Michael Jackson and Rooney similarities? Possible Clues?

ForTheTruthForTheTruth Posts: 122
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I thought this was a interesting observation.


3:17 maybe represents green man?

Here is the whole Rooney video.



  • This is really interesting to think about - thank you for sharing. I know that we can probably find clues under every rock if we tried but sometimes there are too many clues connected to just ignore. The cardboard cutouts in Uri's window has been bugging me for a long time. Maybe there is a connection...
  • Although it´s interesting, I´m not sure if I see a connection in there.
    If we tried, we could make almost anything fit into it and connect it to the hoax..
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
    Not to be mean but every single one of those 'similarities' is so vague it's almost ridiculous.
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