Michael Jackson Hoax - Even Martin Bashir?

SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Brilliant video and food for thought:


Thanks dejavu for pointing out that channel, it's great!

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."



  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Yes, I believe Michael had significantly more control over things that "happened" to him then we previously thought.
  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    This is a great channel, Thanks dejavu..
    This could be the 5 brothers enterprises,llc channel.. There's the same videos uploaded.
  • I'm speechless.

    Shakespeare said..."Life is a stage"...

    "You're happy because there are 7 lights on you..." wow!

    You know, Michael may not have trusted Bashir at all. He may have agreed to do the entire thing because he knew what would probably happen and knew that he could USE IT for the hoax. I don't mean he was wanting it to happen or planned for it to happen, he just knew it probably would because of the way the world is. It's almost like how God (if you believe in God) gives us tests all the time. He knows we will screw it up, but he gives us free will so that we can learn a lesson. Michael had been through so much crap with reporters that he knew it would happen again. So if it was going to happen anyway, and had already happened before, it would be a good opportunity for him so he could DOCUMENT this INJUSTICE, teaching everyone a lesson in the process.

    A good reason for him to have his OWN camera during the interviews... so he can prove what happened... so he can PROVE people will do ANYTHING for MONEY.

    This video is insanely good, by the way. I wish I had those editing skills! I get an interesting vibe when watching it, seems to be too good to be just anyone who made it. Hmm.

    Oh and what was the song that was written out? Surprisingly I don't think I've heard it before... Love it.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I'm speechless.

    Shakespeare said..."Life is a stage"...

    "You're happy because there are 7 lights on you..." wow!

    You know, Michael may not have trusted Bashir at all. He may have agreed to do the entire thing because he knew what would probably happen and knew that he could USE IT for the hoax. I don't mean he was wanting it to happen or planned for it to happen, he just knew it probably would because of the way the world is. It's almost like how God (if you believe in God) gives us tests all the time. He knows we will screw it up, but he gives us free will so that we can learn a lesson. Michael had been through so much crap with reporters that he knew it would happen again. So if it was going to happen anyway, and had already happened before, it would be a good opportunity for him so he could DOCUMENT this INJUSTICE, teaching everyone a lesson in the process.

    A good reason for him to have his OWN camera during the interviews... so he can prove what happened... so he can PROVE people will do ANYTHING for MONEY.

    This video is insanely good, by the way. I wish I had those editing skills! I get an interesting vibe when watching it, seems to be too good to be just anyone who made it. Hmm.

    Oh and what was the song that was written out? Surprisingly I don't think I've heard it before... Love it.

    I get the same with those videos, they don't seem like just another hoax video.

    The songs are 2 Bad, Money and Is It Scary? Maybe more, but that is what I remember. From HIStory and Blood on the Dancefloor.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • This is a great channel, Thanks dejavu..
    This could be the 5 brothers enterprises,llc channel.. There's the same videos uploaded.

    Thanks for sharing this video. I was going to say the same thing as whisper. MyWhoisit has many of the videos that are on the 5 brothers enterprises, llc Facebook page...including my favorite "Even the Police?" (Not impossible). I believe they are the same people. All very professional and all excellent videos. Hmmm....
  • I'm speechless.

    Shakespeare said..."Life is a stage"...

    "You're happy because there are 7 lights on you..." wow!

    You know, Michael may not have trusted Bashir at all. He may have agreed to do the entire thing because he knew what would probably happen and knew that he could USE IT for the hoax. I don't mean he was wanting it to happen or planned for it to happen, he just knew it probably would because of the way the world is. It's almost like how God (if you believe in God) gives us tests all the time. He knows we will screw it up, but he gives us free will so that we can learn a lesson. Michael had been through so much crap with reporters that he knew it would happen again. So if it was going to happen anyway, and had already happened before, it would be a good opportunity for him so he could DOCUMENT this INJUSTICE, teaching everyone a lesson in the process.

    A good reason for him to have his OWN camera during the interviews... so he can prove what happened... so he can PROVE people will do ANYTHING for MONEY.

    This video is insanely good, by the way. I wish I had those editing skills! I get an interesting vibe when watching it, seems to be too good to be just anyone who made it. Hmm.

    Oh and what was the song that was written out? Surprisingly I don't think I've heard it before... Love it.

    I get the same with those videos, they don't seem like just another hoax video.

    The songs are 2 Bad, Money and Is It Scary? Maybe more, but that is what I remember. From HIStory and Blood on the Dancefloor.

    Thanks! Is It Scary is the one I didn't recognize. But I'm listening to it again now and it seems familiar from my childhood lol. I probably just never paid attention to the words, which I know now are SO much more important than the driving bass, sweet harmonies, and hip thrusting <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Souza, you should check out my post from yesterday "If I Die Young".. and listen to the song I posted. The lyrics of the song remind me so much of Michael, one part goes..."Funny when you're dead, people start listening"... So true.
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    thank you so much for sharing this.

    whoever put together this video did an absolutely fantastic job and deserves much praise. when i first saw "living with martin bashir" as the introduction, i was horrified. LIVING with martin bashir? talk about a prison. then the showdown that ensued after with bashir looking the like the complete idiotic ass that he is and michael being bored with bashir's useless probing made me laugh so hard.

    however, it made me really sad reading the transcript from the court and bashir just ignoring the questions. he went into michael's HOME, showered him with praise when his camera wasn't on and then had the audacity to throw michael down and kick him repeatedly with his awful "documentary." and then when michael "died" bashir goes on his nightly program and just says michael is the best person ever. i mean, come ON. where was bashir when michael needed him? oh, he was tapping his fingers together and raking in the dough from his superiors who wanted to make michael look like a fool. but when michael BAMS, bashir will be crying all the way under his Nightline desk. calling himself a journalist is a complete slap in the face to true journalists, such as murrow, who actually gave a damn about truth and reality-not sensationalism and "success."

    michael was never a fool. he's been in this wacked out game long enough to know the curve balls (bashir) being thrown at him. the truth ALWAYS comes out.
  • Yes, I believe Michael had significantly more control over things that "happened" to him then we previously thought.

    So interesting to see this thread. Only 5 mins. ago did I finish watching Michael Jackson: the Untold Story of Neverland by Larry Nimmer. And, as I watched a few of the Bashir outtakes, it was something about it that gave me the thought that Michael was very aware of every moment of that interview. I dimissed this thought thinking it was far-fetched and then I read this. Hmmm.
  • Yes, I believe Michael had significantly more control over things that "happened" to him then we previously thought.

    So interesting to see this thread. Only 5 mins. ago did I finish watching Michael Jackson: the Untold Story of Neverland by Larry Nimmer. And, as I watched a few of the Bashir outtakes, it was something about it that made me think Michael was very aware of every moment of that interview and totally in control. I dismissed this thought thinking it was far-fetched and then I read this.

    The video is brilliant. Flawlessly edited. "The End of Bashir" Wow. That's saying alot.
    Looks like he doesn't know what hit him. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I'm remembering SevenLastWords video flashing a picture of Bashir. Something's about to happen there and as we watch Murray this week, we should keep our eye on Bashir too.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    I'm really not so sure...The Martin Bashir documentary practically brought the allegations of molestation back into daylight and I don't understand why would Michael willingly do it? He had an album coming out, why would he choose to face a potential future in prison instead?

    I think he could have been in control of the interview, but he had no control over the finishing product and the editing.

    Maybe they were both trying to outsmart each other? In one of the outtakes Bashir whispers with the rest of the crew: "oh they're gonna love it" and then MJ looks puzzled, asking what and MB says nearly stuttering something to effect of "your life". I kind of felt for Michael when I saw that, it was clear that something was up.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
  • 2MuchMJLuv2MuchMJLuv Posts: 332
    Wow!!! I wonder who made this. It's excellent. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I'm really not so sure...The Martin Bashir documentary practically brought the allegations of molestation back into daylight and I don't understand why would Michael willingly do it? He had an album coming out, why would he choose to face a potential future in prison instead?

    I think he could have been in control of the interview, but he had no control over the finishing product and the editing.

    Maybe they were both trying to outsmart each other? In one of the outtakes Bashir whispers with the rest of the crew: "oh they're gonna love it" and then MJ looks puzzled, asking what and MB says nearly stuttering something to effect of "your life". I kind of felt for Michael when I saw that, it was clear that something was up.

    First, why would he be scared of going to prison for something that never happened? The evidence provided by the prosecution was falsified...MADE UP! If a person is innocent, and they KNOW there is literally NO evidence available to be convicted, then they naturally wouldn't and SHOULDN'T HAVE TO conduct themselves any other way. If Michael would have quit living lifestyle he wanted to live just to appease those who thought he was guilty, he would ONLY be giving in to that false judgement and in turn, appearing guility.

    Also, regarding the Bashir interview, remember Michael had his own camera man on set with him. Why? So that he would have proof of the TRUTH of what went on during the interview. That way, if editing was done to make him appear guilty, he would be able to provide proof that it was all in the editing and that people will do anything for money.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I'm really not so sure...The Martin Bashir documentary practically brought the allegations of molestation back into daylight and I don't understand why would Michael willingly do it? He had an album coming out, why would he choose to face a potential future in prison instead?

    I think he could have been in control of the interview, but he had no control over the finishing product and the editing.

    Maybe they were both trying to outsmart each other? In one of the outtakes Bashir whispers with the rest of the crew: "oh they're gonna love it" and then MJ looks puzzled, asking what and MB says nearly stuttering something to effect of "your life". I kind of felt for Michael when I saw that, it was clear that something was up.

    First, why would he be scared of going to prison for something that never happened? The evidence provided by the prosecution was falsified...MADE UP! If a person is innocent, and they KNOW there is literally NO evidence available to be convicted, then they naturally wouldn't and SHOULDN'T HAVE TO conduct themselves any other way. If Michael would have quit living lifestyle he wanted to live just to appease those who thought he was guilty, he would ONLY be giving in to that false judgement and in turn, appearing guility.

    Also, regarding the Bashir interview, remember Michael had his own camera man on set with him. Why? So that he would have proof of the TRUTH of what went on during the interview. That way, if editing was done to make him appear guilty, he would be able to provide proof that it was all in the editing and that people will do anything for money.

    Yes, Mike's own footage was shown in court as well. Batshit made a complete ass outta himself by not answering one single question. Have you read Aphrodite Jones' book?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I'm really not so sure...The Martin Bashir documentary practically brought the allegations of molestation back into daylight and I don't understand why would Michael willingly do it? He had an album coming out, why would he choose to face a potential future in prison instead?

    I think he could have been in control of the interview, but he had no control over the finishing product and the editing.

    Maybe they were both trying to outsmart each other? In one of the outtakes Bashir whispers with the rest of the crew: "oh they're gonna love it" and then MJ looks puzzled, asking what and MB says nearly stuttering something to effect of "your life". I kind of felt for Michael when I saw that, it was clear that something was up.

    First, why would he be scared of going to prison for something that never happened? The evidence provided by the prosecution was falsified...MADE UP! If a person is innocent, and they KNOW there is literally NO evidence available to be convicted, then they naturally wouldn't and SHOULDN'T HAVE TO conduct themselves any other way. If Michael would have quit living lifestyle he wanted to live just to appease those who thought he was guilty, he would ONLY be giving in to that false judgement and in turn, appearing guility.

    Also, regarding the Bashir interview, remember Michael had his own camera man on set with him. Why? So that he would have proof of the TRUTH of what went on during the interview. That way, if editing was done to make him appear guilty, he would be able to provide proof that it was all in the editing and that people will do anything for money.

    Yes, Mike's own footage was shown in court as well. Batshit made a complete ass outta himself by not answering one single question. Have you read Aphrodite Jones' book?

    I haven't read it yet, no. I read some exerpts online. I actually could not find the book anywhere in stores here. I should probably just order it online, would love to read it.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I'm really not so sure...The Martin Bashir documentary practically brought the allegations of molestation back into daylight and I don't understand why would Michael willingly do it? He had an album coming out, why would he choose to face a potential future in prison instead?

    I think he could have been in control of the interview, but he had no control over the finishing product and the editing.

    Maybe they were both trying to outsmart each other? In one of the outtakes Bashir whispers with the rest of the crew: "oh they're gonna love it" and then MJ looks puzzled, asking what and MB says nearly stuttering something to effect of "your life". I kind of felt for Michael when I saw that, it was clear that something was up.

    First, why would he be scared of going to prison for something that never happened? The evidence provided by the prosecution was falsified...MADE UP! If a person is innocent, and they KNOW there is literally NO evidence available to be convicted, then they naturally wouldn't and SHOULDN'T HAVE TO conduct themselves any other way. If Michael would have quit living lifestyle he wanted to live just to appease those who thought he was guilty, he would ONLY be giving in to that false judgement and in turn, appearing guility.

    Also, regarding the Bashir interview, remember Michael had his own camera man on set with him. Why? So that he would have proof of the TRUTH of what went on during the interview. That way, if editing was done to make him appear guilty, he would be able to provide proof that it was all in the editing and that people will do anything for money.

    Yes, Mike's own footage was shown in court as well. Batshit made a complete ass outta himself by not answering one single question. Have you read Aphrodite Jones' book?

    I haven't read it yet, no. I read some exerpts online. I actually could not find the book anywhere in stores here. I should probably just order it online, would love to read it.

    It's a must-read! Lots and lots of information in that book. You should really order it!

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    Love this video. Thanks for posting this. I think he has been on stage with 7 lights for quite some time now. I also wondered if MJ purposely acted that way because he knew Tom Sneddon was desperate trying to find another case on him so he got one handed to him. This way MJ can finally show his innocence in court and also show the negligence of Mr. Sneddon.
  • My opinion is that Michael toyed with Bashir in some of the answers he gave... I think he liked confounding people sometimes, or giving them exactly what they wanted - especially if he felt (at that point in time) that Bashir wasn't doing the interviewing in good faith. I see, for instance, a different attitude from MJ in his interviews with Geraldo Rivera, who clearly asked smart questions and wanted to portray him in a good light. I believe that MJ found some of Bashir's questions banal and couldn't be bothered to answer in a beautiful, elaborate way... I imagine that putting up with Bashir for months was annoying and exhausting.

    I don't, however, believe that MJ wanted the accusations of child molestation to start flying around, or that he wanted to bring about a trial. He went through HELL during the 2005 trial and virtually fought for his life! As one of you said, MJ didn't control the editing of the footage... and that's what did him in. (I read somewhere that MJ asked to see the edited tape before it was released and Bashir promised to show it to him, but ultimately didn't.)
  • Brilliant video, thanks for posting -too empathic if you know what I mean <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    'Conspiracy' seems to have been out of stock for ages! Been trying to get my hands on it for months <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> If anyone finds out where to get it from (not ebook or pdf) please let me know!
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Brilliant video, thanks for posting -too empathic if you know what I mean <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    'Conspiracy' seems to have been out of stock for ages! Been trying to get my hands on it for months <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> If anyone finds out where to get it from (not ebook or pdf) please let me know!

    For some reason I thought someone posted a link about the book.
  • Brilliant video, thanks for posting -too empathic if you know what I mean <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    'Conspiracy' seems to have been out of stock for ages! Been trying to get my hands on it for months <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> If anyone finds out where to get it from (not ebook or pdf) please let me know!

    For some reason I thought someone posted a link about the book.

    You mean in another thread?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Try to contact Aphrodite: <!-- m -->http://www.aphroditejones.com/<!-- m -->

    Updated version on the way, I wonder what she added.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Try to contact Aphrodite: <!-- m -->http://www.aphroditejones.com/<!-- m -->

    Updated version on the way, I wonder what she added.

    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Try to contact Aphrodite: <!-- m -->http://www.aphroditejones.com/<!-- m -->

    Updated version on the way, I wonder what she added.

    Thanks! Can't wait
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