Just a question

HollieHollie Posts: 119
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hey all! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
I was searching on the internet on my iPhone a few days ago, and I was just typing in random MJ related things, searching for images etc. I went on to images and I saw a reporter outside Neverland so I clicked the link and read the article that was provided on the webpage, it said that 1 day after the 'death' of MJ an exclusive tour of the Neverland ranch took place for a certain American news show with things about the 'death' of MJ. All the information it gave was limited but I thought this to be very interesting, and was just wondering if anyone of you had heard about this.
Im just trying to find the link at the moment and will post it as soon as I find it..
Thanks <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->


  • I never heard of that. Like I said on the other threads everyday there is something new we hear about Michael Jackson. Is it true? I have no clue. I take some and leave some, media is full of lies.
  • DancerDancer Posts: 1,225
    it said that 1 day after the 'death' of MJ an exclusive tour of the Neverland ranch took place
    Maybe this one? It's posted July 2nd, 2009, so maybe it is the video you're looking for?

    It's such a beautiful place - it would be wonderful if he's hiding there right now and "showing a finger" to his enemies after the BAM.
  • did michael get all his stuff back? i didn't know that. so what was up in the julia auction? remember this year. they were selling michael's memorabilia. but it wasn't things from neverland right? like his paintings,clothes and other things right? if someone read this , please answer my question. thank you
  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    I don't want to be negative but I really don't like anyone being in MJ's house but MJ and who he wanted there. He loved it so much and so see Matt Lauer in his kitchen really bugs me. It was a special house for special people and I feel like they all just bull moosed their way in to show it all empty of MJ's things. Again such an invasion of privacy even after he moved out. The only consolation for me is the hope that they realized after they got there that the only way to really feel the essence of Neverland was to be an invited guest who BELIEVED!
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