Question concerning Contracts to Secrecy

hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I have been tossing and turning not able to get to sleep and this question keeps churning in my head. so since I'm still very much awake I thought I would ask it of the people who are still up like me. Maybe you can help me out.

Would it be more likely that the people who are and/or were involved in Michael's life on any level, family, business, friends, etc. would be sworn to secrecy if he were killed or if he hoaxed his death? Please explain the scenarios if you will. It just seems unreasonable and almost impossible that nobody has leaked anything. It seems the secrets are under lock and key or national security. At some point, something leaks. But with this nothing. It just seems very odd.

If he were deceased just from Dr. Murray administering profofol, I don't see any reason for these contracts. On the other hand if there is or was a conspiracy that resulted in his death I can understand it. It could hamper the investigation. The latter being if he hoaxed because of terroristic threats and there are dangers in speaking out. I don't know I just can't get it out of my head. Because people are really abiding by it and that really concerns me.

What do you think?


  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    It's funny you post this......I had thought similar things earlier today. I had come to the conclusion that many people do, in fact, love and care for Michael. I think many people would protect him always.....hoax or not.
    I think Michael has many friends in the show-biz community. Anyone who has been on the receiving of nasty paparazzi reports, would sympathize with Michael. He was hunted, degraded and hounded by the paps.......all his life. If anyone deserves the respect of fellow entertainers, it's Michael. That respect may come in various forms....from silence to making headlines appear at certain times.
    Anyways, great thought train.........I know we will all have the answers, in Michael's time.

    Blessings Always!
  • I agree with that. But there seems to be a lack even of sentiment or sympathy. That is out of character to me to some extent. Here we are crying our hearts out and pressing on to find out what happened, but it seems no one close to him is even thinking about it. Isn't that unnatural? For this reason more than anything else, the whole thing points more towards a hoax, even more so than a conspiracy of murder. definitely not to a cut and dry conclusion that Murray made an ignorant decision. No one is getting involved. No one seems to care, well few at most. Life goes on. It feels icky. Not right. Know what I mean? Too many happy faces and happy songs and career moves in the family. Have you heard anything about lawyers filing any papers, etc. The hearing is Monday and not much movement at all if any. This makes me strongly believe that Michael is alive. No sadness except on Katherine's face and that could be from stress and age. I don't know. Guess no one really does. But it is baffling.
  • I know I'd better try to get to sleep. Long day tomorrow. Nite guys. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Oh, BTW, I noticed MSN (BOT) is one of the people in the room. Give them something good to report on <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

  • What makes me upset is that Murray, is vacationing in Florida, etc.. and they will do a reality show on him. My question is, how can a person who is the prime suspect, have the courage to go on vacation? I know if it were me, I wouldn't have gone any where. Only this makes me believe that he will go scott free,and it is a hoax. Isn't Murray, broke? I heard he is broke, now how can he afford going on vacation? I know If I were broke I wouldn't be able to go anywhere? Unless he is getting payed big bucks from Michael .. What do you guys think?
  • I agree with that. But there seems to be a lack even of sentiment or sympathy. That is out of character to me to some extent. Here we are crying our hearts out and pressing on to find out what happened, but it seems no one close to him is even thinking about it. Isn't that unnatural? For this reason more than anything else, the whole thing points more towards a hoax, even more so than a conspiracy of murder. definitely not to a cut and dry conclusion that Murray made an ignorant decision. No one is getting involved. No one seems to care, well few at most. Life goes on. It feels icky. Not right. Know what I mean? Too many happy faces and happy songs and career moves in the family. Have you heard anything about lawyers filing any papers, etc. The hearing is Monday and not much movement at all if any. This makes me strongly believe that Michael is alive. No sadness except on Katherine's face and that could be from stress and age. I don't know. Guess no one really does. But it is baffling.

    Excellent points . . . very much agree with you.
  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    I agree too...good posts and questions that have been keeping many of us up at night. It's so mind boggling to me that more of his close friends and family weren't bursting into tears when they were interviewed. I know I was and I wasn't even a fan before he died. Just the tragedy of it young, orphaned children, had endured so much, questionable death...all that and more made it tragic. I cried buckets just because the kids lost their father at such a young age so even if the family and friends cried a few tears for them it would have been expected. So why no tears??? It either was because he didn't die - which is tops on our list, or he died much earlier than June 25th and much of the grief had already been dealt with or as some sites say he didn't die but he is still recovering from whatever happened that day and so the "king of pop" is essentially dead. I tried to think back to some of the interviews and speeches at the memorial. John Landis got choked up, Kenny Ortega might have teared over... but no tears from any of the family except Blanket (which worries me) and his mom is out shopping at target the next day. I guess life does go on but for a few days or weeks or even months it's a human emotion that most people can barely function when they lose a loved one especially one that is taken too soon under suspect conditions and who has left behind 3 little children. It's one of the biggest reasons I started to believe in the hoax in the first place.
  • airiesladyairieslady Posts: 384
    Here's my feelings on Contracts to Secrecy... YES, definitely!
    I will sum it up with the play on word "Wrap.. Rap.. then Wrap"

    Family, friends, professional associates... "Wrapped" up tighter than a clam's ass..(do they have an ass?)

    Anyone "Rapping?" Especially the two biggest Rappers... Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton... now, this one especially is hard to "muzzle those two... only Joe Jackson is hard to catch with the muzzle... he is the only wild dog who's running loose at the moment.

    "It's A Wrap!"... when Michael says so!
    Only one question from me is ... How long was the contracts for? I say 2 yr contracts. Plenty of time to look around, unbutton some shirts, play with 'em, and when Michael is ready, he will produce the biggest event in the History.
  • I comletely agree with all of the above. The shear lack of emotions are very unsettling to me. I know when my dad passed away it took a long time before I could look at a picture of him or even think of him without breaking down. Here we have a young man of 50 with three small children who also just happens to be a superstar that supported his family and not even a trickle. Good Lord, LaToya cried more when she went to visit Bubbles. Personally, I don't get it. I don't believe they are that heartless so the only explanation for me is that nothing happened. It's all a script.

    As for Murray being out and about well I also have read that he is supposed to be broke. From the looks of it where he was vacationing wasn't too shabby so I agree that someone is footing the bill. Either that or he is actually very well off and this story we are being told about him is just that...a story. I still come to the conslusion that with so much anger against Murray from some of Michaels fans he would have to be in protective custody or something. Funny how the only people who seem to be around him is TMZ.

    Love and Blessings
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    I will tell you all what is unsettling to me. Didn't Geraldo not too long ago make a comment that the estate is/was paying some of the Jackson family members a certain amount of money to keep quiet? Quiet about what? Was he implying that the Jackson family members are somehow involved ? I dont get it. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • 2MuchMJLuv2MuchMJLuv Posts: 332
    I agree 100% with bits of all of the responses. TRUE die-hard Jackson fans could sense the hoax from the minute that his "death" was announced. Michael was estranged from his family for many years and money has almost always been a big part of their problems. It's obvious that he was backed into a corner with more than we could ever imagine and "death" was his only way out. He's much too religious and loved life too much to consider suicide, so I believe the hoax was his last resort--and actually a last for all of them. They need the money, and he couldn't pull it off without them. If there was a contract, I'm sure that they read and signed it faster than he could moonwalk.
    I will tell you all what is unsettling to me. Didn't Geraldo not too long ago make a comment that the estate is/was paying some of the Jackson family members a certain amount of money to keep quiet? Quiet about what? Was he implying that the Jackson family members are somehow involved ? I dont get it. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
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