TIAI August 20



  • cawobethcawobeth Posts: 135
    Having clicked today; 8-25 and this says 8-20, I wonder why the timing is dbly off here.
    My prayers today are with Michael, being that this marks 14 months today since that awful
    and screwy day.

    Elvis ? whatever...I read much of his 1/2-sister's site & say whatever to that also.
    Personally, I haven't had time to consider much relation btwn MJ & ELvis. My focus has been on Michael; as I continue to work to clear his name & attempt to unite fans; beLIEvers & non alike. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    I pray that Michael's need for privacy is respected now & upon his return, whenever that
    may be. AND I pray for more empathy, respect & patience for him. as I also pray for Prince, Paris, Blanket, Mrs.Jackson & the rest of his family & close ones.
    God's speed to Michael...
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    If Elvis had more kids..and because of his fame, and loss of fans, people were not supposed to know...
    Perhaps Michael found out the truth.
    Dont forget that managers (like colonel Parker and perhaps Joe Jackson) have great powers...specially for hiding events, facts etc that can hurt and damage the money machine.
    And if there where kids born before a marriage, that really would hurt the Elvis nice boy image.
    Sex before a wedding....that's not possible <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    And surely not Elvis...he would never do that!
    Sure...if you want to believe that story.
    Money makes the world go round and paying a few bucks to a family with a baby is peanuts.
    I never believed that Elvis had only 1 kid and that one was born exactly 9 months to date after the wedding with Priscilla.
    That's impossible!
    That must have been a set-up making Elvis the perfect husband.
    Sorry Elvis if I am wrong.
    And it would be a shame if the Jackson family did the same thing to their kids.
    It's all for the money!

    TCB...Elvis didn't take care of his business...Parker did....and Pricilla (Scientology) took over....
  • OK.

    So this was depressing.
    So maybe i am wrong, but I understand from this that Elvis is dead.
    Who wrote the post said the police representative saw his body.

    What I see is the connection between Michael's case and Elvis' case.
    Michael's "death" is like a copy of Elvis' death. Cocktail of drugs, Demerol, insomnia.

    This resemblance is too accurate. Like it was planned to be exactly the same.

    Even the date of death, Elvis on August 16 1977 (three 7s), Michael on June 25th with memorial on 07.07.2010 (three 7s again)....resembles too much to be just another coincidence.

    like michael is telling his story. starting with what we were told and i imagine ending with revelations of the true story. the end results should go a long way to repair both reputations and wake people up to how long the media and others have been feeding us bull.

    little church song from a while back: i went to the enimies camp and i took back what he stole from me. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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