NeverWonderLand 2010

ForTheTruthForTheTruth Posts: 122
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation

I was watching the news this morning and some the dancers from the play were doing some of Michael's dance moves.

At 0:10 the clock is pointing at 7:00 , peter pan is wearing a Fedora <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->.

"NeverWonderLand is an original story inspired by Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan, and acts as a prequel that fuses both classics. Re-imagining two of the 19th century’s most beloved tales, NeverWonderLand wrestles with intersections of time and place, fantasy and reality, and childhood and adulthood. The story fuses two iconic visions of youthful exploration and adolescent fear as Peter and Alice search for a place in their lives somewhere between their imagination and their reality. Set at the height of Industrial Revolution-era England, the story deconstructs and rebuilds the borderland at which Neverland and Wonderland confront the world we know."

"Boom Kat fuses two iconic visions of youthful exploration and adolescent fear as Peter and Alice, brother and sister. Search for a place in their lives some where between imagination and reality"

"Second star to the right and straight down the rabbit hole."

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  • Aaron Needham was of the dancer's on the news this morning.
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    Similar to the Criss Angel skull?
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    when i read this I thought of
    (threatened lyrics)
  • MJ212MJ212 Posts: 29
    The "ect" logo on the bottom left resembles mj's shoes with the lines behind them for i believe the moonwalker movie?not sure but I'm sure u know what I'm talking about
  • dejavudejavu Posts: 330
    The "ect" logo on the bottom left resembles mj's shoes with the lines behind them for i believe the moonwalker movie?not sure but I'm sure u know what I'm talking about

  • elocin_mjelocin_mj Posts: 147
    gave me goosebumps
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Well, well well...isn't this wonderful....Love the name, and love the picture.

    This seems like a combination of all things related to the Michael Jackson Hoax.....

    I smell a clue here.. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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