MJ's brothers reveal ways they discovered he was dead.

Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
<!-- m -->http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/200 ... -21886551/<!-- m -->

Michael Jackson's brothers have revealed how they heard about the singer's death last June.

Jermaine, Tito, Jackie and Marlon said they all knew Michael was dead before their parents got in touch.

Jackie revealed yesterday that he was shopping when someone walking past said: "Michael Jackson died."

He said: "I walked outside and I got a phone call from my mum - she told me that it was true."

Meanwhile Jermaine told a TV talk show: "I found out from CNN."

And Marlon said: "I got a phone call from a friend who said, 'Is your brother all right?' I said, 'What are you talking about?' "As I was calling my brothers, calling my mum, my daughter downstairs said, 'Dad, Uncle Michael is dead.' It was unbelievable."

The brothers recalled the emotional moment as they announced a Jackson 5 tour next year.


  • larablarab Posts: 323
    I thought Jackie said he saw it on a TV while shopping..
  • mjgirl86mjgirl86 Posts: 316
    Not sure how I feel about this.. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Didnt Tito say that Janet phoned him and told him the news... if so, why didnt she ring the other brothers or why didnt they ring each other?
    Why one of the brothers hear from a shopper??? Wierd.... seems that they are lying, or that they are a very dysfunctional family who dont talk to each other.
  • In anoher article by Sun (yeah, the Sun... however they quote Jermaine) it is discussed how he said the last goodbye... Several things stood out for me...
    HEARTBROKEN Jermaine Jackson has told how he clung to his dead brother's hand, showered his face with kisses - and asked him: "Why did you go? What do you want me to do?"
    The 54-year-old former Jackson 5 star choked back tears as he described the moment he said goodbye to his late brother Michael at his hospital bedside.
    Less than two weeks before his sudden death Michael was in good spirits at a family party thrown by Jermaine and sister Janet for their mum Katherine and dad Joe. As Michael left the Hollywood restaurant, his last words to the family were: "See you at the O2" - the venue for his string of 50 London concerts which had been due to begin this month.
    But on June 25 Jermaine received a call telling him 50-year-old Michael had been rushed to hospital. And less than an hour later his mum Katherine, 79, broke the tragic news that the star was dead.
    Jermaine rushed to the UCLA Medical Centre to hold his beloved brother for one final time. And he revealed yesterday: "On the day we got the news, my wife and I were on the other side of the city doing some business and my wife's phone rang.
    "It was a journalist saying, 'Do you know anything about your brother Michael being rushed to hospital?' I just said 'No'.
    "I immediately called my mother and she said she was on her way to hospital but hadn't got there yet.
    "Around 45 minutes went by and during that time Janet called me because she'd heard about it. Then an attorney of mine called. He just said, 'It's pretty bad'.
    "That's when I called my mother back and she just said, 'He's dead'. I'll never forget the tone of her voice - I've never heard that tone before. It was just awful. I just broke down in tears.
    "My wife and I rushed across town. I got there as fast as I could. I was an hour away but got there really quickly.
    "We had to take so many freeways and as we got closer to the UCLA we saw all the helicopters in the sky and the streets were all blocked off - that's how we knew he was there.
    "The security let us through and, once I got inside, I went to the emergency part. My mother and my cousin were there, and the doctor.
    "I went straight to my mother first. I caressed her and held her - and then I wanted to see Michael.
    "It was so tough for me to see him lifeless and breathless - just lying there. So I went inside and I just held his hand, kissed him a lot and cried.
    "We believe as Muslims that his spirit is very much with us, he is very much alive. It was just the body, just a shell. That helped me a lot.
    "Then it hit me. Being his brother and the union we have shared as the Jackson 5 for so many years. It hit me I had lost my brother and what we had all fought for - the unity.
    "I just said, 'Michael, what do you want me to do? Michael, I love you and I miss you so much. Why did you go'?
    "I told him, 'We will keep the legacy going. We will keep it dignified as you kept it. We will be a strong family and we won't let this be a situation which is the beginning of a breakdown of the family'. I found myself talking to him in the sky. It's a strange thing but I feel he's everywhere. His message is so powerful - and what he stood for. I feel that he hears me. I'm not expecting an answer back from him, but I feel that he hears me. It gets emotional, but I really feel that he's all around."
    Jermaine was forced to say a premature goodbye to his brother less than two weeks after their final meeting - a happy family scene in a Hollywood restaurant. And Jermaine revealed: "I had seen him before the rehearsals, when my sister Janet and I planned a surprise party for my mother and father. They walked in and everyone was there. We had food and gathered together and Michael was there with his children and he looked good.
    "He's always been thin so that didn't surprise me, but he was so excited about performing at the O2. Michael looked happy and was talking to everyone. The next generation of Jacksons were having their pictures taken with him.
    "Of course all the kids migrate to him, saying, 'Michael, Michael'. He was sitting across from our brother Jackie and his wife and, when it was time to go, he said: 'See you guys at the O2'. That was the last time I saw him. I remember singing a song with him and making harmonies. I told him what a great job he did singing it and he said, 'That means a lot to me coming from you'.
    "Then a week and a half later we got a call and he had gone."
    Jermaine also revealed his guitarist son Jeremy had been due to join Michael on stage for his London comeback shows. The 22-year-old was invited to join the extravaganza weeks before Michael died. Jermaine said: "Michael was always looking to do something different, something bigger.
    "He even told my son Jeremy that he wanted him to perform with him. And then there was a note they found in his house that said, 'Jeremy's going to come on stage and play guitar'.
    Jeremy has it and is treasuring it." Jermaine insisted his brother was raring to go for his UK concerts. He said: "It was all in England which he loves, there was a huge castle set up for him. The night before he died he was hugging the musicians and laughing and saying, 'Let's do this'. He knew he could do this."
    Jermaine added: "They were bringing 3D to the stage for the first time with Earth Song and Thriller and all these things jumping out at you. New arrangements, amazing stuff. I feel for all his fans in the UK because I'm a fan.
    "I just wish I would have seen that show because I know he was ready and he knew he was ready too."
    <!-- m -->http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/ne ... medic.html<!-- m -->

    First of all, I thought Janet said in her interview that the last time she saw Michael was two days before her birthday (which is on May 17 or around that). Here Jermaine said they were all together less than two weeks before Michael's 'passing' (which means somewhere in the begining of June). He and Janet arranged the party. Michal was there...

    Secondly, isn't it a little odd to say to your brother who has JUST passed 'I miss you' and 'We'll keep our legacy'.... oh maybe i'm wrong here, it just reminds me of a theater scene, i can't imagine the possibility of being so clear-minded at such a moment!

    Thirdly, he mentions they were taking pictures of second generation Jacksons and MJ at the party... it is very strange that we haven't seen them yet. I mean those second generations Jacksons posted a video of them in a hotel recently, plus we've seen so many photos leaked already... why not these, TMZ's bad?

    Finally, Jermaine mentions his guitarist son was supposed to perform with Michael in London. Was he to change with Orianti for some shows or some songs? Why didn't he attend any rehearsal, or did he?

    But what bothers me most is the discrepancy in stories about MJ's exctement/reluctance towards the coming shows as well as his condition. I mean why the stories are so diametrically opposite? Sometimes i feel almost as if they want to make sure everyone believes he REALLY wanted it... But if he didn't, wouldn't the family know about it for sure since they met so recently to June 25? Wouldn't they notice if he was indeed in bad health and just grab him by hands and feet and bring him to some safe location and take GOOD care of him?? Because some of the latest pictured were truly concerning <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • NathaliaNathalia Posts: 340
    But what bothers me most is the discrepancy in stories about MJ's exctement/reluctance towards the coming shows as well as his condition. I mean why the stories are so diametrically opposite? Sometimes i feel almost as if they want to make sure everyone believes he REALLY wanted it... But if he didn't, wouldn't the family know about it for sure since they met so recently to June 25? Wouldn't they notice if he was indeed in bad health and just grab him by hands and feet and bring him to some safe location and take GOOD care of him?? Because some of the latest pictured were truly concerning <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    For all we know, maybe they did whisk Michael away <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    that would explain their "good spirits" at the memorial, and their inability to get a story established that offers at least some uniformity.
  • The thing that bothers me is that every one who is so called "inclusive" fail to realize that Michael's fans kept up with him, intimately, and we seem to know more about Michael's wants and his fears and his passions than most of them did. To put it blunty, MICHAEL JACKSON DID NOT WANT TO RETURN TO TOURING. HE DID NOT AGREE TO DO 50 SHOWS. HE RELUCTANTLY AGREED TO DO 10. THE OTHER 40 WERE FORCED ON HIM. They can doll it up and put daisies and lilies all around it and the truth will still prevail. They just did not spend enough time with Michael to know anything about his life or what he was going through living it. And that is truly a shame <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • For all we know, maybe they did whisk Michael away <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    that would explain their "good spirits" at the memorial, and their inability to get a story established that offers at least some uniformity.

    I want to think so too, but something tells me they wouldn't be so happy and carefree knowing he's alive but still in danger of any sort (health, threats, you name it), going through rehab and will probably be facing incredible legal and other difficulties to return to a normal AND public life afterwards.
    The thing that bothers me is that every one who is so called "inclusive" fail to realize that Michael's fans kept up with him, intimately, and we seem to know more about Michael's wants and his fears and his passions than most of them did. To put it blunty, MICHAEL JACKSON DID NOT WANT TO RETURN TO TOURING. HE DID NOT AGREE TO DO 50 SHOWS. HE RELUCTANTLY AGREED TO DO 10. THE OTHER 40 WERE FORCED ON HIM. They can doll it up and put daisies and lilies all around it and the truth will still prevail. They just did not spend enough time with Michael to know anything about his life or what he was going through living it. And that is truly a shame

    I'm scared to think in this direction, because that could mean they wouldn't have to fake grief for totally different reasons than we expect them to...

    Check out this article, guys. It's not about family, but the estate and the last prhase hit me below the belt... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> Seems like at least one party (Colony Capital) is more than happy with the situation:

    ”The sad irony is that the estate will likely be run in a very profitable way from here forward,” Mr. Peck told the news service. ”There’s not the X-factor of somebody going out doing crazy things.”
    <!-- m -->http://dealbook.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/ ... l-jackson/<!-- m -->

    For f... sake, that was HIS money that he earned through years of hard work! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • There are many, many discrepencies going on here. The story keeps changing.
    So in the Sun article, Jermaine is quoted as saying he was told in a phone call and not from CNN!

    They saw him two weeks beforehand and MJ was in "good spirits" and not ill.... yet if its true he did die from drugs, they SHOULD have noticed he was off.... and barrakaded him in to this party and not left his side... havent loads of other family said they couldnt get near MJ because of his security and he closed people off???????

    Also.. Jermaine has made me laugh here... saying there was a "castle" set up for MJ in England. I live in the UK and there are no habitual castles in London. lmao <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • There are many, many discrepencies going on here. The story keeps changing.
    So in the Sun article, Jermaine is quoted as saying he was told in a phone call and not from CNN!

    They saw him two weeks beforehand and MJ was in "good spirits" and not ill.... yet if its true he did die from drugs, they SHOULD have noticed he was off.... and barrakaded him in to this party and not left his side... havent loads of other family said they couldnt get near MJ because of his security and he closed people off???????

    Also.. Jermaine has made me laugh here... saying there was a "castle" set up for MJ in England. I live in the UK and there are no habitual castles in London. lmao <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Perhaps he was confusing the 02 concerts with the short film Ghosts <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> He is such a dork.
  • the family needs to get their stories straight... i love this website everybodys nicee....."&&
  • stephsteph Posts: 177
    If you are going to lie you have to have a good memory,which none of the family seem to have.The stories just keep changing with the weather.
  • Janet stated in her TV interview with Robin on ABC that she was in NEW YORK when she heard the news, but in her Bazaar-interview she said that she was on the set of her movie in Atlanta. But I remember the day after MJ ''died'' and everyone believed she was in London. So where was she?
    ABC INTERVIEW ON TV: Janet also recounts June 25 -- the day Michael died -- saying, "I was at my house in New York. You know, another day. Another morning. And I get a call ... [my assistant] said, 'Your brother's been taken to the hospital. It's on CNN right now. I called everyone's. There's a line busy or -- someone wasn't picking up. I spoke to mother. I spoke to Tito. I spoke to my nephew Austin. I spoke to my sister La Toya."

    Janet added, "I told them to call me when they got to the hospital. And I remember thinking nobody's calling me back, so I tried calling again, and that's how I found out that he was no longer ... I couldn't believe it."

    "It just didn't ring true to me. It felt like a dream. It's still so difficult for me to believe. It's, you know, you have to accept what is. But it's hard. You have to move on with your life. You have to accept what is and I understand that."

    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Rolleyes. She dosnt even use the words ''died'' or ''dead'' or ''passed away'' or ''gone''.

    Here is her other version of the day...
    FROM HARPERS BAZAAR MAGASINE INTERVIEW: Janet left soon after to start work on Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married Too. She was on set in Atlanta when she got the call that Michael had died. She immediately returned to L.A., plunging headlong into a private family grief served up to a ravenous public.

    Rolleyes again. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> I guess the saying ''I remember the day like it happened yesterday'' does not imply for the Jackson family.
  • It's weird because they said no just one but maybe two or three different ways of how they found out.How can u not remember exactly how you find out about something like this ?
  • while i realize that michael being who is is everyone would want that scoop. when you have a situation when something of this nature happens with your local tom, dick or harry they hold certain info until the family is notified. again i know this is not tom, dick or harry but there must be some legal reason why they have to do that. so if they didn't who gave the go ahead? or did anyone give the go ahead ?
  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    Secondly, isn't it a little odd to say to your brother who has JUST passed 'I miss you' and 'We'll keep our legacy'.... oh maybe i'm wrong here, it just reminds me of a theater scene, i can't imagine the possibility of being so clear-minded at such a moment!

    Absolutely! Like Janet saying "We miss him so much" at the BET Awards... It's comical. His body is not even cold yet, there were periods when you didn't see Michael in over a year, but if he's gone for three days, you "miss" him so much and that's all you can think of? LOL!

    And, yup, keeping his legacy alive, that's what each and everyone of us would worry about right after our brother died. His legacy is all that matters. That's why Jermaine had to say that HIS BROTHER, THE LEGENDARY KING OF POP, died, what loving and personal words coming from a brother.

    Garrrgh, sometimes I really... and I feel bad because of it, I don't want it... sometimes I really hate the Jackson family. Nothing about them seems authentic, I wouldn't trust any of them, since we know, Michael didn't seem to trust most of them either. And he must've had his reasons, I believe. If this is a hoax, I don't know how many of them are involved in it, if any of them. Katherine would have to be, I guess, but the rest... ? It's just that the possibility of Michael being dead has me so disgusted about the behaviour of this family, I can't help but hate them sometimes.
  • mopey3655mopey3655 Posts: 210
    I remember watching the interview with Janet and Tyler Perry talking about the movie and when Janet got the news about Michael and Tyler confirmed that she was filming at the time she got the news and they were there for her helping her cope with her grief. So please someone tell me where these people actually were at the time and exactly who told them because they don't seem to know or remember for that matter. My father died 17 years ago and I can remember every single waking moment leading up to his death where I was, what I was doing etc. So how in the world could you forget something like that and in such a very short time. there is no disrespect to the family, not at all but come clean or at least if you have to bend the truth somewhat make it a little believable.
  • yeah...i remember that too. first i heard that janet was in atlanta when she got the news..then i heard her say it was in NewYork and i just figured that i'd heard wrong the first time. but since others have pointed this out..now i know that i actually heard right..the first time. i grow tired of all the different stories <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
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