cm/mo between birth and 6 mo, 1.3 cm/mo from 7 to 12 mo, and about 7.6 cm/yr between 12 mo and 10 yr. Before 12 mo, height velocity varies and is due in part to perinatal factors (eg, prematurity). After 12 mo, height is mostly genetically determined, and height velocity stays constant until puberty; a child's height relative to peers tends to remain the same. Some small-for-gestational-age infants tend to be shorter throughout life than infants whose size is appropriate for their gestational age.

    Look at the average growth chart here and you can see that there is quite a bit of difference in growth between 2 (24 months - Michael) and 3 1/2 (41 months - Marlon):


    Edit: I just realized the chart only goes to 36 months but you can still get the idea <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Every child grow differently, in different steps. I have 2 sons and they both they are 22 months apart and they grew up in different stages. Meaning my oldest example at 3 yrs old was taller than my youngest. Now my youngest who is 22 months younger at the age of 21 is the same height as my oldest 23 yrs old they are 6ft2.. YOu cannot judge when they are small. Secondly why would they lie about the age of Michael Jackson?
  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    I guess I'll put my 2cents in here lol

    My oldest daughter let's say up till she was 5 always were a size higher than her age (like size 4yrs is the average size needed for a child who is 4) and I know every company dont use the same grids to measure, we all kow that. My youngest daughter who is 5 and a half now was wearing an outfit size 3 yrs just yesterday, this is her 3rd summer wearing it(she absolutely loves it) and it still fits her fine. It is very hard to determine this age thing at that young age.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I can compare with myself I have a sister older of 11 months and I have the same kind of family pictures and the difference is already very noticeable at this young age. I don't find it odd.
  • I just have to say here that, when Michael was in the Jackson Five, they publicised his age as one year younger than it really was. This was supposedly so Michael would remain "cute" for longer. I remember reading teen magazines back in those days and Michael's date of birth was given as August 29th, 1959. It was only years later that I discovered his real date of birth was August 29th, 1958.
  • TracyKTracyK Posts: 163
    My kids are 11 months apart (8 and 9 now) but when my son was born my daughter was 11 months so that's a big difference already.. By the time my son got about 4 yrs old my son really caught up to my daughter.. Their daddy is 6'3 1/2 inches so I think my kids will be tall anyway.. But definitely at those ages it's a big difference. At about 3-5 yrs of age they will catch up to one another within about 2-3 inches unless the youngest is huge or the eldest is small. At 8 ad 9 they are an inch apart in height.
    Funny how Marlon ended up being the short one, lol.
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    My first 2 kids are 10 months apart and at one point they looked like twins. My third came 17 months later and my 4th 17 months after that. At varying times I had people ask if 1 & 2 were twins, then if 2 & 3 were twins, and if 1 & 3 were twins just because of the varying rates of growth.

    You never know, even within the same family, depending on when you see kids, they may look closer or farther in age then they really are. <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I still think there is a trickery that has been played with Marlon, Michael and Brandon for years, if there ever was or is a Brandon. I think there are either 2 Michaels or else Marlon is actually Michael's twin brother. When they were small and in the J5, Marlon and Michael looked soooooo much alike and Marlon was always the best at doing the moves Michael is so famous for, even though reportedly he struggled with spins early on. Something is just WRONG or out of place with Marlon and Michael and this "Brandon" is the key. Why the heck did Marlon have to point out so firmly at the Memorial "MY TWIN BROTHER BRANDON". If he wanted to mention his twin why not just say OUR brother Brandon since he would have been Michael's brother too. No, Marlon was driving the point home "MY TWIN" which says to me......there is a lie about that child somewhere, some how.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    I still think there is a trickery that has been played with Marlon, Michael and Brandon for years, if there ever was or is a Brandon. I think there are either 2 Michaels or else Marlon is actually Michael's twin brother. When they were small and in the J5, Marlon and Michael looked soooooo much alike and Marlon was always the best at doing the moves Michael is so famous for, even though reportedly he struggled with spins early on. Something is just WRONG or out of place with Marlon and Michael and this "Brandon" is the key. Why the heck did Marlon have to point out so firmly at the Memorial "MY TWIN BROTHER BRANDON". If he wanted to mention his twin why not just say OUR brother Brandon since he would have been Michael's brother too. No, Marlon was driving the point home "MY TWIN" which says to me......there is a lie about that child somewhere, some how.
    I don't know quite how it is, either, but yes, I agree with you about this. Something is up with those last few kids, Marlon, MJ, Brandon, Randy, Janet.. Personally, I think MJ has a twin..
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    But then Katherine would have had to have been doing some major lying all these years. And twin Brandon, relegated to invisibility, no identity, hidden in the basement, etc. Seems beyond horrible.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    But then Katherine would have had to have been doing some major lying all these years. And twin Brandon, relegated to invisibility, no identity, hidden in the basement, etc. Seems beyond horrible.
    "That's an interesting story Larry... It has been kept a secret by my mother"

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    BTW, here is that thread/post you mean: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1950&p=198011#p198011<!-- l -->


    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    I think guessing people's ages from a photograph is highly unreliable, especially when it comes to children. I'm 18, but my body shape is that of a pre-teen girl (I don't think I have to explain to you how small my chest is and how I don't have hips).

    Addressing those 'hidden in the basement' stories - Jacksons were a poor family (more kids = more help around the house), hiding a child takes space and resources.
  • sunburstsunburst Posts: 85
    I think guessing people's ages from a photograph is highly unreliable, especially when it comes to children. I'm 18, but my body shape is that of a pre-teen girl (I don't think I have to explain to you how small my chest is and how I don't have hips).

    Addressing those 'hidden in the basement' stories - Jacksons were a poor family (more kids = more help around the house), hiding a child takes space and resources.

    plus what reason would there be to do that - hide a twin, lie about whose twin one is, give away a twin or a child - when nobody had an inkling of how big they would become, especially one particular son.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    I think guessing people's ages from a photograph is highly unreliable, especially when it comes to children. I'm 18, but my body shape is that of a pre-teen girl (I don't think I have to explain to you how small my chest is and how I don't have hips).

    Addressing those 'hidden in the basement' stories - Jacksons were a poor family (more kids = more help around the house), hiding a child takes space and resources.

    plus what reason would there be to do that - hide a twin, lie about whose twin one is, give away a twin or a child - when nobody had an inkling of how big they would become, especially one particular son.

    Even if that 'theory' would be true, what puzzles me is "why?" We haven't seen Michael Jackson's birth certificate, but I doubt it had "King of Pop" written on it. Besides, if Joe had "planned" their success ahead, then wouldn't twin superstars be more of a sensation than one?
  • sunburstsunburst Posts: 85
    Even if that 'theory' would be true, what puzzles me is "why?" We haven't seen Michael Jackson's birth certificate, but I doubt it had "King of Pop" written on it. Besides, if Joe had "planned" their success ahead, then wouldn't twin superstars be more of a sensation than one?

    i guess we can't find any logical reason simply because Michael didn't have a twin. i can believe Michael doubles, but not twins.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I think Michael has a twin and no one is saying anyone was kept in a basement or hid away. I think they were swapped in and out all these years but something still is out of place with Marlon....something just does not quite fit, age wise, looks wise as well. Marlon changed drastically over the years from childhood to the Jacksons TV show especially. He was the spitting image of Michael and then whammo.....what on earth happened to his look during that TV show time. And no it's not just growing up, something changed dramatically about his face.
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    I think Michael has a twin and no one is saying anyone was kept in a basement or hid away. I think they were swapped in and out all these years but something still is out of place with Marlon....something just does not quite fit, age wise, looks wise as well. Marlon changed drastically over the years from childhood to the Jacksons TV show especially. He was the spitting image of Michael and then whammo.....what on earth happened to his look during that TV show time. And no it's not just growing up, something changed dramatically about his face.

    Just curious but do you have pictures to back this? I always thought Marlon and Michael looked different from one another but I'm open to what you have to say. And again, you guys could be right that it's a natural growth spurt or perhaps, there is more to it. You never know with the Jacksons. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    Who is it...
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Just wanted to add that I don't dismiss the possibility that Michael can be younger than his official age. This is very possible. It's just that photos can't really prove it. Some pictures can be misleading and as stated before the age difference when you're very young is easily noticeable because the body is growing and grows very fast in a short period.

    Regarding the twin theory I already said that I was skeptical. Again it's possible but there are important questions that come to mind.

    First the why ? Why would have the family hide this twin ? I have turned the question upside down and really I can't see why. Because they must have done it very soon, to not say at the birth of the baby...so if they did it, it is certainly not to make him a kind of second MJ as Michael was born the same day. Unless they consulted a fortune teller and believed him/her... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Then let's imagine that there's a twin. The Jackson 5 were famous very soon and a twin would have been detected sooner or later so I really wonder on the how. Unless they gave it to someone of the family to take care of him. Then again I stumble across the why.
    Maybe someone has more answers but for the moment the twin theory is strange for me. I rather think about doubles, and maybe a very good one that can even mislead the fans.

    I also wondered why would Michael have kept his official age secret and from when ? If he is really born in 1960 it would mean that he will be 50 in a few days. Died at 50 resurrected at 50. Makes sense, when you die you don't grow old anymore !
    So it could mean that Michael calculated this detail too for the hoax... if it happens to be true then woah ! I would be stuned.
  • I think guessing people's ages from a photograph is highly unreliable, especially when it comes to children. I'm 18, but my body shape is that of a pre-teen girl (I don't think I have to explain to you how small my chest is and how I don't have hips).

    Addressing those 'hidden in the basement' stories - Jacksons were a poor family (more kids = more help around the house), hiding a child takes space and resources.

    plus what reason would there be to do that - hide a twin, lie about whose twin one is, give away a twin or a child - when nobody had an inkling of how big they would become, especially one particular son.

    I agree with you. I have spoken about it on an another thread. Michael does not have no twin..
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    Could it be that Katherine couldnt handle it if there was another twin born.
    She just lost a son the year before.
    Maybe if there was a twin brother he was given away to family?
    Where is Joe jackson brother and his family?
    Anyone pictures of that family?
    I never found one on the internet.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    well i think she is the sort of lady would be able to cope with twins I cant see her giving one away really just my thoughts
  • roxy101roxy101 Posts: 143
    I think guessing people's ages from a photograph is highly unreliable, especially when it comes to children. I'm 18, but my body shape is that of a pre-teen girl (I don't think I have to explain to you how small my chest is and how I don't have hips).

    Addressing those 'hidden in the basement' stories - Jacksons were a poor family (more kids = more help around the house), hiding a child takes space and resources.

    Exactly. I'm almost eighteen and people still always assume that I'm twelve or thirteen years old :/. So its hard to tell. I don't see the point in there being a big secret like this.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Could it be that Katherine couldnt handle it if there was another twin born.
    She just lost a son the year before.
    Maybe if there was a twin brother he was given away to family?
    Where is Joe jackson brother and his family?
    Anyone pictures of that family?
    I never found one on the internet.

    Depends on people. Some mothers find comfort in a new born after the death of the previous baby and it's not like Katherine stopped to have children at all. I don't think she's the kind of woman to give her child away, she seems to be a strong woman with strong principles, but this is just my opinion and the opinion I have about her, so it's very subjective.

    Now the twin theory has been brought here because it would explain the perfect double that would have been shown to us very early to replace the real Michael Jackson...it doesn't explain this part of the question seen from this perspective.

    Also regarding my post above I said that Michael would be 50 in a few days but I realize that he was not necessarily born in August... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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