Fake-Accounts? ALLJACK5ONS on Twitter?

BlondyBlondy Posts: 76
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hi guys,

What do you think about this?


<!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->


  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    ALLJACK5ONS was the brothers' twitter as a whole but then they all made their own & now Marlon uses ALLJACK5ONS as his own, he is in the process of changing the name to his OWN name.

  • The person who made this video made a few mistakes, and based his conclusions on "facts" which are not facts.

    First thing I noticed is that he uses the location of the official Michael Jackson website as "proof" of fake twitter accounts. The location to which you are redirected is based on your own IP address, not on the link provided by these Twitter accounts. When I click on a link to <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljackson.com<!-- m --> it automatically takes me to <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljackson.com/nl/home<!-- m --> because my IP address is Dutch. When I use an American proxy, it takes me to <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljackson.com/us/home<!-- m --> It has nothing to do with the location of the owner of the Twitter account. So, that's a big thing this investigator makes a mistake on.

    Next to that Blondy - the Twitter account of the Jacksons is ALLJACK5ONS, and not ALL_JACK5ONS. The tweets shown in this video were never tweeted by ALLJACK5ONS. The _ may seem a little thing, but it makes a big difference.

  • The person who made this video made a few mistakes, and based his conclusions on "facts" which are not facts.

    First thing I noticed is that he uses the location of the official Michael Jackson website as "proof" of fake twitter accounts. The location to which you are redirected is based on your own IP address, not on the link provided by these Twitter accounts. When I click on a link to <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljackson.com<!-- m --> it automatically takes me to <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljackson.com/nl/home<!-- m --> because my IP address is Dutch. When I use an American proxy, it takes me to <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljackson.com/us/home<!-- m --> It has nothing to do with the location of the owner of the Twitter account. So, that's a big thing this investigator makes a mistake on.

    Yes,it depends on your IP, it takes me to: <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljackson.com/it/home<!-- m -->
  • BlondyBlondy Posts: 76
    ALLJACK5ONS was the brothers' twitter as a whole but then they all made their own & now Marlon uses ALLJACK5ONS as his own, he is in the process of changing the name to his OWN name.

    Thank you teine21,

    that is what i already thought, but than i saw this vid....and as the TIAI redirekt came this mornig it reminds me about it.... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Next to that Blondy - the Twitter account of the Jacksons is ALLJACK5ONS, and not ALL_JACK5ONS. The tweets shown in this video were never tweeted by ALLJACK5ONS. The _ may seem a little thing, but it makes a big difference.

    Thnks Mo ,

    now i can sleep well this night!! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Hug and Love
    Blondy <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • vilte90vilte90 Posts: 148
    But do you really think one of them is real? The real MJ would never tell it's him, for what reason should he? I don't understand how people can believe in those fakes <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Of course, I'm not talking about the real ALLJACK5ONS acount <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Michael is a very intelligent man, he will not go on twitter and start saying he is MJ. Someone who fakes his death, will not come forward. For all we know he may be one of us here, but as an anonymous name, he will not show himself, that defeats the purpose of faking your death. You want to be hidden not show yourself that you are alive. This is all common sense. Love <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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